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clinical 1 ch 31

Dosage Calculations

what is included on a medication order? name of drug;drug form;drug dosage;frequency;special instructions
traditional math system used to determine medication dosages but is no longer used apothecary system
primary math system used today in medicine metric system
unit of length Meter(m)
unit of volume used to measure liquid Liter(L)
unit of mass or weight Gram (g)
metric system guidelines place a 0 before a decimal point for numbers less than one; eliminate trailing zeros that are not needed at the end of a number
60 gtts = 1 tsp
1 tsp= 5ml
3 tsps. = 1 tbsp
1 tbsp. = 15ml
1ml = 1cc
1oz = 30ml
2.2 lbs = 1kg
formula method for dosage calculations want/have X amount
most common form used to calculate pediatric doses mg/kg (take the mg and multiple by the weight in kg)
most accurate method for calculating drug doses in children under 12 Body surface area (BSA)
insulin is measured in units
regular insulin starts working in 30-60min and lasts 3-6 hours
intermediate insulin starts working 2-4 hours and lasts 10-16 hours
rapid acting takes affect 15-60 minutes
long acting insulin takes affect 4-24 hours
insulin syringes are color coded in orange
100units = 1ml
prescription medication label includes product name; generic name; national drug code; dosage strength; drug form; total volume; dose and frequency; route; manufactures name; exp. date; lot #
placed on medication bottles indicating special instructions warning labels
by mouth po
nothing by mouth npo
twice a day bid
three times a day tid
milligram mg
microgram mcg
gram g
unit u
milliliter ml
cubic centimeter cc
pound lb
kilogram kg
as needed prn
qid four times a day
qhs bedtime; every hour of sleep
mEq milliequivalent
IM intramuscular
SC subcutaneous
IV intravenous
ID intradermal
pr per rectum
sl sublingual
sublingual under the tongue
buccal in the cheek
Created by: clarevoyant1019
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