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VMT Chapter 3 and 6
"things to know"
Term | Definition |
Ataxia | is lack of voluntary control of muscle movement |
Linea alba | fibrous band of connective tissue on the ventral abdominal wall that is the median attachment of the abdominal muscles |
Patella | is a large sesamoid bone in the rear limb (kneecap) |
Brachycephalic | dogs have short, wide heads (pugs, pekingese) |
Mandible | forms the lower jaw |
Maxilla | forms the upper jaw |
Zygomatic | forms the orbit and cheekbone |
Cartilage | is another form of connective tissue that is more elastic than bone |
Emesis | vomiting |
Dysphagia | difficulty swallowing or eating |
-phagia | eating or swallowing |
Dehydration | condition of excessive loss of body water or fluids |
Coprophagia | ingestion of fecal material |
Colic | severe abdominal pain |
Bloat | gas in the stomach |
Ascites | abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal |
Anorexia | lack or loss of appetite |
Peristalsis | makes food move down the esophagus in wavelike contractions |
-stalsis | peristalsis |
Pancreas | elongated gland located near the cranial portion of the duodenum |
pancreat/o | pancreas |
The large intestine consists of.... | cecum, colon, rectum, anus |
Ileum | distal or last portion of the small intestine |
Jejunum | middle portion of the small intestine |
Duodenum | first portion of the small intestine |
Esophagus | collapsible, muscular tube that leads from the oral cavity to the stomach |
esophag/o | esophagus |
dent/o, dent/i, odont/o | teeth |
gloss/o and lingu/o | tongue |
Rugae | specialized mucous membrane contains irregular folds |
Brachygnathia | shortened/ undershot mandible |
Prognathia | elongated/ overshot mandible (sow mouth) |
gnath/o | jaw |
Emetic | producing vomiting |
Trichobezoar | hairball |
trich/o | hair |
Prolapse | protrusion of viscera |
Polydipsia | excessive thirst/ drinking |
dips/o | thirst |
Pica | eating and licking abnormal substances, depraved appetite |
Lethargy | condition of drowsiness or indifference |
Jaundice/ Icterus | yellow discoloration of the skin |
Hematochezia | passage of bloody stool |
Gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV) | in deep- chested canines in which the stomach fills with air, expands, and twist on itself |
Flatulence | excessive gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract |
Incontinence | inability to control (bowel movements) |