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Medical Office Assis

Stack #212517

muscular dystrophy Group of inherited disease characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of muscle fibers.with out the involvement of the nervous system
Polymyositis Chronic inflammatory myopathy
adduction movement toward the midline of the body
abduction movement away from the midline of the body
dorsiflexion Backward (upward) bending of the foot
extension straightening of a flexed limb
fascia fibrous membrane seperating and enveloping muscles
flexion bending a joint
insertion of a muscle connection of the muscle to a bone that moves
origin of a muscle connection of the muscle to a stationary bone
plantar flexion bending of the sole of the foot downward toward the ground
pronation turning the palm backward
rotation circular movement around a central point
skeletal muscle muscle connected to bones;volentary or striated muscle
smooth muscle muscle connected to internal organs; involentary or visceral muscle
striated muscle skeletal muscle
supination turning the palm foreward
visceral muscle smooth muscle
fasci/o fascia(forms sheaths enveloping muscles)
fibr/o fibrous connective tissue
fasciectomy removal of a fascia
fibromyalgia chronic pain in fibrous connective tissue
leiomy/o smooth muscle that lines the walls of internal organs
leiomyoma benign tumor of the smooth muscle
leiomyosarcoma malignant tumor of the smooth muscle
my/o muscle
myalgia muscle pain
myocardi/o heart muscle
electromyography process of recording muscle strength
myocardial pt the heart muscle
myos/o muscle
myositis inflammation of a muscle
plant/o sole of the foot
plantar flexion pt bending of the foot downward
rhabdomy/o skeletal striated muscle connected to bones
rhabdobmyoma benign tumor of the skeletal muscle
rhabdomyosarcoma malignant tumor of the skeletal muscle
-asthenia lack of strength
-trophy developement, nourishment
myasthenia gravis grave muscle weakness
amyotropic pt no muscle nourishment
ab- away from
ad- toward
dorsi- back
poly- many,much
abduction process of leading away
adduction process of leading toward
dorsiflexion process of bending the foot upward(back)
diaphysis middle region of a long bone
epiphysis each end of a long bone
epiphiseal line growth plate
metaphysis flared portion of a long bone
periosteum strong membrane that covers the surface of long bones
articular cartilage smooth strong tissue covering the ends of joints
compact bone (cortical ) bone, layer of hard dense bone that lied under the periosteum
haversian canals small canals containing blood vessels-remove waste product such as CO2
medullary cavity contains yellow (fatty) bone marrow
cancellous bone spongy or trabecular bone, porous bone
red bone marrow contained within the spaces of the cancellous bone
cranial bones frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoiod
fossa shallow cavity in or on a bone
Foramen opening for blood vessels and nerves
Fissure narrow deep slit like opening
sinus hollow cavity within a bone
facial bones nalas,lacrimal,maxillary,mandibular,zygomatic,vomer
cerical vertebrae C1-C7
thoracic vertebrae T1-T12
lumbar vertebrae L1-L5
sacral vertebrae sacrum 5 fused bones
coccyx tailbone, 4 fused bones
clavicle collar bone
scapula shoulder blade
sternum breastbone
xiphoid process lower portion of the sternum
manubrium uppr portion of the sternum
ribs 12 pairs-true,false,floating
humerus upper armbone
ulna medial lower arm bone
olecranon elbow
radius lower lateral arm bone
carpals wrist bones
metacarpals hand bones
phalanges fingers and or toes
pelvic girdle bones of the pelvis
ishium posterior part of the pelvis
ilium uppermost and largest part of the pelvis
pubis anterior paart of the pelvis
pubic symphysis 2 pubic bones joined by cartilagenous disk
tarsals hindfoot
acetabulum hip socket
calcaneous heel
femur thigh bone
fibula smaller leg bone
malleolus ankle
mandibul lower jaw bone
maxilla uppr jaw bone
metatarsals midfoot bones
patella kneecap
tibia shin bone-larger of the 2 lower leg bones
vertebra(e) individule backbone, (backbones)
acromion shoulder joint
bone hard dense connective tissue
collagen dense connective tissue strands
osseous tissue bone tissue
osteoblast helps form bony tissue
osteoclast phagocyte-removes unwanted bony tissue
Created by: StefanieO
Popular Medical sets




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