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Medical Terminology
Roots, prefixes, suffixes and Abbreviations
Term | Definition |
Root: Adip/o | Fat |
Root: lip/o | Fat |
Root: steat/o | Fat |
Root: axill/o | Armpit |
Root: bi/o | Life |
Root: cephal/o | Head |
Root: cervic/o | Neck |
Root: cyt/o | Cell |
Root: hist/o | Tissue |
Root: histi/o | Tissue |
Root: path/o | Disease |
Root: viscer/o | Internal Organs |
Root: cili/o | Hair |
Root: pil/o | Hair |
Root: derm/o | Skin |
Root: dermat/o | Skin |
Root: cutane/o | Skin |
Root: onych/o | Nail |
Root: ungu/o | Nail |
Root: arthr/o | Joint |
Root: chondr/o | Cartilage |
Root: crani/o | Skull |
Root: Cost/o | Rib |
Root: myel/o | Bone Marrow (also means spinal chord) |
Root: oste/o | Bone |
Root: pelvi/i | Pelvis |
Root: Spin/o | Spine;Spinal (vertebral) column; backbone |
Root: vertebr/o | Vertebra |
Root: spondyl/o | Vertebra |
Root: my/o | Muscle |
Root: muscul/o | Muscle |
Root: tend/o | Tendon |
Root: tendin/o | Tendon |
Root: blephor/o | Eyelid |
Root: cerebr/o | Brain |
Root: encephal/o | Brain |
Root: neur/o | Nerve |
Root: ophthalm/o | Eye |
Root: ocul/o | Eye |
Root: ot/o | Ear |
Root: aden/o | Gland |
Root: adren/o | Adrenal gland |
Root: parathyroid/o | Parathyroid gland |
Root: pituitar/o | Pituitary gland |
Root: thyroid/o | Thyroid gland |
Root: angi/o | Blood vessel |
Root: vascul/o | Blood vessel |
Root: vas/o | Blood vessel |
Root: arteri/o | Artery |
Root: cardi/o | Heart |
Root: hem/o | Blood |
Root: hemat/o | Blood |
Root: ven/o | Vein |
Root: phleb/o | Vein |
Root: adenoid/o | Adenoids |
Root: lymph/o | Lymph (clear, watery fluid) |
Root: lymphaden/o | Lymph glands; Lymph nodes |
Root: lymphangi/o | Lymph vessels |
Root: splen/o | Spleen |
Root: tonsill/o | Tonsils |
Root: aveol/o | Air sac; alveolus |
Root: bronch/o | Bronchus |
Root: bronchi/o | Bronchus |
Root: bronchiol/o | Small bronchial tubes |
Root: laryng/o | Voice box; larynx |
Root: nas/o | Nose |
Root: rhin/o | Nose |
Root: pharyng/o | Throat; pharynx |
Root: phren/o | Diaphragm |
Root: pneum/o | Lungs |
Root: pneumon/o | Lungs |
Root: pulmon/o | Lungs |
Root: thorac/o | Chest |
Root: trache/o | Windpipe; trachea |
Root: abdomin/o | Abdomen |
Root: cheil/o | Lips |
Root: col/o | Large intestines; colon |
Root: enter/o | Small intestines |
Root: esophag/o | Esophagus |
Root: gastr/o | Stomach |
Root: gloss/o | Tongue |
Root: lingu/o | Tongue |
Root: hepat/o | Liver |
Root: or/o | Mouth |
Root: stomat/o | Mouth |
Root: rect/o | Rectum |
Root: cyst/o | Bladder |
Root: ren/o | Kidneys |
Root: nephr/o | Kidneys |
Root: ureter/o | Ureters |
Root: urethr/o | Urethra |
Root: epididym/o | Epididymis |
Root: orchid/o | Testicle; testis |
Root: test/o | Testicle; testis |
Root: testicul/o | Testicle;testis |
Root: phall/o | Penis |
Root: prostat/o | Prostate gland |
Root: vas/o | Ductus deferens |
Root: colp/o | Vagina |
Root: vagin/o | Vagina |
Root: gynec/o | Female |
Root: mast/o | Breast |
Root: mamm/o | Breast |
Root: oophor/o | Ovary |
Root: ovari/o | Ovary |
Root: salping/o | Fallopian tubes; uterine tubes |
Root: uter/o | Uterus |
Root: hyster/o | Uterus |
Root: metr/o | Uterus |
Root: vulv/o | Vulva; External genitalia |
Root: acr/o | Top; extermities |
Root: carcin/o | Cancer |
Root: don/o | Donates |
Root: fluor/o | Luminous |
Root: glyc/o | Sugar |
Root: Pharmac/o | Drug |
Root: physi/o | Nature |
Root: practition/o | Practice |
Root: sect/o | Cut |
Prefix: micro- | Small |
Suffix: -algia | Pain |
Suffix: -cele | Hernia |
Suffix: -dynia | Pain |
Suffix: -emesis | Vomiting |
Suffix: -emia | Blood Condition |
Suffix: -ia | State of; Condition |
Suffix: -itis | Inflammation |
Suffix: -lysis | Destruction; Separation; breakdown |
Suffix: -malacia | Softening |
Suffix: -megaly | Enlargement |
Suffix: -oma | Tumor; mass |
Suffix: -osis | Abnormal condition |
Suffix: -pathy | Disease Process |
Suffix: -penia | Decrease, deficiency |
Suffix: -phobia | Irrational fear |
Suffix: -ptosis | Downward displacement; drooping;prolapse; sagging |
Suffix: -ptysis | Spitting |
Suffix: -rrhage | Bursting forth |
Suffix: -rrhagia | Bursting Forth |
Suffix:-rrhea | Flow; discharge |
Suffix: -rrhexis | Rupture |
Suffix: -sclerosis | Hardening |
Suffix: -spasm | Sudden, involuntary contraction |
Suffix: -stenosis | Narrowing; stricture |
Suffix: -y | Process |
Suffix: -gram | Record; Writing |
Suffix: -graph | Instrument used to record |
Suffix: -graphy | Process of recording; producing images |
Suffix: -meter | Instrument used to measure; process of measuring |
Suffix: -metry | To measure; measurement |
Suffix: -opsy | To view |
Suffix: -scope | Instrument used to visually examine (a body cavity or organ) |
Suffix: -scopy | Process of visually examining (a body cavity or organ) |
Suffix: -centesis | Surgical puncture to remove fluid |
Suffix: -desis | Surgical binding: Surgical fusion |
Suffix: -ectomy | Excision; surgical removal |
Suffix: -pexy | Surgical fixation |
Suffix: -plasty | Surgical reconstruction; surgical repair |
Suffix: -rrhaphy | Suture; sew |
Suffix: -stasis | Stoppage; stopping; controlling |
Suffix: -stomy | New opening; artificial opening |
Suffix: -tome | Instrument used to cut |
Suffix: -tomy | Process of cutting; incision |
Suffix: -cyte | Cell |
Suffix: -er | Specialist |
Suffix: -ician | Specialist |
Suffix: -logist | Specialist |
Suffix: -ist | Specialist |
Suffix: -ion | Process |
Suffix: -logy | Study of; process of study |
Suffix: -or | One who; person or thing that does something |
Suffix: -plasia | Formation;development |
Suffix: -poiesis | Production;manufacture; formation |
Suffix: -genic | Produced by; producing |
Suffix: -oid | Resembling |
Suffix: -ole | Small |
Suffix: -ule | Small |
Suffix: -ac | Pertaining to |
Suffix: -al | Pertaining to |
Suffix: -ary | Pertaining to |
Suffix: -eal | Pertaining to |
Suffix: -ic | Pertaining to |
Suffix: -ous | Pertaining to |
Root: Cellul/o | Cell |
Root: Cis/o | to cut |
Root: Comat/o | deep sleep |
Root: Digest/o | Digestion |
Root: Duct/o | To Draw |
Root: Later/o | Side; lateral |
Root: Nat/o | Birth |
Root: Sept/o | Infection |
Son/o | Sound |
Suffix: aise | Ease |
Suffix -ar | Pertaining to |
Suffix -cuspid | Projection;cusps |
Suffix: -drome | to run |
Suffix: -form | shape;form |
Suffix: -genous | produced by |
Suffix: -gnosis | Knowledge |
Suffix: -mortem | Death |
Suffix: -plasm | development; formation |
Suffix: -plegia | Paralysis |
Suffix: -version | Turning; tilting |
Prefix: Ab- | Away from |
Prefix: Ad- | Toward |
Prefix: Ante- | before |
Prefix: Circum- | Around |
Prefix: Dia- | Through; complete |
Prefix: Ecto- | Outside |
Prefix: Endo- | Within |
Prefix: Epi- | Upon; on; above |
Prefix: E- | Out; outward ; outside |
Root: Anter/o | Front |
Root: Caud/o | Tail |
Root: Dors/o | Back |
Root: Infer/o | Inferior |
Root: Inguin/o | Groin |
Root: Medi/o | Middle |
Root: Phren/o | Diaphragm |
Root: Poster/o | Posterior |
Root: Proxim/o | Near |
Root: Super/o | Superior |
Root: Ventr/o | Front |
Root: Ili/o | Hip |
Abbreviation: LLQ | Left lower quadrant |
Abbreviation: LUQ | Left upper Quandrant |
Abbreviation: RLQ | Right Lower Quadrant |
Abbriviation: RUQ | Right upper Quadrant. |
Root: Cry/o | Cold |
Root: Leuk/o | White |
Root: papill/o | nipple-like |
Root: Scler/o | hardening |
Root: Xer/o | Dry |
Suffix: -ism | Process |
Suffix: -ium | Structure |
Suffix: -um | Structure |
Suffix: -sis | State of; condition |
Root: Albin/o | White |
Root: Cyan/o | Blue |
Root: Diaphor/e | Profuse Sweating |
Root: Epitheli/o | Covering |
Root: Erythemat/o | Red |
Root: Erythr/o | Red |
Root: hidr/o | Sweat |
Root: Kerat/o | Hard; hornlike |
Root: Keratin/o | Hard; hornlike |
Root: melan/o | Black |
Root: Myc/o | Fungus |
Root: Necr/o | Death |
Root: Py/o | Pus |
Root: Ras/o | Scrape |
Root: Rhytid/o | Wrinkle |
Root: Seb/o | Sebum |
Root: Steat/o | Fat |
Suffix: -dermis | Skin |
Suffix: -derma | Skin |
Suffix: -oma | Tumor;Mass |
Suffix: -therapy | Treatment |
Prefix: Derma- | Skin |
Rhytidectomy | Face lift |
Blepharoplasty | Correct drooping upper eyelids |
Adominoplasty | Tummy tuck |
Debriment | removal of burned skin |
Abbreviation: bx | Biopsy |
Abbreviation: SC | Subcutaneous |
Abbreviation: Subq | Subcutaneous |
Abbreviation: Subcut | Subcutaneous |
Abbreviation: UV | Ultraviolet |
Root: Kyph/o | Humpback |
Root: Lord/o | Swayback |
Root: Ped/o | Child |
Root: Scoli/o | Curved |
Root: Tempor/o | Temporal bone |
Suffix: -porosis | Porous |
Root: Mandibul/o | Mandible; lower jaw |
Root: Maxill/o | Maxilla; upper jaw |
Root: Chondr/o | Cartilage |
Root: Stern/o | Sternum; breastbone |
Root: Xiph/o | Sword |
Xiphoid | Distal portion of the sternum |
Root: Coccyg/o | Coccyx;tailbone |
Root: Lumb/o | Lower back' loins |
Root: Sacr/o | Sacrum |
Root: Spondyl/o | Vertebra |
Root: Clavicul/o | Clavicle; collarbone |
Root: Scapul/o | Scapula |
Root: Brachi/o | Arm |
Root: Carp/o | Wrist |
Root: olecran/o | Olecranon (elbow) |
Root: Phalang/o | Phalanx: one of the bones making up the fingers or toes |
Root: Radi/o | Radius |
Root: Uln/o | The Ulna |
Root: Acetabul/o | Acetabulum; hip socket |
Root: Ili/o | Hip |
Root: Calcane/o | Heel |
Root: Femor/o | Femur; thigh bone |
Root: fibul/o | Fibula |
Root: Patell/a | Kneecap; patella |
Root: Patell/o | Patella; Kneecap |
Root: Tibi/o | Tibia; shin |
Root: Arthr/o | Joint |
Root: Articul/o | Joint |
Root: Burs/o | Bursa |
Suffix: -blast | Immature |
Suffix: -centesis | Surgical puncture to remove fluid; aspiration |
Suffix: -clasis | Surgical fracture or refracture |
Suffix: -clast | Breakdown |
Suffix: -desis | Surgical fusion; surgical binding |
Suffix: -genesis | Formation |
Suffix: -physis | To grow |
Suffix: -porosis | Pourous |
Suffix: -sarcoma | Malignant tumor of connective tissue |
Prefix: Ortho- | Straight |
Open Fracture | Bone is broken and there is an open cut in the skin |
Closed fracture | Bone is broken and there is no open cut in the skin |
Pathological fracture | Bone breaks because it is weak from disease |
Comminuted fracture | Bone has been splintered |
Greenstick fracture | bone is partially broken on one side and bent on the opposite side |
Colles' fracture | Fracture of the distal radius near the wrist |
Intra-articular fracture | Fracture on the joint surface of the bone |
Reduction | Placing the bones back together |
Closed Reduction | An incision in the skin is not necessary to place the bones back together |
Open Reduction | Incising the skin to place the bones back together and under direct visualization |
Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) | When the fracture is severe and screws, nails or pins are needed to hold it in place |
Abbreviation: C | Cervical |
Abbreviations: C1-C7 | First cervical vertebrae to seventh cervical vertebrae |
Abbreviation: DDD | Degenerative disc disease |
Abbreviation: IP | Interphalangeal |
Abbreviation: L | Lumbar |
Abbreviations: L1-L5 | First Lumbar vertebrae to fifth Lumbar vertebrae |
Abbreviation: LDD | Lumbar Disc Disease |
Abbreviation: MCP | Metacarpophalangeal |
Abbreviation: MSS | Musculoskeletal system |
Abbreviation: OA | Osteoarthritis |
Abbreviation: ORIF | Open Reduction Internal Fixation |
Abbreviation: Ortho | Orthopedics |
Abbreviation: RA | Rheumatoid arthritis |
Abbreviations: S1-S5 | First Sacral Vertebrae to Fifth Sacral vertebrae |
Abbreviation: T | Thoracic |
Abbreviations: T1-T12 | First Thoracic Vertebrae to Twelfth Thoracic Vertabrae |
Abbreviations: D1-D12 | First Thoracic Vertebrae to Twelfth Thoracic Vertabrae |
Abbreviation: TKR | Total Knee Replacement |
Abbreviation: TMJ | Temporomandibular Joint |
Root: Flex/o | Bend |
Root: Pronati/o | Facing backward |
Root: Supinati/o | Facing forward |
Root: Tens/o | Stretch |
Prefix: Dorsi- | Back |
Root: duct/o | To draw (like drawing something to something) |
Root: electr/o | Electric |
Root: fasci/o | Fascia |
Root: kinesi/o | Movement |
Root: lei/o | Smooth |
Root: muscul/o | Muscle |
Root: my/o | Muscle |
Root: myos/o | Muscle |
Root: rhabd/o | Rod-shaped; striped;straited |
Root: tendin/o | Tendon |
Root: ten/o | Tendon |
Root: tenosynovi/o | Tendon sheath |
Root: ton/o | Tone;tension |
Suffix: -asthenia | no strength |
Suffix: -clonus | turmoil |
Suffix: -ion | Process of |
Suffix: -kinesia | Movement;motion |
Suffix: -trophy | nourishment; growth |
Suffix: -thermy | Heat |
Abbreviation: CTS | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome |
Abbreviation: MD | Muscular Dystrophy |
Duchenne's | Most common type of muscular dystrophy |
Abbreviation: EMG | Electromyography |
Abbreviation: IM | Intramuscular |
Abbreviation: ROM | Range of Motion |
Abbreviation: RICE | Rest, ice, compression, elevation |
Abbreviation: SLR | Straight leg raising |
Root: ambly/o | dull;dim |
Root: coagulati/o | to condense; to clot |
Root: dipl/o | Double |
Root: emmetr/o | in proper measure |
Root: is/o | equal |
Suffix: -conus | Cone-shaped |
Suffix: -edema | Accumulation of Fluid |
Suffix- iasis | Abnormal condition; process |
Suffix: -metrist | Specialist in the measurement of |
Suffix: -ory | Pertaining to |
Prefix: myein- | To shut |
Prefix: presby- | Old age |
Prefix: psuedo- | False |
Root: aque/o | Water |
Root: chori/o | Choroid |
Root: choroid/o | Choroid; membrane |
Root: conjuctiv/o | Conjunctiva |
Root: core/o | Pupil |
Root: corne/o | Cornea |
Root: cycl/o | Ciliary body |
Root: dacry/o | Tears |
Root: dacryocyst/o | Lacrimal sac (tear duct) |
Root: goni/o | Angle |
Root: irid/o | Iris |
Root: ir/o | Iris |
Root: Kerat/o | Cornea |
Root: lacrim/o | Tears |
Root: mi/o | Contraction; less |
Root: mydri/o | Wide;dilation; dilatation |
Root: ocul/o | Eye |
Root: ophthalm/o | Eye |
Root: Opt/o | Vision; sight |
Root: palpebr/o | eyelid |
Root: papill/o | optic disc |
Root: phac/o | lens |
Root: phak/o | Lens |
Root: phot/o | Light |
Root: pupill/o | Pupil |
Root: Retin/o | Retina |
Root: scler/o | Sclera |
Root: ton/o | Tension |
Root: trabecul/o | meshwork; lattice |
Root: uve/o | Uvea |
Root: vitre/o | glasslike; gel-like |
Suffix: -chalasis | relaxation |
Suffix: -opia | Visual condition; vision |
Suffix: -opsia | Visual condition; vision |
Suffix: - tropia | turning |
Suffix: -tropion | turning |
Abbreviation: ECCE | Extracapsular cataract extraction |
Abbreviation: accom | Accommodation |
Abbreviation: ARMD | age-related macular degeneration |
Abbreviation: OD | the right eye (oculus dextra) |
Abbreviation: OS | The left eye (oculus sinistra) |
Abbreviation: OU | Both eyes (oculus unitas) |
Abbreviation: PERLA | pupils equal, react to light and accomodation |
Abbreviation: PERRLA | pupils equal, round, regular, react to light and accomodation |
Abbreviation: PRK | photorefractive keratectomy |
Abbreviation: EOM | Extraocular movement |
Abbreviation: IOL | Intraocular Lens |
Abbreviation: IOP | Intraocular pressure |
Abbreviation: LASEK | laser epithelial keratomileusis |
Abbreviation: LASIK | laser- assisted in situ keratomileusis |
Abbreviation VA | visual acuity |
Abbreviation: VF | Visual field |
Root: Audi/o | Hearing |
Root: Audit/o | Hearing |
Root: aur/o | Ear |
Root: Cochle/o | Cochlea |
Root: labyrinth/o | inner ear/ labyrinth |
Root: myring/o | tympanic membrane; eardrum |
Root: Ossicul/o | ossicles |
Root: ot/o | Ear |
Root: salping/o | Eustachian tube |
Root: staped/o | Stapes |
Root: tympan/o | tympanic membrane; eardrum |
Suffix: -cusis | hearing |
Abbreviation: AC | Air Conduction |
Abbreviation: AD | Right ear (auris dextra) |
Abbreviation: AS | Left ear (auris sinistra) |
Abbreviation: AU | Both ears (auris unitas) |
Abbreviation: BC | bone conduction |
Abbreviation: EENT | Eyes, ears, nose and throat |
Abbreviation: ENT | Ears, nose and throat |
Abbreviation: HD | hearing distance |
Abbreviation: Hz | Hertz |
Abbreviation: NIHL | nerve-induced hearing loss |
Abbreviation: TM | tympanic membrane |
Root: immun/o | Safe |
Root: radi/o | Radioactive |
Suffix: -genesis | Production |
Suffix: -gen | Producing |
Prefix: eu- | Normal; good |
Root: acr/o | Extremity; top |
Root: aden/o | Gland |
Root: adrenal/o | Adrenal |
Root: adren/o | Adrenal |
Root: andr/o | Male; man |
Root: calc/o | Calcium |
Root: Crin/o | to secrete |
Root: estr/o | Female |
Root: gluc/o | Sugar |
Root: glyc/o | Sugar |
Root: glycogen/o | Glycogen |
Root: gonad/o | Gonads; sex glands |
Root: gynec/o | Woman |
Root: home/o | Same |
Root: insulin/o | insulin |
Root: kal/o | Potassium |
Root: Natr/o | Sodium |
Root: pancrat/o | Pancreas |
Root: parathyroid/o | Parathyroid gland |
Root: pituitar/o | Pituitary gland |
Root: thyr/o | thyroid gland; shield |
Root: thyroid/o | Thyroid gland; shield |
Root: ure/o | Urea (found in urine) |
Suffix: -assay | analysis of a mixture to identify its contents |
Suffix: -crine | To secrete |
Suffix: -dipsia | thirst |
Suffix: -physis | to grow |
Suffix: -tropic | stimulating |
Prefix: Oxy- | sharp; quick |
Abbreviation: DM | Diabetes mellitus; a disease which the body is unable to use sugar to produce energy |
Abbreviation: ACTH | Adrenaocorticotropic hormone |
Abbreviation: ADH | Antidiuretic hormone |
Abbreviation: Ca | Calcium; cancer |
Abbreviation: FSH | follicle-stimulating hormone |
Abbreviation: GH | Growth hormone |
Abbreviation: K | Potassium |
Abbreviation: LH | Luteinizing hormone |
Abbreviation: MSH | Melanocyte-stimulating hormone |
Abbreviation: Na | Sodium |
Abbreviation: OT | Oxytocin |
Abbreviation: P | Phosphorus |
Abbreviation: PRL | Prolactin |
Abbreviation: PTH | Parathyroid hormone |
Abbreviation: RIA | Radioimmunoassay |
Abbreviation: T3 | Triiodothyronine |
Abbreviation: T4 | Thyroxine |
Abbreviation: TFT | Thyroid function tests |
Abbreviation: TRH | Thyrotropin-releasing hormone |
Abbreviation: TSH | Thyroid-stimulating hormone |