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Chapter 13 Blood
Blood System
Question | Answer |
Leuk/o | White |
-apheresis | removal, a carrying away |
-blast | immature cell, embryonic |
-globulin | protein |
-globin | protein |
-phoresis | carrying, transmission |
anis | unequal |
chrom/o | color |
coagul/o | clotting |
cyt/o | cell |
eosin/o | red, dawm, rosey |
erythr/o | red |
myel/o | bone marrow |
poikil/o | varied, irregular |
sider/o | iron |
-poiesis | formation |
bas/o | base (alkaline, the opposite of acid) |
granul/o | granules |
hem/o | blood |
hemat/o | blood |
hemoglobin/o | hemoglobin |
is/o | same, equal |
kary/o | nucleus |
mon/o | one, single |
morph/o | shape, form |
neutr/o | neutral (neither base nor acid) |
nucle/o | nucleus |
phag/o | eat, swallow |
spher/o | globe, round |
thromb/o | clot |
-cytosis | abnormal condition of cells (increase in cells) |
-emia | blood condition |
-globulin | protein |
-lytic | pertaining to destruction |
-oid | derived from |
-osis | abnormal condition |
-penia | deficiency |
-phage | eat, swallow |
-philia | attraction for (an increase in cell numbers) |
-stasis | stop, control |
Electrophoresis | Method of separating out plasma proteins by electrical charge |
Hemochromatosis | Excessive deposits of iron throughout the body |
Excessive bleeding caused by haredetary lack of one of the protein substances (either factor VIII of factor IX) | Hemophilia |
Multiple pinpoint hemorrhage and accumulation of blood under the skin | Purpura |
Leukemia | Increase in cancerous white blood cells |
Granulocytosis | An abnormally large number of granulocytes in the blood. |
Mononucleosis | An infectious disease marked by increased number of leukocytes and enlarged cervical lymph nodes |
Multiple myeloma | A malignant neoplasm of the bone marrow |
CBC | Complete Blood (cell) Count |
RBC | Red Blood Cell Count |
WBC | White Blood Cell |
Apheresis | Separation of blood into component parts and removal of select part from the blood |
Hematopoetic stem cell transplant | Peripheral stem cells from a compatible donor are administered into a recipient's vein. |
Anemia- | A reduction in the concentration of hemoglobin or erythrocytes in the blood to levels below normal. |
Aplastic | Pertaining to aplasia; anatomically undeveloped from the stem cell or primordium. |
Hemolytic | Producing, pertaining to, or characterized by hemolysis. |
Sickle cell | A heredetary conditioned by abnormal sickle shape of erythrocytes |
Antigens | Foreign material that invades the body and simulates the production of an antibody. |
Thalassemia | Inherited defect in ability to produce hemoglobin |
Hematocrit | Sample of blood is spun in a test tube so that red cells fall to the bottom and percentage of RBCs is taken |
Sideropenia occurs causing deficient production of hemoglobin | Iron-deficiency anemia |
White blood cell with reddish granules; numbers increase in allergic reactions | Eosinophil |