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American History
junior year semester 1 final
Question | Answer |
FDR | Franklin Delanor Roosevelt, elected 32, got the US out of Depression |
Hindenburg | |
John Steinbeck | |
Herbert Hoover | president blamed for depression |
Bonus Army | |
Mein Kampf | book written by Hitler meaning My Struggle |
Adolph Hitler | (if you don’t know you’re stupid) caused WWII |
Joe Louis | American boxer beat Schmelling |
Max Schmelling | German boxer stood for German and Hitler |
William McKinley | president during Spanish |
Teddy Roosevelt | built Panama Canal, was a rough rider, participated in Spanish |
Archduke Franx Ferdinand | his assassination sparks WWI |
Manfred von Richthoffen | Red Baron, German, airplane pilot |
Vlademir Lenin | led Bolsheveks to rebel against Russia government, captured in Germany and shipped back |
Count Alfred von Schlieffen | 2 |
Prime Minister David Lloyd George | British representative for Versailles |
Premier Georges Clemenceau | French representative for Versailles |
Woodrow Wilson | made a 14 point plan for World Peace, died before he could get the US on League of Nation |
Victorio Orlando | Italian representative at Versailles |
Kaiser Wilhelm | united German nations, built largest force in world |
Thomas Edison | invented light bulb |
Marie and Piere Curie | radiologists |
JP Morgan | bought Carnegie Steel from Carnegie |
Ida Tarbell | a famous muckraker |
American Century | century of industrialization, gilded age? |
George Pullman | invented luxury cars for trains and wanted quality work and workers, created nice town w/ too strict a lifestyle |
Karl Landsteiner | |
Samuel Morse | invented morse code and telegraph |
Henry Ford | invented assembly line, and first mass produced car, didn’t invent car, interchangeable parts |
John Rockefeller | owned Standard Oil, controlled 90% of US oil |
Bill Gates | modern entrepeauner, invented microsoft |
Progressivism | a movement around 1900 that tried to solve economic, social, and political problems |
Luis Pasteur | learned how to pasteurize dairy products and found microorganism (bacteria) |
Wilhelm Roentgen | |
Alexander Graham Bell | invented telephone |
Wright Brothers | invented airplanes |
Virginia Company | first American Corporation which America was founded on |
Knights of Labor | union made up of all working people regardless of job, led by Uriah Stephens & Terence Powderly, Goals: no child labor, 8 hour work days, and equal pay for men and women |
Industrialization | |
Robert Koch | handwashing dude |
George Washington Carver | |
Andrew Carnegie | owner of Carnegie steel, STEEL |
Muckrakers | journalists who investigate trusts with the intent of exposing corruption in business |
Gilded Age | a period characterized by great wealth, corruption, and inequality; coined by Mark Twain; abuse of power in government and business |
Joseph Lister | |
Know terms | |
Primo genitor | inheritance goes to the oldest son |
Open range | government owned grasslands leased to the ranchers |
Indian Peace Commission | decided to solve problems by “civilizing” Indians |
General George Custer | led 750 soldiers to wipe out the Sioux, got wiped out themselves |
Crazy Horse | led Sioux against Custer |
Ghost Dance | dancing ceremony done in hopes of white man returning to the East, was outlawed |
Homestead Act of 1862 | 160 Acres of FREE land |
Dry Land Farming | part of a field that is left unplanted one year so that it can soak up and store moisture for next year’s crop |
Morse code | a system of communication using short codes representing letters of the alphabet |
Dawes Act 1887 | abolished most tribal organizations |
Chief Joseph | folded for Whites and wanted other Indians to do the same |
Ghetto | |
Machinist | |
Corporations | group of businessmen who join together to form a larger business |
Monopolies | |
Trust | a small group of legally combined companies |
Monopolizing | using illegal tactics to control industries |
Collective bargaining | |
Immigrant | someone moving out of their home country to another |
Pullman Strike | interfered with mail so Fed. Troops went to break it up |
Pinkertons | private police who broke up strikes |
Consumer goods | things people buy for everyday use, how much for how little |
Patent | legal document to call what you made yours and sell it |
Interchangeable parts | parts mass produced to buy replacements |
Shares | parts of a business |
PUC | public utilities commission |
Strikes | workers not working because of work conditions |
WOP | |
Great Railroad Strike | workers tried to stop trains, got mowed down, public set fire to RR property, Feds were send in |
Assembly line | each worker adds a single part for the overall work |
Capital | money |
Tycoon | rich guy |
Unions | |
Scabs | people who replaced people on strike |
Monopolies | complete control over the production and price of a particular item |
Ellis Island | the place where immigrants came through to come into the country |
Haymarket Strike | Anarchists joined strike, bomb is thrown killing a police officer, 8 anarchists are tried for murder, 4 are hanged, 1 commits suicide, and 3 are pardoned |
Entrepreneur | someone who invents things |
Mass Production | Ford’s assembly line, something sold in bulk |
AFL | |
Philanthropy | giving away one’s money |
Arbitration | |
Gilded | covered in gold |
Assimilation | adapting to a change in surroundings |
Homestead Strike | Carnegie’s workers go on strike, Pinkertons break it up |
Emilio Aguinaldo | Filipino patriot led the US in revolt against Spain |
Gavrilo Princip | member of the Black Hand society who killed Franz Ferdinand |
Black Hand Society | a society aimed at uniting all Serbs, including the ones in Bosniea |
Annex | to take a country and add it their own |
Imperialism | establishing political or economic control over other countries “taking their resources and selling them our crap!” |
Allies | France, Great Britain, Russia, Belgium, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy |
Central Powers | Germany, Austria |
Trench warfare | battle strategy in which both sides attack from fortified ditches rather than on an open battle field |
Poisonous gas | sprayed through tubes, most common= mustard gas, Germany was the 1st to use it@ the Battle of Ypres |
Mechanized warfare | warfare that lies on machines powered by engine, not just manpower |
Liberate | to “free” countries not our own |
Nationalism | belief that national interests and national unity should be placed ahead of global cooperation |
Big Bertha | a 1st great cannon |
Observation balloons | helium balloons used to survey battle ground? |
League of Nations | a point of Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points that was supposed to keep peace, an international organization establishing a way for nations to discuss and settle problems without having to go to war |
Yellow journalism | sensational news coverage, emphasizing crime and scandal, pressured Spanish |
Militarism | the development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy |
Zeppelin | nitrogen filled airships similar to a blimp |
Shell shock | negative emotional and psychological effects on soldiers after experiencing battle |
Guerilla warfare | all |
Alliance system | the division of Europe into 2 armed, hostile camps |
Stale mate | neither side wins |
Machine gun nest | big gun on a tripod 600 rounds of ammunition/minute, super killing machine |
Bear market | bad market |
Bull market | good market |
Black Tuesday | Oct. 29, 1929 the bottom fell out of the market |
Speculation | buying stocks on the chance that you might get rich quick, ignoring the risk |
Wealth tax act | |
Closing price | |
New deal | term used to describe President FDR’s programs designed to combat the Great Depression |
Dust bowl | the region, extending from TX to ND, that was made worthless for farming by drought, over |
Round lots | |
Red money | |
Fire side chats | informal radio broadcasts from FDR to the American people, updating the them on the progress of the country and its economy |
CCC | Civilian Conservation Corps |
Depression | period when business slows down, little money is in circulation, and there is a high unemployment rate |
Buying on margin | paying a small amount of the stock price as a down payment and borrowing the rest |
Broker | the person that recommended you to invest them with them paying the rest of the “margin” |
Sit | down strike |
Open lots | |
Subsidies | |
3 R’s | relief, recovery, reform |
Demagogues | leaders who manipulate people with half |
Father Coughlin | “radio Priest” who supported and then attacked FDR’s New Deal |
Huey Long | political advocate for socialism in the US, assassinated in 1935 |
Lone Ranger | popular children’s program |
Gone with the Wind | #1 film of the era about life aong the Southern plantation owners during the Civil War |
Penny Auctions | farm auctions during the GD at which neighbors saved each other’s property from foreclosure by bidding low |
Bonus Army | a group of WWI veterans and their families who protested in Washington D.C. in 1932 demanding immediate payment of a pension bonus |