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The senses


sensory receptors photo-, chem-, pain-, thermo-, mechano- receptors
Crista ampularis (mechano-receptor) Balance
organ of Corti (mechano-receptor) Hearing
Olfactory cell Chemo-receptor smell
gustatory cells Chemo-receptor taste bud
Rods and cones Photo-receptor Vision
primary taste sensation' stimulation of taste buds sweet, sour, bitter and salty
Papillae large structures of tongue, where tastebuds found
adaption gradual reduction in sensitivity to an odor after initial contact
sclera tough white outer layer of the eye
cornea transparent part of sclera the window of the eye
iris colored part of the front of the eye
pupil hole of the eye that lets light in
lacrimal gland in which tears are formed
lens structure on which ciliary muscle pull to help the eye focus
rods receptors for night vision or dim light
cones receptors for red, blue, and green color vision
choroid coat dark pigmented ;middle layer of the eye that prevents the scattering of incoming light
vitreous body thick jellylike fluid of the eye
aqueous humor thin watery fluid of the eye
tympanic membrane another term for eardrum
ossicles collective name for incus, malleus, and stapes
auditory tube tube connecting middle ear and the throat
perilymph watery fluid that fills the bony labyrinth
endolymph thick fluid in the membranous labyrinth
cochlea snail-shaped structure in the inner ear
Organ of Corti organ of hearing
myopia nearsightedness elongation of eyeball
astigmatism distortion of the image in the eye caused by irregularities of the cornea or lens
conjunctivitis inflammation of conjunctiva " pink eye"
strabismus improper alignment of the eyes (cross)
diabetic retinopathy damage to the retina caused by hemorrhage and abnormal vessel growth
glaucoma caused by increased fluid pressure in the eye
macular degeneration age-related, progressive degeneration of central part of retina
color blindness an X-linked genetic condition involving inability to perceive some colors
otitis media infection of inner ear
Meneire disease chronic inner ear disorder of unknown cause, characterized by tinnitus, deafness and vertigo
tinnitus ringing or similar sensation of the ear
vertigo a dizzying sensation of tilting within stable surroundings
refraction bend for focus to retina
Cataracts can cause focusing problems as a result of cloudy spots that develop in the eye's lens
Presbyopia is sometimes called oldsightedness
Retinal detachment is often due to aging, eye tumors, or head trauma
Radial keratotomy (RK), a surgical procedure to treat myopia
Laser thermal keratoplasty (LTK) is a laser surgery performed for treating hyperopia
trachoma chronic infection chlamydial conjunctivitis
cornea transparent part of the fibrous tunic
tympanic membrane (Eardrum) continuous with the external auditory meatus
major function of the utricle and saccule in the vestibule detecting the position of the head
structure of the middle ear Incus, Melleus, Stapes
Temporary impairment of general sense organs can occur when blood flow is impaired
somatic senses enable us to detect sensations touch, pain temperature
location of the organ of Corti cochlear duct
vestibular nerve, a branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII) impulses are transmitted from the inner ear to the brainstem by the________________nerve
proprioceptors sense receptor deep in muscle, function in relation to movement and position
located in ear semicicular canals, for balance / equilibrium Crista ampularis
Untreated otitis media can lead to Mastoiditis
Nyctalopia night blindness
Hyperopia Farsightedness
fovea centralis Cones are densely concentrated here
The adequeous humor The substance that fills the chamber of the anterior cavity of the eye
ossicles tiny bones found in the middle ear
vestibule and semicircular canals sense organs involved in the sense of balance are found in
Pinna Another term for the auricle of the ear
Created by: ptenz
Popular Medical sets




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