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Stack# 229774

Phlebotomy Chap 12 Study Questions Pg475

The primary reason for performing arterial puncture is to a. Determine hemoglobin levels b. Evaluate blood gases c. Measure potassium levels d. Obtain calcium values B Evaluate blood gases
The first choice location for performing arterial puncture is the a.Brachial artery b.Ulnar artery c. Femoral artery d.Radial artery D Radial artery
ABG equipment includes all of the following EXCEPT a.Povidone-iodine prep pad b.Heparinized syringe c.Syringe cap d.Tourniquet D Tourniquet
Commonly measure ABG parameters include a. pH b.PCO c.O2 saturation d.All of the Above D All of the Above
A phlebotomist has a request to collect an ABG specimen while the patient is breathing room air. When the phlebotomist arrives to collect the specimen th patient is still on a ventilator. What should the phlebotomist do? see back of card answer choices. a.Call the phlebotomy supervisor and ask what to do b. Collect the specimen and write the ventilator setting on the requisition c. Consult with the patient's nurse d. Take the patient off the ventilator and draw the specimen.
A phlebotomist has a request to collect an ABG specimen while the patient is breathing room air. When the phlebotomist arrives to collect the specimen th patient is still on a ventilator. What should the phlebotomist do? C Consult with the patient's nurse
The purpose of the modified Allen test is to determine a. Blood pressure in the radial artery b.The presence of collateral circulation c.The coagulation time of the arteries d.Whether the patient is absorbing oxygen B The presence of collateral circulation
Which of the following is an acceptable angle of needle insertion for radial ABGs? a. 10degrees b.20degrees c,45degrees d.90degrees C 45degrees
Which of the following complication are associated with arterial puncture?a.arteriospasm b.Hematoma c.Infection d.All of the Above D All of the Above
All of the following can cause erroneous ABG values EXCEPT? a. Air bubbles in the sample b.Cooling a specimen with a high white blood count c.Delay in analysis exceeding 30 minutes d. Improper mixing B Cooling a specimen with a high white blood count
What would cause you to suspect that a thrombus formed in the radial artery while you were collecting ABG specimen?a.A hematoma forms at the site b.patient complains of extreme pain c.pulse distal to the site is weak or absent d.There is no way to tell C pulse distal to the site is weak or absent
Created by: Account65
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