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VMT Chapter 3 and 6

"things to know"

Ataxia is lack of voluntary control of muscle movement
Linea alba fibrous band of connective tissue on the ventral abdominal wall that is the median attachment of the abdominal muscles
Patella is a large sesamoid bone in the rear limb (kneecap)
Brachycephalic dogs have short, wide heads (pugs, pekingese)
Mandible forms the lower jaw
Maxilla forms the upper jaw
Zygomatic forms the orbit and cheekbone
Cartilage is another form of connective tissue that is more elastic than bone
Emesis vomiting
Dysphagia difficulty swallowing or eating
-phagia eating or swallowing
Dehydration condition of excessive loss of body water or fluids
Coprophagia ingestion of fecal material
Colic severe abdominal pain
Bloat gas in the stomach
Ascites abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal
Anorexia lack or loss of appetite
Peristalsis makes food move down the esophagus in wavelike contractions
-stalsis peristalsis
Pancreas elongated gland located near the cranial portion of the duodenum
pancreat/o pancreas
The large intestine consists of.... cecum, colon, rectum, anus
Ileum distal or last portion of the small intestine
Jejunum middle portion of the small intestine
Duodenum first portion of the small intestine
Esophagus collapsible, muscular tube that leads from the oral cavity to the stomach
esophag/o esophagus
dent/o, dent/i, odont/o teeth
gloss/o and lingu/o tongue
Rugae specialized mucous membrane contains irregular folds
Brachygnathia shortened/ undershot mandible
Prognathia elongated/ overshot mandible (sow mouth)
gnath/o jaw
Emetic producing vomiting
Trichobezoar hairball
trich/o hair
Prolapse protrusion of viscera
Polydipsia excessive thirst/ drinking
dips/o thirst
Pica eating and licking abnormal substances, depraved appetite
Lethargy condition of drowsiness or indifference
Jaundice/ Icterus yellow discoloration of the skin
Hematochezia passage of bloody stool
Gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV) in deep- chested canines in which the stomach fills with air, expands, and twist on itself
Flatulence excessive gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract
Incontinence inability to control (bowel movements)
Created by: mbely
Popular Medical sets




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