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5 Sci Test 3 Ch 1-3

beetle an insect with a straight line down its abdomen and chewing mouth parts
binocular vision type of vision in which both eyes work together to produce an image of the same object
black if all of the colors of the spectrum are absorbed by an object, the object is this color
blubber layers of this are found in whales and dolphins to keep them warm
camouflage an animal blending with is surroundings is an example of ___?____.
carnivores animals that eat meat
concave mirror type of mirror which bulges away from the view and make things look bigger
concave lens type of lens which scatters light rays
convex mirror type of mirror that bulges toward the viewer & makes things look smaller
convex lens type of lens which refracts light rays and brings them into focus
cornea transparent layer covering the front of the eyeball
drone another name for male bee
echidna egg-laying mammal
extinct animals whose species no longer exist
iris muscles that regulate the size of the pupil are found here
lens structure behind the pupil that refracts and focuses the light it receives
migrating insects that move from place to place with the changing seasons
musk this gland produces the odor of the skunk
nocturnal animals that are active only at night
nymph young insect that looks just like the adult
opaque allowing no lights to pass through
optic nerve large bundle of fivers that carries the message of what the eye has seen to the brain
primates chimpanzees, gorillas, and monkeys are examples of these
pupil opening that allows light to enter the eye
reflects a red shirt looks red because the shirt _________ the red light
refraction bending of light rays as they enter a new material
retina light-sensitive lining covering the inside of the eyeball
rodents largest group of mammals
ROY G BV colors of the spectrum in order: red, orange, yellow, green blue and violet
ruminants animals that chew the cud
Sir Isaac Newton inventor of the reflecting telescope that uses a concave mirror and a convex lens
spectrum series of colored bands created when sunlights is separated
straight light always travels in this type of line
tapetum many nocturnal animals have an extra layer of reflecting cells behind the retina
Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb
translucent allowing light through but diffusing (scattering) it so objects cannot be seen clearly
transparent clear; allowing light to pass through
white this light is a mixture of colored lights
Created by: Mrs_CC
Popular Science sets




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