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Med Voc Ch 6

Med Voca Ch 6

Somatic cells all the cells of the body except the sex cells, sperm and ova
Somatic pertaining to the body
Down Syndrome most common chromesonal abnormality of generalized syndrome, is a congenital condition charcterized by varying degrees of mental retardation
Epithelial tissue forms the covering of body surfaces, both inside and on the surface of the body: example is the outer layer of the skin
Connective supports and binds other body tissues and parts; examples are bone and cartilage
Nervous coordinates and controls many body activites; it is found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
Muscle produces movement; an example is skeletal muscle that makes bending of the arm possible
tissue a group of cells that have similar structure and function
organs made up of two or more tissue types that work together to perform one of more functions form a more complex structure
cardiovascular system delivers oxygen, nutrients, and vital substance throughout the body, transports cellular waste product to the lungs and kidneys for excretion
lymphatic system helps maintain the internal fluid enviroment; produces some types of blood cells; regulates immunity
respiratory system brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide and some water waste
digestive system provides the body with water, nutrients,and minerals; remove solid waste
urinary system filter blood to remove wastes of cellular metabolism; maintains the electrolyte adn fluid balance
reproductive system procreation (producing offspring)
muscular system makes movement possible
skeletal system provides proctection, form, and shape for the body; stores mineral and forms some blood cells
nervous system coordinates the reception of stimul; tramsmit messages to stimulate movement
endocrine system secretes hormones and helps regulate body activites
anatomy the study, description, and classification of structures and organ of the body
palmar pertains to the palms
plantar pertains to the sole
thorac(o) chest
thoracodynia is pain of the chest
suprathoracic pertaining to a location above the chest
transthoracic through the chest cavity or across the chest wall
frontal plane divides the body into front and back portions
transverse plane divides the body into upper and lower portions
sagittal plane divides the body into right and left sides
midsagittal plane divides the body into equal right and left halves
anter(o), anterior nearer to or toward the front
poster(o), posterior nearer to or toward the back
ventr(o), ventral belly side
dors(o), dorsal directed toward or situated on the back side
medi(o), medial, median middle or nearer the middle
later(o), lateral farther from the midline of the body or from a structure
super(o), superior uppermost or above
infer(o), inferior lowermost of below
proxim(o), prozimal nearer the origin of point of attachment
caud(o), caudad, caudal in an inferior position
cephal(o), cephalad toward the head
anteromedial indicates the aspect that is toward the front and toward the middle
ventral refers to the belly side
ventromedian another way of saying anteromedial, but the latter is more common
posteroexternal indicates that something is situated on the outside of a posterior
posteroexternal is situtated behind and outside
posterointernal is situated behind and within(inside)
anteroposterior pertains to both the front and the back sides
anteroposterior from th front to the back side of the body
posteroanterior from the posterior to the anterior surface, or in other words, from back to front
dorsolateral means behind and to one side of the body
postolateral means behind or to one side
unilateral affecting only one side
bilateral pertains to two sides(both sides of the body)
posteromedial situated in the middle of the back side of an organism
superior indicate uppermost or situated above
anterosuperior indicates a position in front and above
postersuperior behind or above
superficial situated on or near the surface
inferior lower or below
inferomedian situated in the middle of the underside
proximal refers to something that is near
telecardiogram registers the heart impluses of patients in distant places
dorsocephalad situtated toward the back of the head
supination the rotation of a joint that allows the hand or foot to turn upward
recumbent lying down
abdomin(o) abdomen
acr(o) extremities (arms and legs)
cephal(o) head
crani(o) cranium(skull)
dactyl(o) finger or toe
encephal(o) brain
herni(o) hernia
omphal(o), unbilic(o) umbilicus (navel)
pelv(i) pelvis
periton(o) peritoneum
pod(o) foot
som(a), somat(o) body
spin(o) spine
thorac(o) thorax (chest)
viscer(o) viscera (large abdominal organs)
abdominothracic pertaining to the abdomen and thorax
hypochondriac region upper lateral regions beneath the ribs
epigastric region lies between the hypochondriac region
umbilical region lies just below the epigastric region
lumber lies on each side of the umbilical region
hypogastric region lower middle region
iliac or inguinal region two lower lateral regions
right upper quadrant (RUQ) contains the right lobe of the liver, gallbladder, right kidney, and parts of the large and small intestines
Left upper quadrant (LUQ) contians the left lobe of the liver, stomach, pancreas, left kidney, spleen, and parts of the large and small intestines
right lower quadrant (RLQ) contains the right ureter, right ovary and uterine tube, appendix and parts of the large and small intestines
left lower quadrant (LLQ) contains the left ureter, left ovary and uterine tube, and parts of the large and small intestines
abdominal pertaining to the abdomen
parietal peritoneum lines the abdominal and pelvic walls
visceral peritoneum contains large folds that weave in between the organs, binding them to one another and to the walls of the cavity
abdominoplasty surgical repair of the abdomen
abdominocentesis surgical puncture of the abdomen
extremities literal translation of the new word is blue condition
acromegaly disorder in which there is enlargement of the extremities
-osis means condition but sometimes implies a disease or abnormal increase
dermatosis skin condition
acrodermatitis inflammation of the skin in the extremities, especially the hands and feet
dermatoplasty surgical repair of the skin
dactylogram is a mark or record of a fingerprint
dactylography process of taking fingerprints
dactylitis inflammation of the finger or toe
dactylspasm cramping or twitching of a digit
chirospasm cramping or twitching of the hand
chiroplasty surgical repair of the hand
chiropody refers to the hands
podiatrist specializes in the care of feet
podogram a print record of the foot
febrile pertains to fever
afebrile means without fever
antipyretic, antifebrile an agent that is effective against fever
pyrogen substance or agent that produces fever, such as some bacterial toxins
hyperpyrexia denotes a highly elevated body temperature
antiinfective capable of killing infectious microorganisms or preventing them spreading
antifective acting aganist infection
antimicrobial act against microbes
antiinflammatory acting aganist inflammation
aplasia the lack of development of an organ or tissue
dysplasia is the abnormal development of tissues or organs
anotia congenital absence of one or both ears, is an example of aplasia
ana- means upward, excessive, or again
somatogenic pertaining to the body
electroencephalography the process of recording elecrical activity of the brain and can be used to determine somatic death
electroencephalogram a record produced by the electrical impluses of the brain
electroencephalograph instrument used to record electrical impluses of the brain
encephalitis is inflammation of the brain
encephalopathy any disease of the brain
somesthetic pertains to body feeling
somatopsychic pertains to both body and mind
physiology the study of the function of the body
psychosomatic is commonly used term that refers to the ineraction of the mind, or psyche, and the body
psychic person said to be endowed with the ability to read the minds of others
omphalus another name for umbilibus or navel
omphalocele congenital hernia of the umbilicus
supine lying flat on the back
omphalitis inflammation of the umbilicus
omphalorrhagia hemorrhage from the umbilicus
omphalorrhexis rupture or the umbilicus
ambulation act of walking
ambulant describes a person who is able to walk
vital sign (VS) the measurments of pulse, respiration, and body temperature
physical examination (PE) is an investigation of the body to determine its state of health
inspection examiner uses the eyes to observe the patient
palpation examiner feels the the texture, size, consistency and location of certain body parts with hands
percussion examiner taps the body with the fingertips or fist to evaluate the size, borders, and consistency of internal organs and to determine the amont of fluid in a body cavity
ausculation examiner listens for sounds within the body to evalute the heart, blood vessels, lungs, instestines, or other organ or to detect the fetal heart sound.
abd abdomen, abdominal
ap anteroposterior
bsa body surface area
dna deoxyribounucleic acid
eeg electroencephalogram
lat lateral
pa posteroanterior
pe physical examination
stem cells cells that have the ability to divide without limit and give rise to specialized cells
abdominal cavity the cavity within the abdomen, lined with peritoneum
abdominal pacracentesis surgical puncture of the abdomen
abdominocentesis surgical puncture of the abdomen
abdominoplasty surgical repair of the abdomen
abdominothoracic pertaining to abdomen and thorax
acroparalysis paralysis of the extremities
anaplasia a loss of differentiation of cells and their orientation to one another and to their axial framework and blood vessels
anatomic plane points of refernce by which imaginary dissecting lines are drawn through the body to describe locations
anatomic position the position in which the body is erect.
angina pectoris severe pain and constriction abouth the heart caused by an insufficient supply of the blood to the heart itself
anterosuperior situated anteriorly and superiorly
antibiotic destructive of life; a chemical substance produced by a mircoorganism that inhibits the growth of or kills other microogranism
antimicrobial killing mircroogranisms or suppressing their multiplication or growth; an agent taht kills microogranisms or suppresses their multiplication or growth
antipyretic releving and reducing fever
ascites effusion and accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity
blood pressure the pressure existing in the large arteries at the height of the pulse wave
body plane an imaginary flat surface used to identify the position of the body
body system several organs of the body that work together to accomplish a set of functions
caudad, caudal pertaining to a tail or tail-like appendage; denoting a position more toward the tail
cellular pertaining to or made up of cells
cephalad pertaining to the head; toward the head
cephalic pertaining to the head or the head end of the body
congenital present at or existing from the time of birth
coronal plane the frontal plane that divides the body into front and back portions
cranial cavity the space within the skull that contains the brain
cranium the skull; the skeleton of the head
dactlyography the study of fingerprints
dactlyogram a fingerprint taken for purposes of identification
diaphram the muscular partition that seprates the chest and abdominal cavities and serves as the major inspiratiory muscle
distal far of distant from the orgin or point of attachment
dorsocephalad toward the back of the head
dorsoventral pertaining to the back and belly surfaces; passing from the back to the belly surface
electroencephalogram a record produced by the eletrical impluses of the brain
electroencephalograph a machine used to record the eletrical impluses of the brain
electroencephalography the recording of the electrical currents of the brain by means of electrodes applied to the scalp, to the surface of the brain, or placed within the substance of the brain
encephalography raidography of the brain
facial pertaining to or directed toward the face
femoral pertaining to the femur, the thigh bone
hyperpyrexia a highly increased body temperature of around 105 degrees or higher
hyperplasia abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in a tissue
hyperpyrexial pertaining to an increases body temperature
hypertrophy enlargemnet of an organ cause by an increase in the size preexisting cells
hypochondriac petaining to the hypochondrium; a person who had morbid anxiety about his of her health but has no attributable cause
hypograstric situated below the stomach; pertaining to the hypograstruim
hypoplasia incomplete development of underdevlopment of organ of tissue
inguinal pertaining to the groin
lesion any pathologic or traumatic disconitinuity of tissue or loss of function of a part
microogranism a minute living organism, usually microscpic, including bacteria, ricketsiae, viruses, milds, yeast and protoza
noninflammatory not characterized by inflammtion
omplhalic pertaining to the navel
omphalitis inflammation of the navel
omphalocele hernia of the navel
omphaloma tumor of the navel
omphalorrhagia hemorrhage from the umbilicus
omphalorrhagia rupture of the umbilicus
omphalus the navel
organ a part of the body that performs a special function of functions and is composed of various tissues
ovum an egg; the female reproductive germ cell
paracentesis surgical puncture of a cavity for aspiration of fluid
parietal peritoneum the pertioneum that lines the abdominal and pelvic walls and the undersurface of the diaphragm
pelvic cavity the space within the walls of the pelvis, forming the inferior and lesser part of the abdominopelvic cavity
pelvis the lower portion of the trunk.
percussion the act of striking a part with short, sharp blows as an aid in diagnosing the condition of the underlying parts by the sound obtanined
peritoneal cavity the potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum
phalanges bones of the fingers and toes
pituitary gland a small oval two-lobed body at the base of the brain, it regulates other glands by secretions of hormones
podiatrist one who specialized in the care of the human foot
podiatry the specilalized field dealing with the study and care of the foot, including its anatomy, pathology, and medical and surgical treatment
pronation assuming the prone position, or being prone(lying face downward)
psychophysiologic pertaining to physiologic psychology
serous membrane the membrane lining the exterior of the walls of various body cavities
Created by: LSerreia
Popular Medical sets




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