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chapter 1
content vocalbulary
Term | Definition |
Civics | civics is the study of rights and duties of citezens |
citezenship | the concept dates bact more than 2500 years to ancient grees and rome |
citizen | citizens have certain rights and duties and are community members who owe loyalty to the goverment and entitled to protection from it |
service economy | where the majority of people can earn a living by providing a service rather than providing a product |
value | values are broad ideas about what is good or desirable and are shared by people or a society |
popular sovereignty | notion that power lies withen the people |
institution | sets of ideas that people have about relations obligations roles and function |
naturalisation | a legal process to obtain citezenship |
alien | a noncitezen |
immigrant | a person wo moves permanantly to a new country |
deport | to send an alien or immigrant bact to his or her own country |
goverment | the ruling athority for a community |
public polocy | the course of action the goverment takes in responce to an issue or problem |
budget | a plan for making and spending money |
democrasy | a goverment in which citezens hold the power to rule |
direct democracy | a dorm of democracy in wich the people vote first hand |
representative democrasy | a goverment in which citezens chose a smaller group to govern on thier behalf |
republic | a representative democracy where citezens chose thier lawmakers |
monarchy | a goverment with a single leader |
majority rule | political principal poviding that a majority of members of the community has the power to make laws binding upon all people |
athoritain | a go erment in which one leader or group of people has absolute power |
totalarian | system in wich goverment control extends to almost all aspects of peoples lives |