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Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology terms and definitions
Term | Definition |
Gastr- | Stomach |
Cardi- | Heart |
Megal- | Enlarged |
-Itis | Inflammation |
Dermat- | Skin |
Plast- | Surgical Repair |
Cerebr- | Brain |
Path- | Disease |
-Ectomy | Surgical Removal of |
Enter- | Intestines |
-Osis | Any Condition |
-Otomy | Cut Into |
Aden- | Gland |
Angi- | Vessel |
-Oma | Tumor |
Nephr- | Kidney |
Hepat- | Liver |
Arthr- | Joint |
Blephar- | Eyelid |
-Ologist | One who specializes |
Rhin- | Nose |
Gingiv- | Gums |
-Malacia | Soft |
-Ology | Study of |
Spasm | Involuntary Contraction |
-Algia | Pain |
Crani- | Skull |
End- | Within, Inside |
Hemi- | Half |
-Oid | Like |
Hyper- | Above |
Cyst- | Sac of fluid |
Chole- | Bile |
Hypo- | Under |
-Scop | Observe |
Hyster- | Uterus |
-Ostomy | Creating an opening |
Para- | Beside, Beyond |
-Lysis | Loosening, Destruction |
Cervic- | Neck |
Chondr- | Cartilage |
Cyan- | Blue |
Hem(at)- | Blood |
Ost- | Bone |
Psycho- | Mind |
Lip- | Fat |
My- | Muscle |
Lith- | Stone |
Ophthalm- | Eye |
Proct- | Anus |
Cost- | Rib |
-Gram | Record |
Acro- | Extremities |
Rhexis | Burst |
Carcin- | Cancer |
-Penia | Decrease |
Gen- | Original, Production |
Burso- | Sac |
Retr(o)- | Backwards |
Trip- | Rub, Friction |
Strept- | Twisted |
-Desis | Binding |
Mani- | Madness |
Glosso- | Tongue |
-Trophy | Development |
Supra- | Above |
-Ptosis | Falling |
-Dyn- | Pain |
-Rrhaphy | Suture |
Dent- | Teeth |
Cephal- | Head |
Auto- | Self |
Epi- | Upon |
Hydro- | Water |
Lobo- | Section |
-Emesis | Vomiting |
Contra- | Against, Counter |
-Iasis | Condition, Formation of |
Trans- | Through, Across, Beyond |
Brady- | Slow |
-Ectasis | Expansion |
Cyt- | Cell |
Odont- | Tooth |
Leuk- | White |
-Esthesia | Sensation, Feeling |
Cantho- | Angle at end of eyelid |
Steno- | Narrow, Contracted |
Cheil- | Lip |
-Cele | Hernia |
Benign | Mild, Not Cancerous |
Semen | Seed |
Celio- | Abdomen |
Erythro- | Red |
Vaso- | Vessel |
Melan- | Black |
Cauda- | Tail |
Lingua- | Tongue |
Myring- | Eardrum |
Spondyl- | Spinal Column |
Ovar- | Egg |
-Centesis | Puncture |
Oto- | Ear |
Bili- | Bile |
Squam- | Scale |
Mening- | Membrane |
Cec- | Blind Passage |
Macul- | Spot |
-Pexy | Suspension |
Onco- | Tumor |
Or- | Mouth |
Sub- | Under |
Spiro- | Coil |
Lacrim- | Tear |
Viscero- | Organ |
Lact- | Milk |
Onych- | Screw, Claw |
Thorac- | Chest |
Pyle- | Gate |
Vesic- | Bladder |
Sphenic- | Wedge |
Myel- | Marrow, Spinal Cord |
Anti- | Against |
Myco- | Fungus |
Hallux | Great Toe |
Physio- | Nature |
Bucc(o) | Cheek |
Palpebr- | Eyelid |
-Plasia | Development |
Rug- | Wrinkle, Fold, Crease |
Aur- | Ear |
Acoust(i)- | Hearing |
Colp(o)- | Hollow, Vagina |
Phon- | Voice, Sound |
Leio- | Smooth |
Cor | Heart |
Ren- | Kidney |
Orchi- | Testis |
Encephal- | Brain |
Thalam- | Inner Chamber |
Plexus- | Braid |
Cilia- | Eyelash |
Dendr- | Tree, Branching |
Phleb- | Vein |
Pilo- | Hair |
Histo- | Tissue |
Stoma- | Mouth |
Tympan- | Eardrum |
Umbilic- | Navel |
Salpingo- | Tube |
Helio- | Sun |
Astr- | Star-Shaped |
-Asthenia | Weakness |
Fascia | Sheet, Band |
Iso- | Equal |
Tarso- | Ankle |
-Tope | Place |
Pod- | Foot |
Malign- | Bad |
Adnexa | Ties |
Ocul- | Eye |
Lapar- | Abdominal Wall |
Dacry- | Tear |
Ment- | Mind |
Part- | Labor, Bring Forth |
Scler(a)- | Hard |
Somato- | Body |
Trachel- | Neck |
Sinus | Hollow Space |
Hypno- | Sleep |
Sept- | Wall, Fence |
Scirr(h)- | Hard |
Antr- | Cavity |
-Crine | To Secrete |
Dura | Hard |
Pneum- | Lung |
Phage- | To Eat |
Phren- | Mind |
Corne- | Horny |
Plak- | Plate |
Iris | Rainbow |
Kerat- | Horny |
Pulmon- | Lung |
Ptyal- | Saliva |
Alveol- | Cavity |
Oophor- | Ovary |
Oment- | Covering |
Sedat- | Quiet, Calm |
Furca- | Fork-Shaped |
Radic- | Root |
Radi- | Ray |
Fistul- | Pipe |
Edema | Swelling |
Dactyl- | Finger, Toe |
Metabol(e) | Change |
Pariet- | Wall |
Ependym- | Wrapping |
Gravid- | Pregnant |
Aer- | Air |
Glyco- | Sweet |
Tarso- | Framework of the eyelid |
Cheir-(Chir-) | Hand |
Calc- | Heel, Stone |
Cine- | Move |
Digit | Finger, Toe |
Dors- | Back |
Gangli- | Swelling |
Gemin- | Twin |
Grad- | Walk, Take Steps |
Gran- | Grain, Particle |
Labi- | Lip |
Micr- | Small |
Peps- | Digest |
Pleur- | Pleura, Rib, Side |
Mamm- | Breast |
Colla- | Glue |
Later- | Side |
Rachi- | Spinal Column |