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Ch. 32
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Question | Answer |
Abortion | spontaneous or induced termination of pregnancy before the fetus reaches a viable age |
adenomyosis | benign invasive growth of endometrial tissue into the myometrium |
Bartholin glands | two small glands located at the opening of the vagina |
blastocyte | group of cells in early gestation that will form an embryo |
coitus | sexual intercourse |
colposcopy | examination of vaginal and cervical tissues of the vagina and cervix |
conception | time at which an ovum is fertilized |
dilation | increase in size |
effacement | thinning of the cervix during labor |
endometrium | mucous membrane that lines the uterus |
episiotomy | incision made into the perineum to facilitate delivery of a baby |
estrogen | hormone that stimulates female characteristics |
fetus | term used to describe a developing human in utero from 9 weeks' gestation (after embryonic stage) until birth |
fundus | area of the uterus above the openings to the Fallopian tubes |
gestation | time from conception to birth |
gravidity | total number of pregnancies |
hormone | chemical substance released from a gland or organ |
lactation | process in which a mother produces milk for her new born infant |
mammary glands | milk producing glands in a female |
menarche | age of first menstruation |
menopause | permanent cessation of menstruation, usually occurring between ages 38 to 58 |
menstruation | female cycle of producing and expelling the unfertilized ovum |
neonate | newborn from birth to one month of age |
ovaries | glands that produce ova the cells from the female necessary for procreation |
papanicolaou test | test used to detect cancer of cervical cells |
perineum | area between the vaginal opening and the anus |
placenta | uterine structure that is connected to the fetus by the umbilical cord and fro, which the fetus obtains nourishment and oxygen |
postpartum | time from birth up to 6 weeks |
prenatal | time of gestation before birth |
progesterone | hormone that prepares the uterus for pregnancy |
prolactin | hormone that stimulates breast development and production of milk |
zygote | fertilized ovum |
amniocentesis | transabdominal puncture of the amniotic sac |
cervicitis | inflammation of the cervix |
colpoptosis | prolapse of the vagina |
galactopoiesis | milk production |
gynecology | study of diseases of the female reproductive system and the breasts |
hysterectomy | surgical removal of the uterus |
mammography | radiographic imaging of the breast |
mastectomy | surgical removal of the breast |
oophorectomy | excision of an ovary |
ovariotubal | concerning the ovary and the oviducts |
perinoplasty | reparative surgery on the perineum |
salpingocele | hernia of the Fallopian tube |
vaginaplexy | repair of a relaxed or prolapsed vagina |
antepartum | period of pregnancy between conception and onset of labor |
dysmenorrhea | pain associated with menstruation |
multipara | woman who has delivered more than one viable infant |
postmenopausal | time period after the permanent cessation of menstruation |
precoital | prior to sexual intercourse |
primagravida | woman during her first pregnancy |
nulligravida | a woman who has never conceived a child |
unipara | a woman who has had one pregnancy to 20 weeks or longer |
amenorrhea | abnormal absence of menstruation |
pyosalpinx | pus in the Fallopian tube |
dystocia | difficult or painful childbirth |
adenomyosis | benign invasive growth of endometrial tissue into myometrium |
eclampsia | disorder of pregnancy marked by hypertension, convulsions, and coma |
endometriosis | growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, commonly on adjacent organs |
fibroids | benign uterine tumors |
gestational diabetes | diabetes mellitus that occurs during pregnancy |
menorrhagia | menstrual bleeding that is excessive in amount of blood and number of days of menstruation |
placenta previa | condition in which the placenta is located over the cervical opening to the vagina |
preeclampsia | condiation during pregnancy characaerized by increasing blood pressure, protienuria, and edema |
uterine prolapse | protrusion of the uterus through the vagina |
sexually transmitted disease | infection that spreads by sexual contact |
C- section | cesarean section |
D&C | dilatation and curettage |
FSH | follicle stimulating hormone |
GYN | gynecology |
IUD | intrauterine device |
IVF | in vitro fertilization |
LH | leutinizing hormone |
LMP | last menstrual period |
OB-GYN | obstetrics and gynecology |
OC | oral contraceptive |
pap test | papanicolaou test |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
STD | sexually transmitted disease |
STI | sexually transmitted infection |
TAH | total abdominal hysterectomy |
TAH-BSO | total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy |
what is another name for candidiasis | yeast infection |
what are five causes of candidiasis | antibiotics, oral contraceptives, diabetes, tight clothing, and steroids |
what are some symptoms of candidiasis | white, pruritis vaginal discharge, burning with urination, |
list three medications that treat candidiasis | diflucan, gyne-lotrimon, and monistat |
how is candidiasis diagnosed | a wet prep |
where are the bartholin glands located | in each lateral wall of the vagina |
how are bartholin gland cyst treated | a warm compress or it can be lanced |
ehy is chlamydia considered the silent std | up to 75% of females are asymptomatic |
how is chlamydia treated | antibiotics for a minimum of one week |
what other infections are women with chlamydia more susceptible to | HIV |
what causes genital herpes | herpes simplex virus II |
what are some symptoms of genital herpes | local pain, itching, burning, dysuria, tingling that leads to a rash |
can genital herpes be cured | there is no cure |
when is herpes likely to be transmitted | during an outbreak |
what is the danger to the fetus if the mother has genital herpes | resp. illness, retinal infection, encephalitis, or death |
what organism causes genital warts | HPV |
how are genital warts treated | topical podophyllin or laser surgery |
what type of cancer do genital warts increase the risk for | cervical cancer |
who is at highest risk for gonorrhea | sexually active teens |
what are the symptoms of gonorrhea | greenish/ yellow discharge from the cervix |
what co-infection is present in 30% of people with gonorrhea | chlamydia |
who most commonly gets syphilis | teens, young adults, illicit drug abusers, and HIV+ |
stage 1 of syphilis | ulcers |
stage 2 of syphilis | wide spread body rash |
stage 3 of syphilis | aortic damage |
what are the symptoms of AIDS | fatigue, fever, chills, night sweats, oral ulcerations, dyspnea, dysphagia, anorexia, pneumonia, diarrhea, weight loss, and confusion |
what is the survival rate of AIDS with out treatment | 9-11 years |
how is AIDS spread | person to person contact |
what are the symptoms of trichomoniasis | frothy white or yellow vaginal discharge with a characteristic foul odor |
what microorganism causes trichomoniasis | trichomonas vaginalis |
what type of cancer does trichomoniasis increase the risk for | cervical cancer |
what does dysmenorrhea cause | ppain in the liwer abdominal and pelvic areas |
list four causes for dysmenorrhea | hormonal imbalance, endometiaosis, uterine fibroids, PID |
what can you advise Pts with dysmenorrhea to avoid | caffeine and alcohol |
what are the characteristics of PCOS | irregular ovulation, excessive male hormones, |
how is PCOS diagnosed | blood test |
how are ovarian cysts and PCOS treated | oral contraceptives |
what is endometriosis | growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus |
how is endometriosis diagnosed | visual examination |
what are the main symptoms of endometriosis | pain that starts 5-6 days before menstruation until 3-4 days after menstruation |
what is the main complication of endometriosis | impaired fertility |
what is pelvic inflammatory disease AKA PID | any acute or chronic infection of the female reproductive system |
what is the most common cause of PID | gonorrhea and chlamydia |
what are a few common symptoms of PID | discharge, odor, fever, malaise, lower abdominal pain |
what are fibroids | smooth tumors made of muscle and fat |
what symptoms can uterine fibroids cause | menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea |
what are some four causes of uterine prolapse | age, weakening of the musculature, pelvic tumors, and straining |
how is uterine prolapse diagnosed | examination |
how is uterine prolapse treated | uteropexy |
what is an ectopic pregnancy | implantation of a fertilized egg in other places other than the uterus |
what are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy | sharp pain, fever, and bleeding |
how is ectopic pregnancy treated | surgery |
what is another name for a spontaneous abortion | miscarriage |
what is done if a spontaneous abortion is incomplete | a D&C |
how often do spontaneous abortion occur in first pregnancy | 30% of all first pregnancies |
who is most at risk for developing gestational diabetes | women over 25, overweight, and a family history |
what is the treatment for gestational diabetes | cal. restriction, exercise, possibly insulin |
waht is the risk for the baby of a mom with gestational diabetes | macrosomia |
what is the risk for the mom (who suffers from gestational diabetes) later on in life | 50% chance of diabetes |
what increases the risk of placenta previa | women over 35, previous uterine surgery, increased parity |
what are some symptoms of placenta previa | slight hemorrhage w/ recurrent severity in the 7th or 8th month |
how is abruptio placentae diagnosed | pt reports painless bleeding in 3rd trimester |
what happens to the fetus in grade 3 abruptio | death |
what are some symptoms of eclampsia | hypertension, protienuria, and edema |
how is eclampsia treated | treatment is directed towards managing seizures and monitoring blood pressure |
what kind of damage can occur due to eclampsia | damage to the placenta and organ damage |
what are some symptoms of breast cancer | breast mass, nipple discharge, and nodules |
what are some risk factors of breast cancer | BRCA-1 or 2, early menstruation, late menopause, and first kid after 35 yrs old |
what is the relationship between cervical cancer and human papilloma virus | HPV can cause cervical cancer |
what are the risk factors for cervical cancer | tobacco, early age intercourse, multiple partners, herpes, more than one pregnancy |
what test is used to to detect cervical cancer | pap test |
what are the symptoms of uterine cancer | bleeding in post menopausal Pt., yellow watery discharge w/ foul odor, cramping or pressure in the abdomen or pelvis |
what is the most common treatment for uterine cancer | total hysterectomy |
why do many patients not get diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the early stage | vague symptoms |
what are the late symptoms of ovarian cancer | build up of fluid in the abdomen, shortness of breath, dry persistent cough, nausea, vomiting, abdominal tumors, weight loss |
how common is infertility | 20% of all couples |
how effective is treatment for infertility | 38% |
what is fibrocystic breast disease | presence of multiple lumps in the breast |
how is fibrocystic breast disease diagnosed | manual breast exam |
what dietary changes may help with fibrocystic breast disease | reduce caffeine and dietary fat |
does fibrocystic breast disease increase the risk of breast cancer | no |
what is included in an obstetric history | LMP, birth control, last pap, BSE |
during the initial OB visit what tests and measurements will the clinical medical assistant perform | cbc, va, rubella, rpr, blood type with rh, pap test, std screening |
during prenatal visits the clinical medical assistant assists the doctor to do which measurements | weight, vital signs, fundal height, fetal heart rate |
what should a breast feeding mother increase in her diet | carbs, proteins, fatty acids and fluids |
what happens when a new born begins to breathe | cord is cut, infant inhales, CO2 in the infants blood rises to stimulate the resp. center of the brain |
what is included in taking a menstrual history | age at menarche, if regular, amount and duration, urinary symptoms, pain, discharge, breast health, last pap, sex history, number of pregnancies, LMP, meds. |
what does a cma do to assist the doctor | assist Pt. into position and hand the physician whatever they need |
what is cryosurgery and why is it performed | uses extreme cold to destroy cancerous cells |