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Ch. 22

physical examination

what is auscultation method of listening to body sounds with a stethoscope
what is the dorsal recumbent position position in which the patient is lying flat with the knees bent and feet on the examination table
what is fowler position position in which the patient sits with his head as close to 90 degrees as possible and his legs resting outstretched on the exam table
define inspection process of gathering information about the patient through observation
what is the jack-knife position position in which the patient sits on a special table in a semi-sitting position with the thighs flexed to 90 degrees
what is the knee-chest position position in which the patient sits on her knees with her chest and face and arms resting forward and her buttocks in the air
lithotomy position position in which the patient reclines face up with legs apart and feet in stirrups
manipulation application of touch to assess joint symmetry and passive range of motion or the therapeutic application of force to increase mobility and realign dislocated joints
mensuration measurements of body parts including height length and circumference
palpation examination of the patients body by touching it with the hands and pads of the fingers
percussion tapping on the body surface with the fingers or a small hammer and noting the sound elicited to determine the position size or density of underlying structures
semi-fowler position position in which the patient reclines at 45 degrees with legs outstretched
sims position position in which the patient lies on his left side with his upper arm forward on the table, lower leg flexed slightly and upper leg flexed sharply
skin turgor resistance of the skin to deformation when grasped between the fingers that is used to assess hydration
supine position position in which the patient is lying flat face up toward the ceiling
trendelenburg position position in which the patient lies with her head approximately 30 degrees lower than her outstretched legs and feet
what are the three parts of the exam history taking, physical examination, diagnostic testing
components of the physical exam general appearance, skin, arms and hands, head and neck, eyes, ears, nose, mouth and pharynx, chest and lungs, cardiovascular function, breasts, abdomen, genitalia and rectum, legs and feet, mental status.
normal findings for general appearance healthy and well nourished, well groomed, upright posture and a steady gait
normal findings for skin warm, dry, intact, supple, appropriate color for ethnicity, free from lesions, normal turgor
normal findings for arms and hands smooth and supple skin with appropriate color for ethnicity, absence of rashes or lesions, present of strong regular pulses, full active rom with symmetricalandoptimalstrengthand coordinationsmoothclearnailswithconvexcurveand normalangleofnailbedtotheskin
normal findings for head and neck symmetrical head shape, lustrous hair that is even distributed with a clean scalp that is free of scales or lesions, supple neck that is free of lumps or tenderness and a non palpable thyroid
normal findings for eyes accurate visual acuity and color vision, intact visual field and extraocular movements, pupils that are equal round and reactive to light and accommodation, white clear sclera that is free of drainage
normal findings for ears intact hearing, ears that are symmetrical and normally placed, pink patent ear canal with minimal cerumen, pink to pearly grey tympanic membrane that is semitransparent and intact
normal findings for nose straight nose with a midline septum, patent nares, pink moist mucosa, absent or scant clear drainage, intact odor identifaction
normal findings for mouth and pharynx structures and membranes that are pink, moist, smooth, and free of lesions, teeth present with good dental hygiene, pink firm gums, intact gag reflex, pink tossils with out swelling or exudate
normal findings of the chest and lungs symmetrical chest shape with normal anterior- posterior dimension, clear lungs, regular unlabored respirations
normal findings for cardiovascular regular heart rhythm, S^1 and S^2 heart sounds present, palpable regular peripheral pulses, capillary refill, blood pressure within normal range, normal sinus rhythm on ECG
normal findings for breast soft with irregular feel and deep tissue, symmetrical size and shape, and color of breasts and nipples, free of lumps, lesions, dimpling, or nipple dranage, nonpalpable axillary lymph nodes
normal findings for genitalia and rectum absence of rashes or lesions, no purulent drainage, smooth skin, pink, moist smooth mucous membranes, good pelvic floor muscle tone, smooth firm movable testicles, intact anal sphincter tone, absence of hemorrhoids or anal fissures, no blood in stool
normal findings for legs and feet smooth supple skin w/ appropriate color for ethnicity, absence of rashes, lesions, ulcerations, or edema, capillary refill < 3 sec., full active rom w/ symmetrical and optimal strength and coordination, smooth clear nails, intact pulse.
normal findings for mental status alert and oriented to person, place, and time; appropriate identification of sensory data; intact reflexes
glass slides holding specimens that are viewed under a microscope
laryngeal and pharyngeal mirrors examining the pharynx and larynx
nasal speculum examining the nose and nasal mucous membranes
otoscope examining the ear
ophthalmoscope examining eyes
penlight examining the pupils and providing additional light for examination, of the throat, or other body parts
reflex hammer testing reflexes
specimen bottles holding tissue specimens that will undergo laboratory analysis
sphygmonometer measuring blood pressure
stethooscope measuring blood pressure and auscultating heart, lungs, and bowl sounds
tape measure measuring the length and circumference of various body parts
thermometer measuring body temperature
vaginal speculum assisting in opening a vagina more fully to facilitate examination
alcohol pads cleaning the skin prior to an injection or cleaning some medical equipment
cotton balls applying medication or stopping minor bleeding
cotton tipped applicator applying medication or collecting a specimen
emesis basin collecting vomitus or sputum from patient
gauze pads dressing a wound, stopping bleeding, or applying medication
lubricant reducing anticipated discomfort from speculum insertion or rectal or vaginal examinations or easing suppository insertion
tongue depressor depressing the tongue for easier examination of the throat
what is the sitting position mainly used for examination of the upper body, including the head, eyes, ears, nose, throat, neck, chest, lungs, arms and hands
when is the supine position used when examining the breast, anterior chest, heart, abdomen, and lower extremities
when is the dorsal recumbent position used it is sometimes used for rectal and vaginal exams as well as with patients with back or abdominal pain
when is the sims position used rectal examinations and sometimes vaginal examinations
when is the lithotomy position used it is primarily used for vaginal examinations
when is the semi Fowler position used when examining the chest and heart or for patients who need to rest in a semi-reclining position for comfort reasons
when is the fowler position used for patients who are feeling short of breath and same reasons as sitting position
when is the trendelenburg position used if a patient is in shock or blood pressure is dangerously low and sometimes during abdominal surgery
when is knee - chest position used rectal and sigmoid colon examination and rarely for vaginal examinations
when is the jack-knife position used male urological examinations and proceedures
abnormal findings for the general apperance malnourished, morbidly obese, poor posture or gate
abnormal findings for the skin rashes, scales, or lesions; wounds, pale, erythematous, cyanotic, dusky, or jaundice; moist or diaphoretic; taut or edemous; scaly
abnormal findings for arms and hands rashes or lesions; abnormal color; weak irregular or missing pulse; muscle weakness lack of coordination or decreased rom; absent brittle ridged cracked yellow thickened or cyanotic nails; clubbing
abnormal findings for the head and neck asymmetrical or abnormally sized head; hair loss; lumps, scales, lesions, lice, or nits on scalp; lymphadenopathy in the neck; enlarged thyroid
abnormal findings for the eyes poor visual acuity, blindness colorblindness decreased visual field, cloudy lens, or decreased eom; pupils that are dilated, constricted dull unequal or slow to react or nonreactive to light; blepharoptosis; sclera that is jaundiced, inflamed; discharge
abnormal findings for the ears hearing loss or deafness; ears that are asymmetrical or low set; ear canal that is impacted with cerumen or inflamed; perforated blistered retracted or bulging tympanic membrane
abnormal findings for the nose deviated septum; nonpatent nares; mucous membranes that are inflmed edematous, boggy, or dry; purulent drainage; anosmia; polyps
abnormal findings for the mouth and pharynx inflammation, lesions, ulcerations, or dry mucous membranes; dental caries, loose or absent teeth, loose dentures, or poor oral hygiene; gingivitis; absent gag reflex; inflamed enlarged tonsils with exudate
abnormal findings for the chest and lungs barrel shaped chest, decreased lung sounds, crackles, rhonchi , pericardial friction rub, pleural friction rub, wheezes, irregular or labored respirations
abnormal findings for the cardiovascular system irregular rhythm, distant heart sounds, murmur, and S^1 and S^2 heart sounds, diminished or absent peripheral pulses, slow or absent capillary refill, hypertesnsion or hypo-tension, abnormal rhythm
abnormal findings for breasts lumps, abnormal tenderness, nipple discharge, nipple inversion, retraction or dimpling, enlarged axillary lymph nodes
abnormal findings for genitalia and rectum abnormal tenderness, rashes, lesions, vesicles, or ulcerations, purulent drainage, inflamed, edematous or dry mucous membranes, weak pelvic floor, asymmetrical or enlarged testicles, poor anal sphincter tone, hemorrhoids or fissures, blood in stool
abnormal findings for abdomen firm, distended, tender abdomen, hypoactive, hyperactive, or absent bowel sounds, masses, lesions, or hernias, hepatomegly or splenomegaly
abnormal findings for legs and feet abnormal color,rashes, lesions, edema, weak irregular or absent pulses, varicosities, slow capillary refill, muscle weakness, lack of coordination, decreased rom, nails that are absent brittle ridged cracked yellowed or thickened
abnormal findings for mental status confusion or inappropriate verbal responses, lethargy or agitation, aphasia or dysphasia, short or long term memory loss, diminished or absent reflexes or sensations, poor coordination, complaints of vertigo
what positions do you use a diamond drape lithotomy, knee-chest and sims
what is the formula to convert lbs to kg lb/2.2=kg
what is the formula to convert kg to lbs kgx2.2=lbs
Created by: rewebb
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