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Med Terms MOD 1

med terms

Anatomy Study of the Structures of the body
Physiology Study of the Function of the structures of the body
Anatomic Position Standing Straight Facing Forward Palms Forward
Midsagittal Plane Divides body into equal L & R halves
Frontal Plane Divides body into anterior and posterior portions
Dorsal Back
Anterior Situated in front
Posterior Situated in back
Superior Upper Above Toward the head
Inferior Lower Below Toward the feet
Caudal Lower part of the body
Medial Toward or nearer to midline
Lateral Toward the side of the body
Cranial Cavity Surrounds and Protects the brain
Spinal Cavity Surrounds and Protects the spinal cord
Homeostasis The body & its systems work together to maintain a constant state of balance
Thoracic Cavity Surrounds and Protects the heart and lungs
Abdominal Cavity Contains primarily the major organs of digestion
Pelvic Cavity Contains the organs of the reproductive and excretory systems
Hypochondriac Regions Covered by the lower ribs
Hypo- below
Chondr/i Cartilage
-ac Pertaining to
Peritoneum Protects & holds the organs in place within the abdominal cavity
Parietal Peritoneum Outer layer of the Peritoneum Lines abdominal walls
Mesentery Attaches parts of intestines to the interior abdominal cavity
Visceral Peritoneum Inner layer of the peritoneum Surrounds organs of the abdominal cavity
Retroperitoneal Behind the Peritoneum
Peritonitis Inflammation of the Peritoneum
Phenylketonuria Genetic disorder in which an essential digestive enzyme is missing
Histology Study of the Structure, Composition and Function of tissues
Muscle Tissue Specialized ability to contract and relax
aplasia The defective development, or the congenital absence, of an organ or tissue
-plasia formation
Hypoplasia The incomplete development of an organ or tissue due to a deficiency in the number of cells
anaplasia A change in the structure of cells and in their orientation to each other
ana- backward
Dysplasis Abnormal development or growth of cells, tissues or organs
Hyperplasia Enlargement of an organ or tissue because of an abnormal increase in the number of cells in the tissues
Endocrine Gland Hormones secreted directly into the blood stream
endo- within
-crine to secrete
adenitis inflammation of a gland
aden/o gland
carcin cancerous
-oma tumor
-malacia abnormal softening
adenoma a benign tumor that arises in glandular tissue
adenomalacia abnormal softening of a gland
adenosis Disease or condition of a gland
adenosclerosis abnormal hardening of a gland
adenectomey surgical removal of a gland
pathology the study of disease
etiology the study of the causes of diseases
pathogen a disease producing microorganism
Bloodborne Transmission spread of a disease through contact with blood or other body fluid
Epidemic Sudden and widespread outbreak of a disease within a specific group
Pandemic Outbreak of disease over large area possibly world wide
Idiopathic Disorder Illness without a known cause
Nosocomial Infection Disease acquired in a hospital setting
Idi/i Peculiar to the individual
atresia The congenital absence of a normal body opening or the failure of a structure to be tubular
Skeletal System Supports and shapes the body Protects the internal organs
Geriatrician Specializes in the care of the elderly
Created by: KNeadingNK51
Popular Medical sets




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