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Vitamin A | Retinol. FN: Visual pigment constituent. D: Night blindness, dry skin. XS: Painful head, joints, throat; skin changes, alopecia. Leafy veggies. |
Vitamin B1 Function | Thiamine. Fn: Thiamine pyrophosphate is cofactor for ox-decarboxylation of alpha-ketoacids & branched AA DeH, cofactor for transketolase in HMP Shunt. |
Vitamin B1 Deficiency | Alcoholics & malnutrition. Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome. Dry Beriberi: Polyneuritis, symmetrical muscle wasting, Wet Beriberi: high output cardiac failure (dilated cardiomyopathy), Edema. |
Vitamin B2 | Riboflavin, ADP+B2=FAD. Fn: Cofactor in REDOX. Def: Angular stomatitis, Chelosis (lip inflammation), Corneal vascularization. |
Vitamin B3 | Niacin/Nicotinic Acid. Tryptophan derivative + 3 ATP –(B6)-> NAD & NADP. Used in Redox. D: Hartnup dz (poor Trp absorption) & Carcinoid synd (high Trp metabolism), & INH use (lowers B6) Sx: Pellagra- Dermatitis, Diarrhea, Dementia (+ Beefy glossitis) |
Vitamin B5 | Pantothenate (Component of CoA & FA synthase). D: Dermatitis , Enteritis, Alopecia, Adrenal insufficiency. |
Vitamin B6 | Pyridoxine (->->Pyridoxal phosphate) Used in transamination (AST, ALT), Decarboxylation Rx, Glycogen phosphorylase, heme synthesis, niacin synth. D: INH, Contraceptives: Convulsions, periph neuropathy, hyperirritability. |
Vitamin B12 Function | Cobalamin. Homocysteine methylxfaerase & methylmalonyl-CoA mutase. Stored in liver, years+ reserves, made only by microorganisms. |
Vitamin B12 Deficiency | Macrocytic megaloblastic anemia, optic neuropathy, paresthesia, glossitis. Cause: Alcoholism, sprue, enteritis, pernicious anemia. Dx: Schilling test. Neuro sx: low B12-> myelin abnormal. |
Folic Acid | Fn: THF Coenzyme for methylation rx &nitrogenous DNA & RNA synthesis. In leafy greens. Small stored pool. Def: Macrocytic megaloblastic anemia, neural tube defects. |
Biotin | Cofactor for Carboxylations: pyruvate -> oxaloacetate; acetyl-CoA -> malonyl-CoA; Propionyl-CoA -> methylmalonyl-CoA. Def: Avidin in raw egg whites sequesters biotin, antibiotics. |
Vitamin C | Ascorbic Acid. Fn: 1) hydroxylation of Proline & Lysine in collagen. 2)Keeps Fe reduced (2+) for use 3)Cofactor for dopamine beta-hydroxylase-> NE. Def: Scurvy! (bruising, anemia, poor healing, swollen gums) |
Vitamin D Function | D2: Ergocalciferol in milk. D3: Cholecalciferol from sun. 25-D3:Stored. 1,25-D3: Active form. Fn: Increase Ca & Pi absorption. |
Vitamin D | Xs & Deficiency Xs: hyperCa, poor appetite, stupor, in SARCOIDOSIS (macrophages convert D-> active form). Def: Rickets & Osteomalacia (soft bones), hypoCa tetany. Maternal milk deficient in D & K |
Vitamin E | Fn: Antioxidant (protects erythrocyte from hemolysis). Def: erythrocyte fragility & neurodysfunction |
Vitamin K | Fn: Gamma-Carboxylation of glutamic acids in blood clotting. Def: Neonates. High Pt & aPTT, normal bleeding time. Antibiotic use kills orgs that make K-> 2,7,9,10, C, S Def. |
Zinc Deficiency | Slow wound healing, hypogonad, reduced adult hair, predispose to alcoholic cirrhosis |