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DSM Disorders

Covers all DSM disorders as it relates to the LMSW Exam.

Dementia cognitive and memory impairment
Amnestic Disorder memory impairment with no cognitive delay, due to chronic alcoholism- Karaskoff Syndrome
Delirium disturbance in consciousness due to medical condition or substance induced
substance dependance increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms
substance abuse interference with daily life: legal, career, social, family, medical.
autistic disorder onset before age 3, delay or abnormal social functioning, lack eye contact, repitive interest in behaviors or objects
asperger's disorder high functioning and normal cognitive/language development, but social impairment.
ADHD impulsivilty, easily distracted, fidgeting, inability to focus
Oppositional Defiant Disorder negative, hostile, defiant, talking back, attitude, less serious violation.
conduct Disorder More serious violation-truancy, stealing, lying, ignore societal norms(Remember the adult version for this disorder is called Antisocial Personality Disorder.)
PICA eating non-nutrient substances
Rumination regurgitation, re-chewing of food
Tourett's multiple motor and 1 or more vocal tics
Chronic Vocal/Motor Tic uncontrollable movements or vocal outbursts (but not both). ..../....
Transient Tic Disorder like tourett's but less sever, and symptoms ends within 12 months.
Encopresis Fecal soiling beyond 4 years of age
Enuresis bedwetting; involuntary passing of urine in children after bladder control is achieved
selective mutism a child who can speak well stops speaking, usually in school or social settings
separation anxiety disorder child experiences anxiety when separated from the primary caregiver (usually the mother).
reactive attachment disorder problem with social interaction that occurs when a child's basic physical and emotional needs are neglected, particularly when the child is an infant.
stereotypical movement disorders repetitive, purposeless movements (such as hand waving, body rocking, or head banging) for at least four weeks.
schizophrenia presence of symptoms @ least 6 months; 5 Types: Disorganized type Paranoid type Indifferentiated type Residual type Catatonic type
Disorganized Schizophrenia speech and behavior that are disorganized or difficult to understand, and flattening or inappropriate emotions. People with this type of schizophrenia may laugh at the changing color of a traffic light or at something not closely related to what they are
Paranoid Schizophrenia This type of Schizophrenia is characterized by delusions and auditory hallucinations but maintain relatively normal intellectual functioning and expression of affect. The delusions can often be about being persecuted unfairly or being some other person wh
Catatonic Schizophrenia Characterized by disturbances of movement, people with this type of schizophrenia may keep themselves completely immobile or move all over the place. They may not say anything for hours, or they may repeat anything you say or do senselessly.
Residual Schizophrenia Characterized by a past history of at least one episode of schizophrenia, but the person currently has no positive symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or behavior). It may represent a transition between a full-blown episode and comple
Indifferentiated Schizophrenia Has symptoms seen in all of the other types of Schizophreniat but not enough of any one of them to define it as another particular type of schizophrenia.
Schizophreniform Disorder presence of symptoms like Scizophrenia for more than a month but less than 6 months; Treatment= individual or group therapy, anti-psychotic drugs, and family support.
Schizo-Affective Disorder Has symptoms of schizophrenia (psychosis) and mood problems (major depressive episode).
Delusional Disorder persistent belief contrary to reality; 5 Types: Grandiose Persecutory Jealousy Erotomanic Somatic
Erotomanic This type of delusional disorder believes that another person, often someone important or famous, is in love with him or her.
Jealousy This type of delusional disorder believes that his or her spouse or sexual partner is unfaithful.
Grandiose This type of delusional disorder has an over-inflated sense of worth, power, knowledge, or identity.
Persecutory This type of delusional disorder causes people to believe that they (or someone close to them) are being mistreated, or that someone is spying on them or planning to harm them.
Somatic This type of delusional disorder believes that he or she has a physical defect or medical problem.
Major Depressive Disorder This disorder is characterized by presence of symptoms for @ least 2 weeks; weight gain or loss insomnia or over sleeping high or low energy feeling sad, empty, worthless
Dysthymic Disorder This disorder is characterized by presence of symptoms for @ least 2 years-Chronic; type of depression in which a person's moods are regularly low. However, symptoms are not as severe as with major depression.
Manic Episode This disorder is characterized by elevated mood, decreased need for sleep, increased energy, inflated self-esteem, increased talkativeness, and irresponsible behavior
Hypomania Less severe & disruptive of version of a manic episode
Mixed Episode This depression disorder is characterized by a period of at least one week when the standards are met for both a manic (not hypomanic) and a major depressive episode, and the mood disturbance is severe enough to impair job performance, social activities o
Bipolar I Disorder This disorder is characterized by a person having at least one manic episode, Depression is often experienced as the high quickly fades and as the consequences of their activities becomes apparent, the depressive episode can be exacerbated.
Bipolar II This disorder is characterized by hypomania and major depressive symptoms
phobia This disorder is characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations
social phobia This phobia is characterized by fear of humiliation in social settings
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder This disorder is characterized by recurrent thought or compulsive behaviors
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder This disorder exceeds 1 month and is characterized by re-experiencing a severe trauma
Acute Stress Disorder This disorder is characterized by experiencing fear and related symptoms soon after a traumatic event and lasts less than a month
Generalized Anxiety Disorder This disorder is characterized by excessive worry; chronic anxiety plus exaggerated worry and tension even when there is little or nothing to provoke these feelings
Body Dysmorphic This disorder is characterized by being occupied with some imagined defect in appearance
Conversion Disorder This disorder is characterized by a person experiencing very specific genuine physical symptoms for which no physiological basis can be found
Hypochondriasis Disorder This disorder is characterized by the belief that physical symptoms are signs of a serious illness, even when there is no medical evidence to support the presence of an illness.
Somatization This disorder is characterized by the expression of psychological distress through physical symptoms for the purpose of avoiding dealing with and emotional problem and to get attention from caregivers
Factitious Disorder This disorder is characterized by faking mental or physical pain without obvious benefits; "hospital addiction"
Munchausen Disorder This disorder is characterized by a person inducing illness in another person, exaggerating and fabricating symptoms, demanding tests, surgeries, hospitalizations
Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy A form of child abuse. The abusive parent will falsify an illness in a child by making up or creating symptoms and then seeking medical treatment for the child.
Malingering Disorder This disorder is characterized by producing symptoms in an attempt to seek hospitalization, avoid prosecution, obtain compensation, or simply get a bed for the night
Paranoid Personality Disorder This disorder is characterized by inappropriate interpreting of the actions of others as demeaning or threatening.
Schizoid Personality Disorder This disorder is characterized by being a loner who could care less to form relationships with others
Schizotypal Personality This disorder is characterized by delusions and odd beliefs
Antisocial Personality Disorder This disorder is characterized by violations of the rights of others
Borderline Personality Disorder This disorder is characterized by instability in relationships; self destructive, intense mood shifts, manipulative; splitting (needs strict boundaries with therapist)
Histrionic Personality Disorder This disorder is characterized by attention seeking; excessive emotionality, drama queen
Narcissistic Personality Disorder This disorder is characterized by grand sense of self importance, entitlement, lack of empathy for others.
Avoidant Personality Disorder This disorder is characterized by fear of negative social rejection. Despite the desire for closeness, connection is avoided.
Obessive Compulisve Personality Disorder This disorder is characterized by perfectionism and inflexibility; ritualistic behaviors.
Panic Disorder This disorder is characterized by sudden attacks with no logical or visible cause that occur over and over
Agoraphobia This disorder is characterized by fear of place or situations from which escape might be hard
Asperger's Disorder This disorder is characterized by maintenance of standard cognitive and linguistic development with difficulty in forming social relationships, repetitive motions, and abnormally clumsy motor skills
Rett's Disorder Not to be confused with Tourette's disorder, this disorder is only found in girls and is characterized by hand-wringing motions and lack of hand skills.
Separation Anxiety Disorder This disorder is characterized by excessive anxiety regarding separation from home or attachment figures
Reactive Attachment Disorder Severe and unusual disorder in children, this disorder is characterized by a failure to form normal attachments with caregivers. Inhibited type shows an extreme lack of attachment. Disinhibited type shows extreme attachment to everyone including strangers
Vascular Dementia A type of dementia that has rapid onset due to a significant cerebral event
Alcohol Withdraw Quitting or reducing extreme and long-lasting alcohol use results in this disorder which is characterized by hyperactivity, psychomotor agitation, hand tremors, insomnia, depression, seizures, nausea, etc.
Delirium Tremens Caused by alcohol this disorder is characterized by vibrant hallucinations, delusions, autonomic hyperactivity, and agitation
Korsakoff's Syndrome A thiamine deficiency damaging to the thalamus region of the brain. Often brought on by alcoholism
Delusional Disorder The client experiences non-bizarre delusions for at least 1month. Self or interpersonal function is not markedly impaired.
Capgras Syndrome A type of delusional disorder in which the client believes that someone he/she knows has been replaced by a double
Fregoli Syndrome A type of delusional disorder in which the patient identifies various people encountered as "psychologically identical" to a familiar person. **NO PHYSICAL SIMILARITY IS PRESENT YET THE CLIENT INSISTS THE TWO PEOPLE ARE IDENTICAL**
Dissociative Disorder Disorder in which conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings.
multiple personality disorder A rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities.
Dissociative Fugue disorder in which one travels away from home and is unable to remember details of his past, including often his identity
Depersonalization Disorder dissociative disorder in which individuals feel detached and disconnected from themselves, their bodies, and their surroundings
Male Erectile Disorder a sexual dysfunction characterized by repeated difficulty becoming sexually aroused as defined by failure to achieve or sustain erection
Female Organismic Disorder recurrent or persistent inhibition of female orgasm after a normal period of sexual excitement
Male Organismic Disorder Persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase during sexual activity in which men have a delayed ejaculation
Dyspareunia painful sexual intercourse
Vaginismus involuntary spasms of the vaginal muscles that interfere with penetration
Hypoactive Sexual Desire a sexual problem characterized by a persisting and pervasive absence of sexual fantasies and desire.
Paraphilia psychosexual disorders, sexual attraction to an object, person or activity not usually seen as sexual
Exhibitionism a sexual disorder involving the exposure of one's genitals to a stranger
Fetishism sexual attraction to nonliving things
Pedophilia abnormal sexual desire in adults for children
Voyeurism perversion in which a person receives sexual gratification from seeing the genitalia of others or witnessing others' sexual behavior
Anorexia Nervosa An eating disorder characterized by an obsession with weight and starving oneself
Bulimia Nervosa An eating disorder characterized by binge eating and using compensatory ways to avoid weight gain
Dyssomnia Abnormality in the amount, quality, or timing of sleep
Parasomnia behavioral or psychological events associated with sleep or sleep-wake transitions. Includes: nightmares, sleepwalking, night terrors, etc
Insomnia Recurring problems in falling or staying asleep.
Hypersomnia excessive daytime sleepiness
Narcolepsy A sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks. The sufferer may lapse directly into REM sleep, often at inopportune times.
Night Terrors a sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified with no dreams or other stimuli initiating it
Intermittent Explosive Disorder recurrent outbursts of aggression resulting in assault/property damage
Kleptomania a continual urge to steal regardless of economic motive
Pyromania a compulsion to set things on fire
Trichotillomania a disorder characterized by the repeated pulling out of one's own hair
Mental Retardation a condition of limited mental ability, indicated by an intelligence score of 70 or below and difficulty in adapting to the demands of life; varies from mild to profound
Dependent Personality Disorder A personality disorder characterized by a pattern of clinging and obedience, fear of separation, and an ongoing need to be taken care of.
Social Phobia Beyond being shy, this phobia is characterized by an irrational fear of being publicly humiliated or embarrassed.
Claustrophobia Not to be confused with agoraphobia, this phobia is characterized by an intense fear of closed spaces
Zoophobia Intense fear of animals and insects
Brontophobia This phobia is characterized by an intense fear of thunder
Acrophobia Intense fear of heights
Aerophobia Intense fear of flying
Triskaidekaphobia Abnormal fear of anything related to the number 13
Emetophobia Irrational fear of vomiting
Created by: searcysm
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