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Ch. 24

assisting with minor surgey

anesthesia absence of sensation
approximation bringing wound edges together closely and evenly
bandage non sterile material applied over the top of dressings to secure them
cryosurgery technique that destroys tissue by subjecting it to very cold temperatures, also called cryotherapy
dressing material placed in or on a wound
electrosurgery use of high frequency electric current to cut, remove, or destroy tissue; also called electrocautery
endoscopy use of a specialized scope to visually examine a structure
laser surgery treatment of tissue by means of colored light beams
microsurgery any procedure completed with the use of a special operating microscope
sterile technique method that involves performing invasive procedures in a manner that protects patients from pathogens
sterile toss technique for placing sterile items on the sterile field without contaminating either one
surgical asepsis destruction of all pathogenic organisms before they enter the body
suture material used to sew wound edges together or the act of sewing wound edges together
swage to fuse a suture to a needle
what are some different types of surgical instruments cutting, grasping/ clamping, probing and dilating, and specialty
examples of cutting instruments scissors and scalpels
examples of grasping/ clamping instruments forceps, hemostats. needle holders, and clamps
examples of probing/ dilating instruments specula, scopes, probes, retractors and dilators
what is a scope lighted instruments designed to aid in the visualization of body cavities
examples of specialty instruments foerster sponge forceps, curette, uterine sound, tenaculum
Created by: rewebb
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