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Medical Terminology
Basic Medical Language (3rd Edition) LaFleur Brooks
Term | Definition |
lapar | abdomen (abdominal cavity or abdominal wall) |
pancreat | pancreas |
gingiv | gums |
chol | gall; bile |
salping | uterine tube (fallopian tube) |
orchid | testis; testicle |
oophor | ovary |
medi | middle |
cephal | head (upward) |
gynec | woman |
-gram | record; radiographic image |
-pexy | surgical fixation; suspension |
vertebr | vertebra; spine |
audi | hearing |
tympan | middle ear |
blephar | eyelid |
irid | iris |
scler | sclera |
retin | retina |
kerat | cornea |
ophthalm | eye |
rect | rectum |
-metry | measurement |
later | side |
proxim | near (the point of attachment of a body part) |
mamm | breast |
hyper- | above; excessive |
super | above |
-itis | inflammation |
xanth | yellow |
-meter | instrument used to measure |
acr | extremities |
-tomy | incision into |
sub | below; under |
troph | development |
anter | front |
ox | oxygen |
-osis | abnormal condition |
per- | through |
-ous | pertaining to |
dermat | skin |
epi- | on; upon; over |
enter | intestines (usually the small intestine) |
duoden | duodenum |
cutane | skin |
abdomin | abdomen (abdominal cavity or abdominal wall) |
-stomy | artificial opening |
proct | rectum |
angi | (blood) vessel |
erythr | red |
leuk | white |
myc | fungus |
melan | black |
derm | skin |
intra- | within |
a-; an- | without; absence |
-rrhea | flow; discharge |
myring | eardrum (tympanic membrane) |
-plegia | paralysis |
opt | vision |
ot | ear |
cyan | blue |
gastr | stomach |
ile | ileum |
esophag | esophagus |
col; colon | colon (usually the large intestine) |
-ac | pertaining to |
ven | vein |
-penia | abnormal reduction in number |
-sclerosis | hardening |
-graph | instrument used to record |
tachy- | rapid; fast |
brady- | slow |
phlep | vein |
lymph | lymph |
-megaly | enlargement |
hepat | liver |
phag | swallowing; eating |
sinus | sinus |
hypo- | below; deficient; under |
lingu | tongue |
jejun | jejunum |
append; appendic | appendix |
sigmoid | sigmoid colon |
vagin | vagina |
or | mouth |
gloss | tongue |
peps | digestion |
-algia | pain |
-oma | tumor |
hist | tissue |
-oid | resembling |
cyt | cell |
-logist | specialist (physician) who studies and treats |
-al | pertaining to |
carcin | cancer |
-a; -e; -y | no meaning |
-logy | study of |
stasis | control; stop |
viscer | internal organs |
meta- | beyond |
-genic | producing; originating; causing |
sarc | flesh; connective tissue |
plasm | growth (substance or formation) |
epitheli | epithelium |
neur | nerve |
my | muscle |
path | disease |
onc | tumor |
ventr | belly (front) |
dors | back |
-ad | toward |
caud | tail (downward) |
poster | back; behind |
infer | below |
dist | away from the point of attachment of a body part) |
-ic | pertaining to |
-ior | pertaining to |
-ia | diseased state; condition of |
pulmon | lung |
endo- | within |
-scopy | visual examination |
-pnea | breathing |
noct | night |
metr | uterus |
colp | vagina |
-ptosis | prolapse or downward displacement; drooping |
-cele | hernia; protrusion |
cervic | cervix or neck |
prostat | prostate gland |
aden | gland |
arteri | artery |
cardi | heart |
thromb | (blood clot) |
electr | electrical activity |
splen | spleen |
hemat | blood |
pyel | renal pelvis |
-iasis | condition |
-rrhaphy | suture; repair |
hem | blood |
-graphy | process of recording; radiographic imaging |
ren | kidney |
lith | stone; calculus |
-tripsy | surgical crushing |
ureter | ureter |
lip | fat |
urethr | urethra |
nephr | kidney |
olig | scanty; few |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-emia | blood condition |
cyst | bladder; sac |
ur; urin | urination; urine; urinary tract |
neo- | new |
chondr | cartilage |
cost | rib |
laryng | larynx (voice box) |
thorac | chest; thorax |
burs | bursa |
ili | ilium |
femor | femur (upper leg bone) |
crani | cranium (skull) |
scoli | crooked; curved (spine) |
lord | bent forward (spine) |
necr | death |
oste | bone |
pneum | lung; air |
-scopic | pertaining to visual examination |
-meter | instrument used to measure |
rhin | nose |
muc | mucus |
hemi- | half |
quadr | four |
poly- | many; much |
poli | gray; gray matter |
psych | mind |
thym | thymus gland |
-ism | state of |
thyroid | thyroid gland |
glyc | glucose (sugar) |
dips | thirst |
crin | to secrete |
adrenal | adrenal gland |
cerebr | cerebrum; brain |
cephal | head |
encephal | brain |
myel | spinal cord |
-rrhexis | rupture |
dys- | difficult; painful; abnormal |
-thorax | chest; thorax |
-eal | pertaining to |
-rrhagia | rapid flow of blood |
vas | vessel; duct |
men | menstruation |
pneumon | lung; air |
-scope | instrument used for visual examination |
trache | trachea (windpipe) |
mast | breast |
pharyng | pharynx (throat) |
-ectomy | surgical removal; excision |
hyster | uterus |
nas | nose |
mening | meninges |
pleg | paralysis |
phas | speech |
-desis | surgical fusion (to immobilize) |
-schisis | split; fissure |
kinesi | movement; motion |
rachi | vertebra; spine; vertebral column |
scrot | scrotum |
-ary | pertaining to |
-centesis | surgical puncture to remove fluid |
bronch | bronchus (s); bronchi (pl) |
py | pus |
arthr | joint |
-malacia | softening |
kyph | hump (spine) |
inter- | between |
stern | sternum (breast bone) |
carp | carpus (wrist) |
ischi | ischium |
spondyl | vertebra; spine ; vertebral column |
-asthenia | weakness |
pub | pubis |
phalang | phalanx (any bone of the fingers or toes) |
ten | tendon |
tendin | tendon |
capn | carbon dioxide |