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Med Terms
Med Terms for Coders
Term | Definition |
suffix | is added to the end to complete a term and tell what is happening |
-ac, -ic, -al, -ar, -ary, -eal, -ical, -ic, -ine, -ior, -ory, -ous, -tic | pertaining to |
-ago, -esis, -iasis, -ia, -ion, -ism, -osis | abnormal condition or disease |
-algia | pain and suffering ex. cephaligia |
-dynia | pain ex. coccydynia |
-itis | inflammation ex. pancreatitis |
-malacia | abnormal softening ex. chondromalacia |
-megaly | enlargement ex. cardiomegaly |
-necrosis | tissue death ex. osteonecrosis |
-orrhagia | burst forth, hemorrhage ex. menorrhagia |
-orrhea | discharge, flowing ex. dysmenorrhea |
-sclerosis | abnormal hardening ex. arteriosclerosis |
-stenosis | abnormal narrowing ex. arteriostenosis |
-centesis | surgically puncture to remove excess fluid ex. peritoneocentesis |
-ectomy | to surgically remove ex. hysterectomy |
-graphy | process of recording ex. arteriography |
-gram | picture or record ex. electrocardiogram |
-lysis | loosen, free, or destroy ex. hemolysis |
-orrhaphy | repair, close, suture ex. herniorrhaphy |
-plasty | surgically repair ex. abdominoplasty |
-scopy | visually examine ex. bronchoscopy |
-stomy | form an opening ex. colostomy |
prefix | small word added to beginning of a word to change its meaning |
Sub- | less, under or below |
Supra- | excessive or above |
Inter- | between or among |
Intra- | within or inside |
Hyper- | over or above, excessive or increased |
Hypo- | below, decreased or deficient |
Dys- | bad, painful, or difficult |
Eu- | good, normal or easy |
Ab- | away from |
Ad- | in the direction of, toward |
Uni-, mono | one, single |
primi- | first |
Bi-, di- | double, two |
Tri- | three |
Quadr/i-,tetra- | four |
hemi-, semi- | half |
Multi- | multiple |
Poly | many |
Olig/o | scant, few |
Pan- | all |
Alb/o- | white |
Clor/o- | green |
Erythr/o | red |
Leuk/o | white |
Melan/o | black |
Purpur- | purple |
Rube- | red |
Xanth/o | yellow |
a-,an- | no, not, without |
ante- | before |
anti-, contra- | against |
aut- | self |
de- | down, without |
dextr/o | right |
dia-, per-, trans- | complete, through |
endo- | within |
ec- ecto- | out, outside |
exo- | outside, away from |
hetero- | other, different |
homo- | same, unchanging |
mes/o- | Middle |
macro-,mega- | Large (abnormally) |
micro- | Small |
neo- | new |
normo- | normal |
peri- | Around |
pre-, pro | Before |
poikilo- | varied, irregular |
post- | after, behind |
pseudo- | false |
re- | back, again |
retro- | behind |
sub- | under, below |
syn-,sym- | Together |
tel/e, tel/o | end |
trans- | across, through |
sinister-/o | left |