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Mod 6 Med terms

Ch. 10 Nervous System

-graphy Process of producing a picture or record
myelo spinal cord
cerebrum Largest and uppermost part of brain
cerebellum BELow cerebrum, 2nd largest part of brain, located at back of head.
meningitis Inflammation of the meninges of brain and spinal cord
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Mini-stroke caused by temporary interruption in blood supply to brain
aphasia Associated with stroke, inability to write, speak, or comprehend the written word.
poliomyelitis AKA - polio Highly contagious viral disease which can lead to paralysis
radiculitis AKA - pinched nerve
sciatica Inflammation of a sciatic nerve causing pain, burning, tingling down the affected side
hyperesthesia Abnormal and excessive sensitivity to touch, pain or other stimuli
myelography Radiographic study of the spinal cord using contrast, often after a lumbar puncture (LP)
anesthetic Medication used to induce anesthesia
neuroplasty Surgical repair of nerve(s)
acrophobia Excessive fear of heights
delusion false personal belief maintained despite obvious proof
syncope fainting, brief loss of consciousness (LOC)
psychotropic drug Acts primarily on CNS to affect mind, emotions and behavior
antipsychotic drug AKA - neuroleptic Treats symptoms of thinking and mood associated with neurological and psychiatric illness.
neurotomy surgical cutting of nerves
Created by: vanstellee
Popular Medical sets




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