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relative money
Buoyant | Capable of maintaining a satisfactory high level |
Frugal | The spend resources money with care not aver using |
Consciousness | State of being o wake and able to think |
Currency | relative of money |
Valor | Showing bravery or having courage |
Egress | The action of right of going or coming out |
Imprinted | Creating o lasting effect or lesson |
Recuperated | Go better healed |
Mundane | Relating to ordinary life on earth than to spiritual things |
Prospective | A was of looking al thing point of view |
Oblivious | Not paying attention |
Pre-requisitive | A course that must be completed before another |
Steward | The person in charge for instance of money |
Respirartion | Medical act or process of breatning |
Perseverance | Continuing toward a goal inspire of hard ships |
Disqualified | Not approved for |
Exasperated | Irritated or annoyed especially to the point of injudicious action |
Passionate | Showing or cause by strong feelings or strong belief |
Audicious | Bold or caring, specially for an plant |
Conscientious | one who shows great responsibility of duty |
Contraband | Illegal substances or material |
declined | Turned down; said "no" to bend |
Forlorn | Miserable without hope |
imprinted | Creating a lasting effed or lesson |
sweltering | very hot; apprehensively warm |
Funk | A depressed mood |
Terminal | Deadly; no cure |
holistic | Dealing with the big picture, not small componets |
consise | Brief and t the point |
attire | The clothes that your wear |
competent | Capable or able to do somethong |
incessantly | without stopping |
embellish | to improve by exaggerating or adding details |
initiative | The act of leaking the first step or standing something |
endeavor | To make a real effort or attempt to do something |
Lament | To feel sorry about or mourn |
qualifications | Any skill or ability that is necessary for a job |
Transcrip | A document showing complete course credits & grades |
Syllabus | A course "contract" That spells out requirements schedule etc. |
DSS | A College offices that support with needs |
Certificate | A Document that acceleration proves successful program |
Default | To need meet obligations especially financial ones |
GPA | Total quantity points divided by total credit hours |
Degree evaluation | An Analysis of completed course work to confirm success |
FAFSA | The for students complete to apply for financial aid |
Transferrred | To move from one location to another like college credits |
Major | The focus area of study, esp, in preparation for a carreer |
Text | The book required for a course |
Academic Advisor | One Who counsels students through their studies |
Development | Courses designed to support students skills deficiencie |
Commencement | Ceremony a the end of one's studies start of next phase |
Financial aid | Monies to help students complete their programs |
Accommodation | Adjustments mode to help students with special needs |
Associate's degree | A 2 year degree often associated with carrier path |
Application | A document requesting a service |
destutute | In poor condition impoverished |
Persevered | To keep going even though it was tough |
accelerated | To move faster to going speed |
Complexity | On e who shows great responsibility of duty |
neurosurgery | Surgery of nervous structures brain surgery |
mentor | A wise advisory teacher or coach |
Scrounge | To seek to find sometimes bu begging of stealing |
Remote | Located at distance; not close or conveniet |
Congenital | Naturally having a specific character since birth |
Mangroves | Tropical trees that has roots which grow from its branches and that grows in swamps or shallow |
Causeway | raised way across wet ground or water |
rotors | The blades of helicopter |
Respiratory Therapist | One whose career relates to helping with breathing issues |
ISolette | Use for an incubator for premature infants that provides controlled temperature |
Neonatal | Relating to affecting the newborn and specially the human infant |
Daunting | Very difficult challenging |
Procession | A group moving forward in a straight line |
Laceration | Cut or incision on one's skin |
maneuvered | To move or get by careful planning in action |
Intolerable | Not able to be endured |
gritty | Dirty or harzardours |
Wrenched | To open by force, esp, with a twisting motion |
assaulted | In this context, confronted by as in noise or heat |
Inventive | Of a person having the ability to crate or design new things or to think originally |
Quaint | Attractively unusual or old fashioned |
Commitment | A commitment ceremony can look just like a wedding, complete with church,wedding grown, and hundreds guest - bat not married license |
Unfocused | Not concentrating on a single goal or point |
Nonchalantly | Is and adv that means is an unconcerned manner. |
gratifying | Giving pleasure satisfaction pleasing |
Tangible | Capable of being perceived by the sense of touch, a firm belief in the existence of the soul, even though it is not all tangible |
Sturdy | Firmly built constituted marked by or reflecting physical strength or vigor |
Stark | Severe or bare in appearance aotline |
Circumstances | A fact or condition connected with or relevant to an or action one's state of financial o material welfare |
Fascinating | Extremely interesting charming |
Rugged | Having a broken rocky, and uneven surface. |
Vital | Absolutely necessary or important essential full of energylively |
essentials | A thing that is absolutely necessary |
Yearned | Have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from. |