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Ch. 31

Urology and the Male Reproductive System

anuria absence of urine production
cystoscopy visual examination of the bladder
dysuria painful or difficult urination
filtrate mixture of water, electrolytes, urea, and other small molecules first filtered in the glomerulus
frequency need for frequent urination
hemodialysis artificial means of removing urea, wastes, toxins, and excess fluid from the blood
lithotripsy treatment that uses shock or sound waves to crush stones in the kidneys or urinary tract
micturition reflex bladder reflex that creates the urge to urinate
oliguria deficiency of urine production
peritoneal dialysis dialysis in which the lining of the peritoneal cavity is used as the dialyzing membrane
renal colic pain that radiates from the flank into the abdomen or groin area
stent device that holds tissue in place and maintains an opening
urgency sudden, nearly uncontrollable need to urinate.
urinalysis laboratory analysis of urine
urine culture growth and study of microorganisms isolated from a urine specimen
urinary catheterization procedure that involves insertion of a sterile drainage tube into the bladder to drain or withdraw urine
vasectomy procedure that involves removal of a segment of the vas deferens to achieve male sterilization
bacteriuria bacteria in the urine
balanitis inflammation of the glans penis
glomerulopathy disease of the glomerulus
hemauria blood in the urine
hemolysis destruction of blood
nephrolithiasis abnormal condition of kidney stones
nephrologist specialist in the study of the kidneys
renal pertaining to the kidneys
nocturia urination at night
oliguria deficiency of urine production with an output less than 400 ml/day
orchopathy disease of the testes
orchiectomy surgical removal of testes
orchidopexy surgical fixation of the testes
testomegaly enlargement of the testes
peritoneal pertaining to the peritoneum
prostatoplasty surgical repair of the prostate
pyelonephritis inflammation of the renal pelvis
pyuria pus in the urine
spermatogenesis producing sperm
urethropexy surgical fixation of the urethra
urology study of disorders of the urinary tract
urinometer instrument for measuring urine
vasotomy incision into a vessel
antibacterial pertaining to against bacteria
polyuria much urination
oligospermia condition of deficient sperm
prerenal pertaining to before the kidneys
transurethral pertaining to through or across the urethra
cystocele herniation of the bladder
bacteriocidal killing bacteria
spermatocyte sperm cell
urodynia painful urination
prostatectomy surgical removal of the prostate
pyelogram radiological record of the kidneys
prostatomegaly enlarged prostate
nephropathy disease of the kidneys
cystopexy surgical fixation of the bladder
urethrospasm contraction of the urethra
nephrotic pertaining to the kidneys
acute renal failure sharp rise in the serum creatine level of 25% or more that may last days or weeks or develop into chronic renal failure
bacterial cystitis inflammation of the bladder due to bacterial infection: also called bladder infection
balanoposthitis inflammatio of the glans penis beneath the foreskin
benign prostatic hyperthrophy enlargement of the prostate gland caused by noncancerous cellular proliferation; also called benign prostatic hyperplasia
chronic renal failure progressive loss of the kidneys effectiveness in excreting waste products and regulating fluid and electrolytes; also called chronic kidney disease
chlamydia trachomatis organism that causes many diseases; including genital infections in men and women
cryptorchidism condition in which the testicles fail to descend into the scrotum
diuresis abnormal secretion of large amounts of urine
end-stage renal disease termination of the kidneys' ability to regulate fluid and electrolytes and excrete wastes, ending in death unless transplantation occurs
enuresis involuntary urination during sleep
erectile dysfunction inability of a man to attain an erection adequate enough to achieve a satisfactory sexual experience; also called impotence
fecal incontinence loss of control over bowel function
glomerulonephritis form of nephritis in which the glomeruli are primarily effected
gonorrhea sexually transmitted infection caused by neisseria gonorrhoeae
herpes simplex virus type two virus that causes repeated eruptions of painful vesicles on the genitals and other mucosal surfaces and on the skin
human papilloma virus genital wort virus that is specific to humans and is a common viral sexually transmitted disease
hydronephrosis stretching of the renal pelvis as a result of obstruction to urinary outflow
interstitial cystitis chronic condition of inflammation of the bladder lining
interstitial nephritis pathologic changes in renal tissue that destroy nephrons and impair kidney function
nephritic syndrome condition marked by increased glomerular permeability to proteins, resulting in massive proteinurea, edema, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypercoagulability
nephrolithiasis presence of kidney stones
nocturia excessive need to urinate at night after going to bed
orchitis inflammation of the testicle, usually caused by bacterial or viral infection; also called orchiditis
overflow incontinence ineffective emptying of the bladder caused by nerve damage or other disorders, leading to urine leakage
phimosis stenosis of the foreskin opening so that it cannot be retracted back over the glans penis
polycystic kidney disease any of several hereditary disorders in which cysts form in the kidneys and other organs, eventually destroying kidney tissue and function
prostatitis inflammation of the prostate gland
pyelonephritis inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis, usually due to bacterial infection that has ascended from the urinary bladder
sexually transmitted disease any disease that may be acquired as a result of sexual intercourse or other intimate contact with an infected individual; also called venereal disease
spermatocele type of cyst that develops when the tubes that transports sperm become blocked
stress incontinence involuntary urine leakage with physical stress, such as cough or sneeze
syphilis multistage infection typically transmitted through sexual contact caused by the spirochete treponema pallidum
total urinary incontinence continuous and unpredictable loss of urine
uremia inflammation of the urethra
urinary retention retention of urine in the bladder due to an inability to urinate
varicocele presence of enlarged varicose veins within the scrotum
wilms tumor rapidly developing cancerous tumor of the kidney that usually occurs in children; also called nephroblastoma
ARF acute renal failure
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy; also called benign prostatic hyperplasia
BUN blood urea nitrogen
CKD chronic kidney disease; also called chronic renal failure
CRF chronic renal failure; also called chronic kidney disease
DRE digital rectal examination
ED erectile dysfunction
ESRD end-stage renal disease
GFR glomerular filtration rate
HPV human papilloma virus
HSV herpes simplex virus
IVP intravenous pyelogram
KUB kidney, ureter, bladder
pH parts hydrogen (acidity or alkalinity of a substance)
PKD polcystic kidney disease
PSA prostate-specific antigen
RP retrograde pyelogram
STD sexually transmitted disease
TSE testicular self-examination
TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
UA urinalysis
UTI urinary tract infection
bladder cancer most common form of urinary tract cancer. most tumors develop in the bladder lining. incidences increase over the age of 55 and it is 3x more common in men and is more common in Caucasians
renal cancer
Created by: rewebb
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