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American History

junior year semester 1 final

FDR Franklin Delanor Roosevelt, elected 32, got the US out of Depression
John Steinbeck
Herbert Hoover president blamed for depression
Bonus Army
Mein Kampf book written by Hitler meaning My Struggle
Adolph Hitler (if you don’t know you’re stupid) caused WWII
Joe Louis American boxer beat Schmelling
Max Schmelling German boxer stood for German and Hitler
William McKinley president during Spanish
Teddy Roosevelt built Panama Canal, was a rough rider, participated in Spanish
Archduke Franx Ferdinand his assassination sparks WWI
Manfred von Richthoffen Red Baron, German, airplane pilot
Vlademir Lenin led Bolsheveks to rebel against Russia government, captured in Germany and shipped back
Count Alfred von Schlieffen 2
Prime Minister David Lloyd George British representative for Versailles
Premier Georges Clemenceau French representative for Versailles
Woodrow Wilson made a 14 point plan for World Peace, died before he could get the US on League of Nation
Victorio Orlando Italian representative at Versailles
Kaiser Wilhelm united German nations, built largest force in world
Thomas Edison invented light bulb
Marie and Piere Curie radiologists
JP Morgan bought Carnegie Steel from Carnegie
Ida Tarbell a famous muckraker
American Century century of industrialization, gilded age?
George Pullman invented luxury cars for trains and wanted quality work and workers, created nice town w/ too strict a lifestyle
Karl Landsteiner
Samuel Morse invented morse code and telegraph
Henry Ford invented assembly line, and first mass produced car, didn’t invent car, interchangeable parts
John Rockefeller owned Standard Oil, controlled 90% of US oil
Bill Gates modern entrepeauner, invented microsoft
Progressivism a movement around 1900 that tried to solve economic, social, and political problems
Luis Pasteur learned how to pasteurize dairy products and found microorganism (bacteria)
Wilhelm Roentgen
Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone
Wright Brothers invented airplanes
Virginia Company first American Corporation which America was founded on
Knights of Labor union made up of all working people regardless of job, led by Uriah Stephens & Terence Powderly, Goals: no child labor, 8 hour work days, and equal pay for men and women
Robert Koch handwashing dude
George Washington Carver
Andrew Carnegie owner of Carnegie steel, STEEL
Muckrakers journalists who investigate trusts with the intent of exposing corruption in business
Gilded Age a period characterized by great wealth, corruption, and inequality; coined by Mark Twain; abuse of power in government and business
Joseph Lister
Know terms
Primo genitor inheritance goes to the oldest son
Open range government owned grasslands leased to the ranchers
Indian Peace Commission decided to solve problems by “civilizing” Indians
General George Custer led 750 soldiers to wipe out the Sioux, got wiped out themselves
Crazy Horse led Sioux against Custer
Ghost Dance dancing ceremony done in hopes of white man returning to the East, was outlawed
Homestead Act of 1862 160 Acres of FREE land
Dry Land Farming part of a field that is left unplanted one year so that it can soak up and store moisture for next year’s crop
Morse code a system of communication using short codes representing letters of the alphabet
Dawes Act 1887 abolished most tribal organizations
Chief Joseph folded for Whites and wanted other Indians to do the same
Corporations group of businessmen who join together to form a larger business
Trust a small group of legally combined companies
Monopolizing using illegal tactics to control industries
Collective bargaining
Immigrant someone moving out of their home country to another
Pullman Strike interfered with mail so Fed. Troops went to break it up
Pinkertons private police who broke up strikes
Consumer goods things people buy for everyday use, how much for how little
Patent legal document to call what you made yours and sell it
Interchangeable parts parts mass produced to buy replacements
Shares parts of a business
PUC public utilities commission
Strikes workers not working because of work conditions
Great Railroad Strike workers tried to stop trains, got mowed down, public set fire to RR property, Feds were send in
Assembly line each worker adds a single part for the overall work
Capital money
Tycoon rich guy
Scabs people who replaced people on strike
Monopolies complete control over the production and price of a particular item
Ellis Island the place where immigrants came through to come into the country
Haymarket Strike Anarchists joined strike, bomb is thrown killing a police officer, 8 anarchists are tried for murder, 4 are hanged, 1 commits suicide, and 3 are pardoned
Entrepreneur someone who invents things
Mass Production Ford’s assembly line, something sold in bulk
Philanthropy giving away one’s money
Gilded covered in gold
Assimilation adapting to a change in surroundings
Homestead Strike Carnegie’s workers go on strike, Pinkertons break it up
Emilio Aguinaldo Filipino patriot led the US in revolt against Spain
Gavrilo Princip member of the Black Hand society who killed Franz Ferdinand
Black Hand Society a society aimed at uniting all Serbs, including the ones in Bosniea
Annex to take a country and add it their own
Imperialism establishing political or economic control over other countries “taking their resources and selling them our crap!”
Allies France, Great Britain, Russia, Belgium, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy
Central Powers Germany, Austria
Trench warfare battle strategy in which both sides attack from fortified ditches rather than on an open battle field
Poisonous gas sprayed through tubes, most common= mustard gas, Germany was the 1st to use it@ the Battle of Ypres
Mechanized warfare warfare that lies on machines powered by engine, not just manpower
Liberate to “free” countries not our own
Nationalism belief that national interests and national unity should be placed ahead of global cooperation
Big Bertha a 1st great cannon
Observation balloons helium balloons used to survey battle ground?
League of Nations a point of Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points that was supposed to keep peace, an international organization establishing a way for nations to discuss and settle problems without having to go to war
Yellow journalism sensational news coverage, emphasizing crime and scandal, pressured Spanish
Militarism the development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy
Zeppelin nitrogen filled airships similar to a blimp
Shell shock negative emotional and psychological effects on soldiers after experiencing battle
Guerilla warfare all
Alliance system the division of Europe into 2 armed, hostile camps
Stale mate neither side wins
Machine gun nest big gun on a tripod 600 rounds of ammunition/minute, super killing machine
Bear market bad market
Bull market good market
Black Tuesday Oct. 29, 1929 the bottom fell out of the market
Speculation buying stocks on the chance that you might get rich quick, ignoring the risk
Wealth tax act
Closing price
New deal term used to describe President FDR’s programs designed to combat the Great Depression
Dust bowl the region, extending from TX to ND, that was made worthless for farming by drought, over
Round lots
Red money
Fire side chats informal radio broadcasts from FDR to the American people, updating the them on the progress of the country and its economy
CCC Civilian Conservation Corps
Depression period when business slows down, little money is in circulation, and there is a high unemployment rate
Buying on margin paying a small amount of the stock price as a down payment and borrowing the rest
Broker the person that recommended you to invest them with them paying the rest of the “margin”
Sit down strike
Open lots
3 R’s relief, recovery, reform
Demagogues leaders who manipulate people with half
Father Coughlin “radio Priest” who supported and then attacked FDR’s New Deal
Huey Long political advocate for socialism in the US, assassinated in 1935
Lone Ranger popular children’s program
Gone with the Wind #1 film of the era about life aong the Southern plantation owners during the Civil War
Penny Auctions farm auctions during the GD at which neighbors saved each other’s property from foreclosure by bidding low
Bonus Army a group of WWI veterans and their families who protested in Washington D.C. in 1932 demanding immediate payment of a pension bonus
Popular U.S. History sets




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