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Kinn's Chapter 10

automatic call routing A software system that answers phones automatically and routes calls to staff after the caller responds to prompts; also used to call a large number of patients to remind them of appointments or make announcements.
disruption An unespected event that throws a plan into disorder; an interruption that prevents a system or process from continuing as usual or as expected.
established patients Patients who are returning to the office who have previously been seen by the physician.
expediency A means of achieving a particular end, as in a situation requiring haste or caution.
integral Essential; beeing an indispensable part of a whole.
interaction A two-way communication; mutual or reciprocal action or influence.
intermittent Coming and going at intervals; not continuous.
interval Space of time between events.
matrix Something in which a thing originates,develops,takes shape, or is contained; a base on which to build.
no-show A person who fails to keep an appointment without giving advance notice.
prerequisite Something that is necessary to an end or to carry out a function.
proficiency Competency as a result of training or paractice.
reimbursement Payment of benefits to the physician for services rendered according to the guidliness of the third-party payer.
screening A system for examing and separating into different groups; in the medical office,determining the severity of illness that patiens experience and prioritizing appointments based on that severity.
socioeconomic Relating to a combination of social and economic factors.
template A predeveloped page layout used to make new pages with a similar design, pattern, or style; a standarized file type used in computer software as a preformatted example an which to base other files.
Created by: mrsdancona
Popular Medical sets




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