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Med Vocb Ch 3

Stack #223004

-centesis surgical puncture to aspirate or remove fluid
-ectomy excision (surgical removal or cutting out)
-lysis process of loosening, freeing, or destroying
-pexy surgical fixation or fastening in a fixed position
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhaphy suture (uniting a wound by stitches)
-scope instrument used for viewing (also used in diagnostic procedures)
-scopy visual examination with a lighted instrument (not always a surgical procedures)
-stomy formation of an opening
-tome an instrument used for cutting
-tomy incision (cutting into tissue)
-tripsy surgical crushing
amniocentesis is a surgical puncture of the amnion
partal or total excision of a nerve neurectomy
neurolysis destruction of nerve tissue or loosening of adhesions surrounding a nerve.
neurotrispy surgical crushing of a nerve
otoplasty is the surgical repair of the ear
aden(o) gland
angi(o) vessel
append(o), appendic(O) appendix
blephar(o) eyelid
cerebr(o), encephal(o) brain; cerebr(o) sometimes means cerebrum, the main portion of the brain
chir(o) hand
col(o), colon(o) colon or large intestine
cutane(o), derm(a), dermat(o) skin
mamm(o), mast(o) breast
nephr(o), ren(o) kidney
oste(o) bone
tonsill(o) tonsil
vas(o) vessel; ductus deferencs (also called vas deferens, excretory duct of the testicle)
surgical repair of the eyelid blepharoplasty
chiroplasty is plastic surgery on the hand
angioplasty means plastic surgery on vessels
angiorrhaphy means repair of a vessel by suture
osteotomy is cutting of a bone
incision made into the trachea through the neck tracheotomy
adenoectomy surgical removal of a gland
surgical removal of the appendix appendectomy
excision of a breast mastectomy
mammoplasty surgical repair of the breast
incision of the brain enecphalotomy and cerebrotomy
-algia, -dynia pain
-ectasia, -ectasis dilatation (dilation, enlargement)or stretching of a structure or part
-edema swelling
-emesis to vomit, vomiting
-malacia soft, softening
-megaly enlargement
-oid (forms adjectives and nouns) resembling
-penia deficiency
-rrhage, -rrhagia excessive bleeding or hemorrhage
-rrhea flow or discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-spasm twitching, cramp
-stasis stopping, controlling
-gram a record
-graph an instrument used to record
-graphy the process of recording
-scope instrument used for viewing
-scopy visual examination
pain in the eye ophthalmalgia
deficiency of calcuim calcipenia
enlargement of the heart cardiomegaly
-rrhage and -rrhagia excessive bleeding or hemorrhage
softening malacia
examination of the interior of the eye with an ophthalmscope ophthalmoscopy
otoscopy an examination of the outer ear, including the eardrum
CT computed tomography
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
ultra- excessive
CXR chest x-ray
Dx diagnosis
ECG, EKG electrocardiogram
GI gastrointestinal
lab laboratory
Sx symptoms
WNL within normal limits
ech(o), son(o) sound
electr(o) electricity
fluor(o) emitting or reflecting light
radi(o) radient energy
tom(o) to cut
prognosis predicted outcome
stasis stopping, controlling
the term for objective evidence of an illness or disordered function is sign
-oid resembling
-ectasia dilation or stretching
Created by: LSerreia
Popular Medical sets




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