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Mod 2 Med Terms
Med Terms Ch. 1, 3, 9, 12
Term | Definition |
-algia | pain |
-ectomy | surgical removal |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-otomy | surgical incision |
-ostomy | artificial surgical opening |
intra- | within |
-rraphy | surgical suturing |
ab- | away |
-pexy | surgical fixation |
-megaly | enlargement |
path / o | disease |
-dynia | pain |
peri- | surrounding, around |
urtic / o | rash, hives |
-aria | connected with |
myc / o | fungus |
lip / o | fat, lipid |
scler | hardening |
-derma | skin |
melan / o | black, dark |
cutane / o | skin |
onych / o | fingernail or toenail |
hidr / o | sweat |
py / o | pus |
hyper- | excessive |
epi- | above |
-is | noun ending used to complete a word |
erythem | flushed |
-a | noun ending used to complete a word |
derm / o | skin |
psoriasis | common skin disorder characterized by flare-ups with red papules covered with silvery scales occurring over the elbows, knees, scalp, back, and bottom |
vitiligo | skin condition resulting from the destruction of melanocytes due to unknown causes. It causes irregular patches of white skin and hair patches may turn white (Michael Jackson) |
scabies | Skin infection caused by an infestation of itch mites. They cause small, itchy bumps and blisters by burrowing into the top layer of skin and laying their eggs. Topical medications help, but itching may persist for weeks. |
impetigo | Highly contagious bacterial skin infection that commonly occurs in children. Characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture. |
chondr / o | cartilage |
cost / o | rib |
arthr / | joint |
-lysis | destruction |
myel / o | bone marrow, spinal cord |
-itis | inflammation |
oste / o | bone |
kyph | hump |
-osis | abnormal condition |
-malacia | softening |
-plasia | formation |
dys- | difficult, bad |
nephr / o | kidney |
cyst / o | bladder or fluid-filled sac |
-cele | herniation or protusion |
ureter / o | tube that carries urine from the kidney to bladder |
hydr / o | water |
-uria | urine, urinary tract |
ur / o | urine, urinary tract |
-stasis | control, maintenance at a constant level |
olig | scanty, few, small amount |
dia- | complete |
an- | without, absence |
-tripsy | to crush |
glomerulus | first part of kidney where filtration takes place |
polyuria | high amounts of urine, frequent urination |
lithotripsy | crushing stones (kidney, gall) |
oliguria | not producing a lot of urine |
anuria | absence of urination (sign of dehydration) |
hemodialysis | filters blood, removes waste from body |
cystocele | prolapsed bladder |
urethra | tube that drains urine from bladder outside of body |
poly- | many |
nocturia | urination at nite |
micturition | to urinate |
urticaria | hives |
tinea | fungal infection |
epidermis | top layer of skin |
cellulitis | infection below the skin |
scleroderma | connective tissue becomes thick and hard |
onychomycosis | fungal infection of the nail |
melanoma | dark growth on skin |
hyperhidrosis | excessive sweating |
erythema | redness of skin |
hidrosis | abnormal sweating |
osteomyelitis | inflammation of bone marrow and bone |
osteoarthritis | arthritis |
kyphosis | hunchback, abnormal cervical curve |
osteomalacia | softening of bone, adult onset rickets |
carpals | bones of wrist |
diaphysis | shaft of long bone |
arthroplasty | surgical repair of joint |
dysplasia | abnormal tissue growth |
phalanges | bones of fingers |
vertebrae | spine |