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Body System I

Pharmacy Tech Starred and Trade Generic Drug Names

Generic/BrandStarred BrandClasses, Indication, Contra-In
*chlorpheniramine -OTC ChlorTrimeton antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe) -H1 antagonist -caution: dryout easily, drowsiness. Contraindication: taking MAOIs
brompheniramine (in Dimetapp)-OTC antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe) -H1 antagonist
clemastine (Tavist)-OTC antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe) -H1 antagonist
azelastine (Astelin, Astepro) nasal spray antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe) -H1 antagonist-sedating
olopatadine (Patanase) nasal spray antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe) -H1 antagonist
*promethazine Phenergan antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe) -H1 antagonist -also used as an anti-emetic
cyproheptadine (Periactin) antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe) -H1 antagonist -also used as weekend migraines
*loratadine -OTC Claritin, Alavert, Tarvist ND, Dimetapp ND, in Claritin-D antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe),-H1 antagonist -2nd generation
desloratadine (Clarinex, in Clarinex-D) antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe),-H1 antagonist -2nd generation
cetirizine (Zyrtec, in Zyrtec-D) -OTC antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe),-H1 antagonist -2nd generation
levocetirizine (Xyzal) antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe),-H1 antagonist -2nd generation
fexofenidine (Allegra, in Allegra-D) antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe), -H1 antagonist -2nd generation
*beclomethasone QVAR -Inhaler; Beconase AQ -Intranasal Steroid, Tx severe Ax rhinitis that is uncontrolled by antihistamines
*dexamethasone (1)Dexacort Respihaler -Inhaler; Dexacort Turbinaire -Intranasal); (2) Decadron, Hexadron) Steroid, (1)Tx severe Ax rhinitis that is uncontrolled by antihistamines; (2) Also, Tx of arthritis
*triamcinolone (1)Azmacort -Inhaler; Nasacort -Intranasal (2) Aristocort, Kenalog Steroid, (1)Tx severe Ax rhinitis that is uncontrolled by antihistamines; (2) Also, Tx of arthritis
flunisolide (Aerobid -Inhaler; Nasalide -Intranasal) Steroid, Tx severe Ax rhinitis that is uncontrolled by antihistamines
budesonide (Pulmicort with formoterol in Symbicort -Inhaler; Rhinocort -Intranasal) Steroid, Tx severe Ax rhinitis that is uncontrolled by antihistamines
*fluticason Flovent with salmeterol in Advair -Inhaler; Flonase, Veramyst -Intranasal Steroid, Tx severe Ax rhinitis that is uncontrolled by antihistamines
mometasone (Asmanex -Inhaler; Nasonex -Intranasal) Steroid, Tx severe Ax rhinitis that is uncontrolled by antihistamines
ciclesonide (Alvesco -Inhaler; Omnaris -Intranasal) Steroid, Tx severe Ax rhinitis that is uncontrolled by antihistamines
*pseudoephedrine Sudafed; in Claritin-D; Clarinex-D; Allegra-D; Zyrtec-D) Note: D stands for decongestion and is a combined form Nasal deco-vasoconstrictor of airway to thicken mucus, indirectly help with coughngestants -vasoconstrictor of airway to thicken mucus, indirectly help with cough (side effects: stimulate alpha-1, beta-1, beta-2, CNS)
*phenylephrine NeoSynephrine -Spray; Sudafed PE -PO; in Actifed; 10% ophthalmic exams: mydriasis Nasal decongestants -vasoconstrictor of airway to thicken mucus, indirectly help with cough (Side effect: pure alpha-1 stimulant) -Risks: Rebound Congestion, tachyphylaxis, addiction
naphazonline (Privine) -topical OTC Nasal decongestants
tetrahydrozoline (Visine) -Topical OTC Nasal decongestants
oxymetazonline (Afrin; Dristan; ect) -topical OTC Nasal decongestants
acetylcysteine (Mucomyst -inhalation soln in IPPB; Acetadote IV -APAP OD) mucolytics
dornase alfa (Pulmozyme) mucolytics -Tx cystic fibrosis
*guaifenesin Robitussin; Mucinex -Tablet; Humibid E; "GG" expectorant
iodides (SSKI) -in combination OTCs: ammonium; ipecac -vomit inducer expectorant
codine (in combination: C-V; Note: codine by itself is C-II) antitussives
sildenafil (Viagra) Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Contraindications: nitrate
vardenafil (Levitra) Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Contraindications: nitrate
tadalafil (Cialis) Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Contraindications: nitrate; faster onset, longer duration aka:"Weekender"
finasteride (Proscar, Propecia) testosterone blockers: Tx BPH, longer onset (takes months)
dutasteride (Avodart) testosterone blockers: Tx BPH, longer onset (takes months)
*terazosin Hytrin alpha-1 blockers: Tx BPH and HTN, fast acting, reduces BP causing "Orthostatic hypotension" -take at night to reduce this side effect.
*doxazoxin Cardura alpha-1 blockers: Tx BPH and HTN, fast acting, reduces BP causing "Orthostatic hypotension" -take at night to reduce this side effect.
tamsulosin (Flomax) alpha-1 blockers: Tx BPH, fast acting, reduces BP causing "Orthostatic hypotension" -take at night to reduce this side effect.
alfuzosin (Uroxatral) alpha-1 blockers: Tx BPH, fast acting, reduces BP causing "Orthostatic hypotension" -take at night to reduce this side effect.
silodosin (Rapaflo) alpha-1 blockers: Tx BPH, fast acting, reduces BP causing "Orthostatic hypotension" -take at night to reduce this side effect.
epinephrine Adrenalin, Epi-Pen -autoinjector for anaphylaxis bronchodilater-strong sympathomimetic (alpha -1, beta-1 and beta-2 agonist), tx: asthma, emphysia, chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions, DOC for anaphylaxis, status asthmaticus
*metaproterenol Alupent bronchodilater-sympathomimetic (selective beta-2 agonist), tx: asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions
*terbutaline Brethine -PO dose = 10x SQ dose bronchodilater-sympathomimetic (selective beta-2 agonist), tx: asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions
*albuterol Proventil HFA, Ventolin, Volmax (with ipratropium in Combivent, DuoNeb) bronchodilater-sympathomimetic (selective beta-2 agonist), tx: asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions
levalbuterol (Xopenex) bronchodilater-sympathomimetic (selective beta-2 agonist), tx: asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions -short acting
pirbuterol (Maxair) bronchodilater-sympathomimetic (selective beta-2 agonist), tx: asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions -Short acting
*salmeterol Serevent (with fluticasone in Advair) bronchodilater-sympathomimetic (selective beta-2 agonist), tx: asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions -long active for noturnal sx, not for rescue situations.
formoterol (Foradil, Perforomist) w/ budesonide in Symbicort bronchodilater-sympathomimetic (selective beta-2 agonist), tx: asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions -long acting
arformoterol (Brovana) bronchodilater-sympathomimetic (selective beta-2 agonist), tx: asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions
theophylline (Elixophyllin, Uniphyl) bronchodilator- xanthine (caffeine -relaxes airway smooth muscle, but also affect cardiac and CNS, also causes diuresis and increased gastric secretion -ulcergenics) -Tx: acute asthma, maintenance -PO
aminophylline bronchodilator- xanthine (caffeine -relaxes airway smooth muscle, but also affect cardiac and CNS, also causes diuresis and increased gastric secretion -ulcergenics) -Tx: acute asthma, maintenance -IV
*ipratropium bromide Atrovent (with albuterol in Combivent, DuoNeb) bronchodilator -anticholinergic -prevent bronchoconstriction; Tx: emphysema, chronic bronchitis
tiotropium (Spiriva) bronchodilator -anticholinergic -prevent bronchoconstriction; Tx: emphysema, chronic bronchitis
zafirflukast (Accolate) Leukotriene antagonist/modifier -prevention of asthma
montelukast (Singular) Leukotriene antagonist/modifier -prevention of asthma
zileuton (Zyflo, Zyflo CR) Leukotriene antagonist/modifier -prevention of asthma
*cromolyn sodium *Nasalcrom, Intal, Gastrocrom, Opticrom Mast Cell stabilizers -Prevention of asthma
nedocromil (Tilade inhaler, Alocril -ophthalmic) Mast Cell stabilizers -Prevention of asthma
lodosamide (Alomide -ophthmalmic only) Mast Cell stabilizers -Prevention of asthma
omalizumab (Xolair) IgE inhibitor -Prevention of asthma
hydrocodone (Hycodan, in Tussionex)_C-III Antitussive
*dextromethorphan DM, Delsym -OTC Antitussive
calcitonin (Miacalcin) tx osteoporosis
raloxifene (Evista) tx osteoporosis -selective estrogen receptor modulator
eteriparatide (Forteo) tx osteoporosis -human parathyroid hormone
estrogen tx osteoporosis -hormone replacement therapy
alendronate (Fosamax) tx osteoporosis -once/day
risedronate (Actonel) biphosphate tx osteoporosis -twice/wk
tidronate (Didronel) tx osteoporosis -first in class developed for Paget's dz
ibandronate (Boniva) tx osteoporosis -once/month
zoledronic acid (Reclast) tx osteoporosis -1/yr (IV infusion)
asprin -ASA (Bufferin Ecotrin) NSAIDs (Salicylate) -1st line Tx of Arthritis, stroke
diflunisal (Dolobid) NSAIDs (Salicylate) -1st line Tx of Arthritis
salsalate (Disalcid) NSAIDs (Salicylate) -1st line Tx of Arthritis
*ibuprofen Motrin, NeoProfen IV -OTC brands: Advil, Motrin IB NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
fenoprofen (Nalfon) NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
ketoprofen (Oruvail) -OTC brand: Orudis KT NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
flurbiprofen (Ansaid) NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
*naproxen Naprosyn -OTC brand: *Aleve NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
tolmetin (Tolectin) NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
meclofenamate (Meclomen) NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis/causes severe diarrhea
*piroxicam Feldene NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
*sulindac Clinoril NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
*diclofenac Na Voltaren, Voltaren gel* -diclofenac sodium + misoprostol = Arthrotec NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
diclofenac K (Cataflam); diclofenac patch (Flector) NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
etodolac (Lodine) NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
*ketorolac Toradol -IM form available NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis (more ulcergenic than other NSAIDs use max 5 days)
nabumetone (Relafen) NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis (QD -less toxic to stomach)
oxaprozin (Daypro) NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis (QD -less toxic to stomach)
meloxicam (Mobic) NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis
indomethacin (indocin, Indocin SR) NSAIDs -1st line Tx of Arthritis/ for PDA
*celecoxib Celebrex NSAIDs (COX 2 inhibitor) -1st line Tx of Arthritis
rofecoxib (Vioxx) NSAIDs (COX 2 inhibitor) -1st line Tx of Arthritis -off market
valdecoxib (Bextra) NSAIDs (COX 2 inhibitor) -1st line Tx of Arthritis -off market
*hydrocortisone HC -(Cortef, Solu-Cortef) CorticoSteroid -2nd line Tx of Arthritis
prednisone (Deltasone) CorticoSteroid -2nd line Tx of Arthritis
prednisolone (Orapred, Orapred ODT, Pedia-Pred, Prelone, Flo-Pred, Millipred, Veripred 20) CorticoSteroid -2nd line Tx of Arthritis
betametasone (Celestone, Celestone SoluSpan) CorticoSteroid -2nd line Tx of Arthritis
*methylprednisolone Medrol, Solu-Medrol, Depo-Medrol CorticoSteroid -2nd line Tx of Arthritis
*sulfamethosazole/trimethoprim Bactrim, Septra urinary antibacterials -tx UTI, might form crystals in urine, so drink plenty of water
*ciprofloxacin Cipro -fluoroquinolones urinary antibacterials -tx UTI, broad spectrum (causes resistance)
*epoetin alfa Epo (Epogen, Procrit) hematopoietics -Tx anemia of renal failure
darbepoetin (Aranesp) hematopoietics -Tx anemia of renal failure
*oxybutynin Ditropan anti-muscarinics -Tx incontinence "over-active bladder"
tolterodine (Detrol) anti-muscarinics -Tx incontinence "over-active bladder"
darifenacin (Enablex) anti-muscarinics -Tx incontinence "over-active bladder"
trospium (Sanctura) anti-muscarinics -Tx incontinence "over-active bladder"
solifenacin (Vesicare) anti-muscarinics -Tx incontinence "over-active bladder"
fesoterodine fumarate (Toviaz) anti-muscarinics -Tx incontinence "over-active bladder"
*bethanechol Urecholine cholinergics -Tx urine retention
*imipramine Tofranil enuretics -tx "bed wet"; for kids/not for adults
desmopressin (DDAVP) enuretics -tx "bed wet" and diabetes insipidus
lypressin (Diapid) enuretics -tx "bed wet" and diabetes insipidus
*phenazopyrindine Pyridium urinary analgesics -Tx the pain of urinary infection; DISCOLOR URINE TO ORANGE RED/DOES NOT CURE INFECTION
morphine narcotic analgesics -Tx the pain of nephrolithiasis
meperidine (Demerol) narcotic analgesics -Tx the pain of nephrolithiasis
*hydromorphone Dilaudid narcotic analgesics -Tx the pain of nephrolithiasis
aliskiren (Tekturna) Direct renin inhibitor -Tx: HTN -expensive, 1st in class, PO/Rx
vasopressin endogenous ADH -Tx diabetes insipidus
acetazolamide (Diamox) -PO diurectics -Tx: glaucoma -carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
*hydrochlorothiazide HCTZ, HydroDiuril, Oretic -PO diuretics (thiazide) -Tx: HTN -prefer & edema by causing diuresis; MOA: blocks Na+ (with K+ & Cl- through cotransporter) in the renal tubules; Side Effects: hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia
chlorthalidone (Hygroton) -PO diuretics (thiazide-like) -Tx: HTN -prefer & edema by causing diuresis; MOA: blocks Na+ (with K+ & Cl- through cotransporter) in the renal tubules; Side Effects: hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia
indapamide (Lozol) -PO diuretics (thiazide-like) -Tx: HTN -prefer & edema by causing diuresis; MOA: blocks Na+ (with K+ & Cl- through cotransporter) in the renal tubules; Side Effects: hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia
metolazone (Diulo, Zaroxolyn) -PO diuretics (thiazide-like) -Tx: HTN -prefer & edema by causing diuresis; MOA: blocks Na+ (with K+ & Cl- through cotransporter) in the renal tubules; Side Effects: hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia
*furosemide Lasix -PO/IV loop diurectic (most potent) -Tx: severe edema and CHF; s. effects: severe hypokalemia, dehydration, ototoxity (c.n VIII damage) -anacusis (hearing loss)/vertigo (vestibular damage); MOA: blocks electrolyte reabsorption in Loop of Henle
ethacrynic acid (Edecrin)-PO/IV loop diurectic (most potent) -Tx: severe edema and CHF; s. effects: severe hypokalemia, dehydration, ototoxity (c.n VIII damage) -anacusis (hearing loss)/vertigo (vestibular damage); MOA: blocks electrolyte reabsorption in Loop of Henle
bumetanide (Bumex) -PO/IV loop diurectic (most potent) -Tx: severe edema and CHF; s. effects: severe hypokalemia, dehydration, ototoxity (c.n VIII damage) -anacusis (hearing loss)/vertigo (vestibular damage); MOA: blocks electrolyte reabsorption in Loop of Henle
torsemide (Demadex) -PO/IV loop diurectic (most potent) -Tx: severe edema and CHF; s. effects: severe hypokalemia, dehydration, ototoxity (c.n VIII damage) -anacusis (hearing loss)/vertigo (vestibular damage); MOA: blocks electrolyte reabsorption in Loop of Henle
*spironolactone Aldactone, in Aldactazide K-sparing diuretic (weak/combine w/ other diurectics to counteract hypokalemia) -Tx: HTN, edema; s. effects: hyperkalemia, gynecomastia; MOA: blocks Na+/K+ exchange in the distal tubule (loss of Na+ and Water, conserve K+) -Aldosterone antagonist
*triamterene Dyrenium, in *Dyazide K-sparing diuretic (weak/combine w/ other diurectics to counteract hypokalemia) -Tx: HTN, edema; s. effects: hyperkalemia, gynecomastia; MOA: blocks Na+/K+ exchange in the distal tubule (loss of Na+ and Water, conserve K+)
amilorde (Midamor, in Moduretic) K-sparing diuretic (weak/combine w/ other diurectics to counteract hypokalemia) -Tx: HTN, edema; s. effects: hyperkalemia, gynecomastia; MOA: blocks Na+/K+ exchange in the distal tubule (loss of Na+ and Water, conserve K+)
eplerenone (Inspra) K-sparing diuretic (weak/combine w/ other diurectics to counteract hypokalemia) -Tx: HTN, edema; s. effects: hyperkalemia, gynecomastia; MOA: blocks Na+/K+ exchange in the distal tubule (loss of Na+ and Water, conserve K+)
spironolactone + HCTZ (Aldactazide) Combined diuretics
*triamterene + HCTZ (Maxzide) Dyazide Combined diuretics
amiloride + HCTZ (Moduretic) Combined diuretics
Manitol and Urea -IV osmotic diuretics -Tx: cerebral edema (ICP-intrancranial press) & drugs OD (force diuresis). MOA: large mole can't be reabsorbed after filtered, but has osmotic pulls for H20. Cautions: temp incr plasma vol; may aggravate CHF, PE(pulm edema)
glycerin -PO osmotic diuretics -Tx: glaucoma (decr IOP). MOA: large mole can't be reabsorbed after filtered, but has osmotic pulls for H20. Cautions: temp incr plasma vol; may aggravate CHF, PE(pulm edema)
*captopril Capoten ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines, off label: SL for HTN crisis); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -take empty stomach -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough -old drug
*enalapril Vasotec, in Vaseretic, Teczem, Lexxel (enalaprilat -Vasotec IV) ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough -old drug
*lisinopril Zestril, Prinivil; in Zestoretic, Prinzide ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough -old drug
*benazepril Lotensin; in Lotrel with amlodipine ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough -old drug
ramipril (Altace) ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -Take empty stomach -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough
fosinopril (Monopril) ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough
quinapril (Accupril) ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -Take empty stomach -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough
spirapril (Renormax) ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough
moexipril (Univasc) ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough
trandolapril (Mavik) ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough
perindopril (Aceon) ACE inhibitor -Tx: HTN, Delay CHF (prevnt: diabetic nephropathy, stroke, migraines); MOA: bocks angiotensin coverting enz. -ContraI: pregnancy -S effects: 1st dose effects, persistent dry cough
enalapril + HCTZ (Vaseretic) combined form -S. effects: persistent dry cough
enalapril + diltiazem (Teczem) combined form -S. effects: persistent dry cough
enalapril + felodipine (Lexxel) combined form -S. effects: persistent dry cough
benazepril + amlodipine (Lotrel) combined form -S. effects: persistent dry cough
losartan (Cozaar) -with amlodipine in Exforge ARB's -Tx: same as ACE inhibitors, but no s.effects of 1st dose (rapid drop of BP -dizziness/fatigue), persistent dry cough
eprosartan (Teveten) ARB's -Tx: same as ACE inhibitors, but no s.effects of 1st dose (rapid drop of BP -dizziness/fatigue), persistent dry cough
valsartan (Diovan) -with amlodipine in Exforge ARB's -Tx: same as ACE inhibitors, but no s.effects of 1st dose (rapid drop of BP -dizziness/fatigue), persistent dry cough
*irbesartan Avapro ARB's -Tx: same as ACE inhibitors, but no s.effects of 1st dose (rapid drop of BP -dizziness/fatigue), persistent dry cough
candesartan (Atacand) ARB's -Tx: same as ACE inhibitors, but no s.effects of 1st dose (rapid drop of BP -dizziness/fatigue), persistent dry cough
telmisartan (Micardis) ARB's -Tx: same as ACE inhibitors, but no s.effects of 1st dose (rapid drop of BP -dizziness/fatigue), persistent dry cough
olmesartan (Benicar) -with amlodipine in Azor ARB's -Tx: same as ACE inhibitors, but no s.effects of 1st dose (rapid drop of BP -dizziness/fatigue), persistent dry cough
nitroglycerin (NTG) vasodilators of cardio (nitrate) -Tx: pectoralis angina -SL: acute and exercise-induced;Translingual spray: acute; PO, topical, transdermal: prophylaxis; IV: before surgery -ContraI: ED drugs -wean patients
isosorbide dinitrate Isordil, Dilatrate-SR, Bidil (with hydralazine) vasodilators of cardio (nitrate)-Tx: pectoralis angina -SL: acute; PO-SR: prophylaxis -ContraI: ED drugs -wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
isosorbide momonitrate (ISMO, Monoket) vasodilators of cardio (nitrate)-Tx: prophylaxis pectoralis angina ONLY -ContraI: ED drugs -wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
*dipyridamole Persantine ?vasodilators of cardio? -Tx: prophylaxis pectoralis angina and more of antiplatelet -reduces strokes
*verapamil Isoptin, Calan, Verelan PM, Covera HS ca++ channel blockers -Tx: pectoralis angina (PO), arrythmia (SVT)-IV -Class IV, HTN (SR/XL)-wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
*nifedipine Procardia, Adalat ca++ channel blockers -Tx: pectoralis angina (PO), arrythmia (SVT)-IV, HTN (SR/XL)-wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
*diltiazem Cardizem, Cardizem SR, Cardizem CD, Cardizem LA, Dilacor XR, Tiazac, Teczem (with enalapril) ca++ channel blockers -Tx: pectoralis angina (PO), arrythmia (SVT)-IV -Class IV, HTN (SR/XL)-wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
*amlodipine Norvasc, Lotrel w/ benazepril, CADuet w/ atoravastatin, Exforge w/ valsartan, Azor w/ olmesartan ca++ channel blockers -Tx: pectoralis angina (PO), arrythmia (SVT)-IV, HTN (SR/XL)-wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
bepridil (Vascor) ca++ channel blockers -Tx: pectoralis angina (PO), arrythmia (SVT)-IV, HTN (SR/XL)-wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
nicardipine (Cardene) ca++ channel blockers -Tx: pectoralis angina (PO), arrythmia (SVT)-IV, HTN (SR/XL)-wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
felodipine (Plendil, Lexxel w/ enalapril) ca++ channel blockers -Tx: pectoralis angina (PO), arrythmia (SVT)-IV, HTN (SR/XL)-wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
isradipine (DynaCirc) ca++ channel blockers -Tx: pectoralis angina (PO), arrythmia (SVT)-IV, HTN (SR/XL)-wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
nisoldipine (Sular) ca++ channel blockers -Tx: pectoralis angina (PO), arrythmia (SVT)-IV, HTN (SR/XL)-wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
nimodipine (Nimotop) ca++ channel blockers -Tx: pectoralis angina (PO), arrythmia (SVT)-IV, HTN (SR/XL), Acute Stroke, Also approved for subarachnoid hemorrhage -may pull from capsule and give via NGT -wean patient: rebound angina, HTN might develop
*propranolol Inderal, Inderide w/ HCTZ -PO/Inj, Non-selective beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, Class II arrhythmia -PO/inj, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP)-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
*atenolol Tenormin, Tenoretic w/ chlorthalidone, Cardio-selective beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
*metoprolol Lopressor, Toprol XL, Lopressor HCT w/ HCTZ, Cardio-selective beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
bisoprolol (Zebeta, Ziac w/ HCTZ, Cardio-selective beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
carteolol (Cartrol, Ocupress), Non-selective beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
nadolol (Corgard, Corzide w/ bendroflumethiazide), Non-selective beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
*carvedilol Coreg, Coreg CR beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
acebutolol (Sectral), Cardio-selective beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
betaxolol (Betoptic, Kerlone), Cardio-selective beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
labetalol (Normodyne, Trandate), Non-selective beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
penbutolol (Levatol) beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
pindolol (Visken) beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
timolol (Blocadren, Timoptic, Timolide w/ HCTZ) beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
nebivolol (Bystolic) beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, arrhythmia, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
sotalol (Betapace) beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, Class II arrhythmia -PO, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
esmolol (Brevibloc) beta blockers -Tx: angina pectoralis, Class II arrhythmia -IV, HTN, migraines, glaucoma (decr IOP))-SE of non-selective beta blocker (hi dose): blocks beta 2, bronchospasm, can't breathe
ranolazine (Ranexa) miscellaneous antiangina drug -Tx: chronic angina or angina can't be controlled by other antianginal drugs
streptokinase (Streptase) thrombolytics - Tx: coronary thrombosis (MI), thrombo-embolic stroke (CVA), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), clear IV catheters "flush" -riks: hemorrhage, allergy with recombinant DNA products
alteplase (Activase) -ordered as TPA thrombolytics - Tx: coronary thrombosis (MI), thrombo-embolic stroke (CVA), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), clear IV catheters "flush" -riks: hemorrhage, allergy with recombinant DNA products
tenecteplase (TKNase) thrombolytics - Tx: coronary thrombosis (MI), thrombo-embolic stroke (CVA), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), clear IV catheters "flush" -riks: hemorrhage, allergy with recombinant DNA products
reteplase (Retevase) r-PA thrombolytics - Tx: coronary thrombosis (MI), thrombo-embolic stroke (CVA), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), clear IV catheters "flush" -riks: hemorrhage, allergy with recombinant DNA products
*digoxin "dig" (Lanoxin, Lanoxicaps, Digitek) cardiotonics digitalis glycoside -Tx: CHF -stengthens heart beat (+ inotropic) by inhibiting Na/K pump -need apical pulse, digitalis loading -if HR<60, hold a dose -hypokalemia incr. digitalis toxicity (arrhythmogenic, halos/rings of lite arnd obj.)
digitalis immune FAB (Digibind, DgiFab) antidote for digitalis OD
inamrinone cardiotonics non-digitalis -Tx: short-term CHF -stengthens heart beat (+ inotropic), can also cause vasodilation
milrinone (Primacor) cardiotonics non-digitalis -Tx: short-term CHF -stengthens heart beat (+ inotropic), can also cause vasodilation
quinidine (Quinidex -83% of quinidine with sulfate, Quinaglute -62% quinidine with gluconate) anti-arrhythmic drug -Class I: membrane stablizing -indication: convert atrial tachycardia to NSR -caution: paradoxical VAGOLYTIC effect -cinchonism: collection of Sx (tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo, HA)
*procainamide Pronestyl anti-arrhythmic drug -Class I: membrane stablizing -SLE (lupus-like Sx of black furry tongue)
*lidocaine Xylocaine anti-arrhythmic drug -Class I: membrane stablizing -indication: ectopics/vent. arrhythmia -Inj. has local anesthetic effect e.g DDS, ER; gargle lidocain vicous for mouth/lip pain -don't use with epinephrine/preservatives for IV admin.
disopyramide (Norpace) anti-arrhythmic drug -Class I: membrane stablizing
mexiletine (Mexitil) anti-arrhythmic drug -Class I: membrane stablizing
tocainide (Tonocard) anti-arrhythmic drug -Class I: membrane stablizing
flecainide (Tambocor) anti-arrhythmic drug -Class I: membrane stablizing
propafenone (Rythmol) anti-arrhythmic drug -Class I: membrane stablizing
amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) anti-arrhythmic drug -Class III: K-like blocker -if EKG abnormal, divide dose in half
bretylium (Bretylol) anti-arrhythmic drug -Class III: K-like blocker -if EKG abnormal, divide dose in half
ibutilide (Corvert) anti-arrhythmic drug -Class III: K-like blocker -if EKG abnormal, divide dose in half
dofetilide (Tikosyn) anti-arrhythmic drug -Class III: K-like blocker -if EKG abnormal, divide dose in half
adenosine (Adenocard) anti-arrhythmic drug: miscellaneous -rapid IV bolus only for both arrhythmia and stress test
DOPamine sympathomimetic -Tx: shock -vasoconstriction of perifpheral blood vessels
DOBUTamine (Dobutrex) sympathomimetic -Tx: shock -beta-one agonist, incr. CO (little beta-two or vessel effects)
isoproterenol (Isuprel) sympathomimetic -Tx: shock -beta-one and beta-two agonist, incr. HR
cholestyramine (Questran) hypolipidemics -bile acid sequestrants (1)incr. cholesterol breakdown -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
colestipol (Colestid) hypolipidemics -bile acid sequestrants (1)incr. cholesterol breakdown -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
colesevelam (WelChol) hypolipidemics -bile acid sequestrants (1)incr. cholesterol breakdown -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
ezetimibe (Zetia, w/ simvastatin in Vytorin) hypolipidemics -(2)prevent cholesterol absorption in intestine -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
lovastatin (Mevacor, Altocor, w/ niacin in Advicor) hypolipidemics -HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (3) decrease cholesterol production in liver -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
*pravastatin Pravachol, w/ ASA in Pravigard PAC hypolipidemics -HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (3) decrease cholesterol production in liver -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
*simvastatin Zocor, w/ ezetimibe in Vytorin hypolipidemics -HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (3) decrease cholesterol production in liver -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
fluvastatin (Lescol) hypolipidemics -HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (3) decrease cholesterol production in liver -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
*atorvastatin Lipitor, w/ amlodipin in CADuet hypolipidemics -HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (3) decrease cholesterol production in liver -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
rosuvastatin (Crestor) hypolipidemics -HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (3) decrease cholesterol production in liver -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
fenofibrate (Tricor), fenofibrate acid (Trilipix) hypolipidemics -miscellaneous -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
gemfibrozil (Lopid) hypolipidemics -miscellaneous -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
niacin (NiaSpan, Niacor, Slo-Niacin, extended release, w/ simvastatin in Simcor, w/ lovastatin in Advicor) aka nicotinic acid or Vitamin B-3 hypolipidemics -miscellaneous -won't remove plaques from vessel walls
*hydralazine Apresoline, w/isosorbide dinitrate in Bidil anti-hypertensive vasodilator -Tx: HTN -use w/ (-) chronotropic drug b/c reflex tachycardia may occur -use w/ diuretic b/c reflex incr. renin level ->H20 retetion
minoxidil (Loniten) anti-hypertensive vasodilator -Tx: HTN -use w/ (-) chronotropic drug b/c reflex tachycardia may occur -use w/ diuretic b/c reflex incr. renin level ->H20 retetion -S.E: hypertrichosis (hair overgrowth)
nitroglycerin anti-hypertensive vasodilator -Tx: HTN -use w/ (-) chronotropic drug b/c reflex tachycardia may occur -use w/ diuretic b/c reflex incr. renin level ->H20 retetion
*1.prazosin, *2.terazosin *3.doxazosin 1.Minipress, w/ polythiazide in Minizide, 2.Hytrin, 3.Cardura alpha-1 blocker -Tx: resistant HTN -no relex tachycardia but has 1st dose effects of orthostatic hypotension (take HS, don't drive for 12-24hrs after dose)
*methyldopa Aldomet, w/ HCTZ in Aldoril alpha-2 agonist -Tx: HTN -work on CNS, stimul. alpha-2 receptors of presynap inhibitory to block release of neurotransmitters. -Causes drowsiness, driving warning, alcohol and other CNS drug warning. -Acts as False NT -reound HTN
*clonidine Catapres, Catapres TTS-transdermal route, w/chlorthalidone in Combipes alpha-2 agonist -Tx: HTN -work on CNS, stimulate alpha-2 receptors of presynaptic inhibitory to block release of neurotransmitters. -Causes drowsiness, driving warning, alcohol and other CNS drug warning -rebound HTN
guanabenz (Wytensin) alpha-2 agonist -Tx: HTN -work on CNS, stimulate alpha-2 receptors of presynaptic inhibitory to block release of neurotransmitters. -Causes drowsiness, driving warning, alcohol and other CNS drug warning -rebound HTN
guanfacine (Tenex) alpha-2 agonist -Tx: HTN -work on CNS, stimulate alpha-2 receptors of presynaptic inhibitory to block release of neurotransmitters. -Causes drowsiness, driving warning, alcohol and other CNS drug warning -rebound HTN
nitroprusside (NitroPress) Hypertensive crisis -Tx: severe HTN -IV infusion -Mix in D5W only, protect from light, short stability time -SE: cyanide toxicity
diazoxide (Hyperstat) Hypertensive crisis -Tx: severe HTN -rapid IV push -SE: severe hypotension
fenoldopam (Corlopam) Hypertensive crisis -Tx: severe HTN -IV infusion
ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) -PO hematopoietic/erythrocyte production -Tx: Fe deficiency anemia -provides more Fe than gluconate in the same dose
ferrous gluconate (Fergon) -PO hematopoietic/erythrocyte production -Tx: Fe deficiency anemia -provides less Fe than SO4 in the same dose
iron dextran (Dexferrium) -IM/IV hematopoietic/erythrocyte production -Tx: Fe deficiency anemia
cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B-12) hematopoietic/erythrocyte production -Tx: megaloblastic/pernicious anemia (B-12 deficiency)
folic acid (Folvite) hematopoietic/erythrocyte production -Tx: megaloblastic anemia (folic acid deficiency)
*epoetin alfa EPO (Epogen, Procrit) hematopoietic/cytokin-erythrocyte production -Tx: anemia 2ndary to cancer chemotherapy, CRF
darbepoetin (Aranesp) hematopoietic/cytokin-erythrocyte production -Tx: anemia 2ndary to cancer chemotherapy, CRF
filgrastim (Neupogen)/pegfilgrastim (Neulasta) hematopoietic/cytokin(G-CSF)-leukocyte production -Tx: granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, or neutropenia after chemotherapy/BMT
sargramostim (Leukine) hematopoietic/cytokin(G-CSF)-leukocyte production -Tx: granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, or neutropenia after chemotherapy/BMT
oprelvekin (Neumega) hematopoietic/cytokin(platelet-CSF)-platelet production -Tx: thrombocytopenia after chemotherapy/BMT
aspirin (ASA) anticoagulant/anti-platelet -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: prevent platelet aggregation
*dipyridamole Persantine anticoagulant/anti-platelet -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: prevent platelet aggregation
ticlopidine (Ticlid) anticoagulant/anti-platelet -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: prevent platelet aggregation
clopidogrel (Plavix) anticoagulant/anti-platelet -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: prevent platelet aggregation
eptifibatide (Integrelin) anticoagulant/anti-platelet(GP IIa/III b blocker) -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: prevent platelet aggregation by blocking GP IIa /IIIb receptors
tirofiban (Aggrastat) anticoagulant/anti-platelet(GP IIa/III b blocker) -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: prevent platelet aggregation by blocking GP IIa /IIIb receptors
abciximab (ReoPro) anticoagulant/anti-platelet(GP IIa/III b blocker) -Tx: prevent abrupt closure after PTCA(angioplasty) -MOA: prevent platelet aggregation by blocking GP IIa /IIIb receptors
heparin anticoagulant/heparin -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: inhibits clotting factors -antidote: protamine
*enoxaparin Lovenox anticoagulant/low molecular weight heparin(LMWH) -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: inhibits clotting factors
tinzaparin (Innohep) anticoagulant/low molecular weight heparin(LMWH) -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: inhibits clotting factors
dalteparin (Fragmin) anticoagulant/low molecular weight heparin(LMWH) -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: inhibits clotting factors
danaparoid (Orgaran) anticoagulant/low molecular weight heparin(LMWH) -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: inhibits clotting factors
fondaparinux (Arixtra) anticoagulant/synthetic heparin analog -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: inhibits clotting factors
bivalirudin (Angiomax) anticoagulant/miscellaneous -Tx: DVT/PE -MOA: inhibits clotting factors
*diphenhydramine Benadryl antihistamine -Tx: allergic rhinitis, urticaria (hives), pruritus (dermatitis), Ax conjunctiva, Ax (give with EPI if severe),-H1 antagonist -used as OTC sleep aid
Created by: ucifall2000
Popular Science sets




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