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Mod 3 Med Terms
Med Terms Ch. 1, 4, 8
Term | Definition |
-algia | pain, painful condition |
dys- | bad, difficult, painful |
-ectomy | surgical removal, cutting out, excision |
hyper- | excessive, increased |
-itis | inflammation |
-osis | abnormal condition, disease |
-ostomy | surgical creation of artificial opening |
-otomy | cutting, surgical incision |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-rraphy | surgical suturing |
-ia | abnormal condition, disease |
-megaly | enlargement |
a- | without, loss of, absence |
-graphy | process of producing a picture or record |
myorraphy | surgical suturing of a muscle |
-cele | hernia, tumor, swelling |
fasci / o | fascia, fibrous band |
fibr / o | fibrous tissue, fiber |
bi- | twice, double, two |
dys- | bad, difficult |
my / o | muscle |
ten / o | tendon, stretch out, extend, strain |
abduction | movement (of a limb) AWAY from the midline |
pronation | palm of hand / sole of foot turned downward |
dorsiflexion | movement that bends foot upward at ankle |
adduction | movement (of a limb) TOWARD the midline |
circumduction | circular movement |
kines / o | movement |
kinesi / o | movement |
myoclonus | sudden, involuntary jerking of a muscle |
tenolysis | the release of a tendon from adhesions |
ataxia | inability to coordinate muscle activity |
tenodysis | surgical suturing of end of tendon to bone |
paralysis | loss of sensation |
dystonia | abnormal muscle tone |
bradykinesia | extreme slowness in movement |
hyperkinesia | increased muscle movement or activity |
hypotonia | diminished muscle tone of skeletal muscles |
dyskinesia | distortion of voluntary movement |
singultus | hiccups |
DTR | -deep tendon reflexes -tested with a reflex hammer |
EMG | -Electromyography -diagnostic test that measures electrical activity within nerve fibers in response to nerve stimulation |
ROM | range of motion |
-plegia | paralysis |
tax / o | coordination |
brady- | slow |
epi- | above, on |
-lysis | separation, break-down |
ab- | away from |
ad- | toward |
duct- | to lead |
-ion | action |
clon | violent action |
-desis | to tie together |
condyl | round part of bone |
epicondylitis | inflammation of tissues around elbow |
cachexia | condition of physical wasting away |
cholangitis | acute inflammation of the bile duct |
cholecystectomy | surgical removal of the gall bladder |
cholecystitis | inflammation of the gall bladder |
cholelithiasis | presence of gall stones |
dysphagia | difficulty swallowing |
enteritis | inflammation of the small intestine |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
hepatomegaly | enlargement of the liver |
hematemesis | vomiting blood |
hyperemesis | excessive vomiting |
volvulus | twisting of intestine |
gastroenterologist | Dr. who specializes in stomach and small intestine |
gastroenteritis | inflammation of the stomach and small intestine |
dystonia | abnormal muscle tone |
cholecyst | gall bladder |
cholangitis | acute infection of the bile duct |
chol / e | word root - bile / gall |
-ia | abnormal condition |
cholang | wood root - bile duct |
cholecystectomy | surgical removal of the gall bladder |
cachexia | condition of physical wasting away |
cholecystitis | inflammation of gall bladder |