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Chapter 17:


auditory canal Channel that leads from the pinna to the eardrum.
auditory meatus Auditory canal.
auditory nerve fibers Carry impulses from the inner ear to the brain (cerebral cortex). These fibers compose the vestibulocochlear nerve
auditory tube Channel between the middle ear and the nasopharynx; eustachian tube.
auricle Flap of the ear; the protruding part of the external ear, or pinna.
cerumen Waxy substance secreted by the external ear; also called earwax.
cochlea Snail-shaped, pirally wound tube in the inner ear; contains hearing-sensitive receptor cells.
endolymph Fluid within the labyrinth of the inner ear.
eustachian tube Auditory tube.
incus Second ossicle (bone) of the middle ear; incus means anvil.
labyrinth Maze-like series of canals of the inner ear. This includes the cochlea, vestibule, and semicircular canals.
malleus First ossicle of the middle ear; malleus means hammer.
organ of Corti Sensitive auditory receptor area found in the cochlea of the inner ear.
ossicle Small bone of the ear; includes the malleus, incus, and stapes.
oval window Membrane between the middle ear and the inner ear.
perilymph Fluid contained in the labyrinth of the inner ear.
pinna Auricle; flap of the ear.
semicircular canals Passages in the inner ear associated with maintaining equilibrium.
stapes Third ossicle of the middle ear. Stapes means stirrup.
tympanic membrane Membrane between the outer and the middle ear; also called the eardrum.
vestibule Central cavity of the labyrinth, connecting the semicircular canals and the cochlea. The vestibule contains two structures, the saccule and utricle, that help to maintain equilibrium.
acous/o hearing
audi/o hearing; the sense of hearing
audit/o hearing
aur/o, auricul/o ear (see also ot/o)
cochle/o cochlea
mastoid/o mastoid process
myring/o eardrum, tympanic membrane (see also tympan/o)
ossicul/o ossicle
ot/o ear
salping/o eustachian tube, auditory tube
staped/o stapes (third bone of the middle ear)
tympan/o eardrum, tympanic membrane
vestibul/o vestibule
-acusis or -cusis hearing
-meter instrument to measure
-otia ear condition
acoustic neuroma Benign tumor arising from the acoustic vestibulocochlear nerve (eighth cranial nerve) in the brain.
cholesteatoma Collection of skin cells and cholesterol in a sac within the middle ear.
deafness Loss of the ability to hear.
Ménière disease Disorder of the labyrinth of the inner ear; elevated endolymph pressure within the cochlea (cochlear hydrops) and semicircular canals (vestibular hydrops).
otitis media Inflammation of the middle ear.
otosclerosis Hardening of the bony tissue of the middle ear.
tinnitus Sensation of noises (ringing, buzzing, whistling, booming) in the ears
vertigo Sensation of irregular or whirling motion either of oneself or of external objects.
audiometry Testing the sense of hearing.
cochlear implant procedure Surgical insertion of a device that allows sensorineural hearing–impaired persons to understand speech.
ear thermometry Measurement of the temperature of the tympanic membrane by detection of infrared radiation from the eardrum.
otoscopy Visual examination of the ear canal with an otoscope
tuning fork test Test of ear conduction using a vibration source (tuning fork).
AD right ear (Latin, auris dextra)
AOM acute otitis media
AS left ear (Latin, auris sinistra)
EENT eyes, ears, nose, and throat
ENG electronystagmography—a test of the balance mechanism of the inner ear by assessing eye movements (nystagmus is rapidly twitching eye movement)
ENT ears, nose, and throat
ETD eustachian tube dysfunction
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
PE tube pressure-equalizing tube—a polyethylene ventilating tube placed in the eardrum (to treat recurrent episodes of acute otitis media)
SOM serous otitis media
audiometer instrument to measure hearing
otomycosis fungal infection of the ear
Audiogram Record of hearing using an audiometer.
Hyperacusis Excessive sensitivity to sounds.
Macrotia Abnormally large ears.
Microtia Abnormally small ears.
Otopyorrhea Discharge of pus from the ear.
Salpingopharyngeal Pertaining to the eustachian tube and the throat.
Tympanoplasty Surgical repair of the eardrum.
Vestibulocochlear Pertaining to the vestibule and cochlea.
Popular Medical sets




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