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6.2 A

craniotomy cutting into the skull
crani pertaining to the skull
otomy cutting into
dysuria difficult urination
dys difficult, painful, bad
uria urine
hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus
hyster uterus
ectomy surgical removal of
hemotoxic blood poisoning
hemo blood
toxic poison
pericarditis inflammation around the heart
peri around
card pertaining to heart
itis inflammation, inflammation of
leukocyte white cell
leuko white
cyte cell
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
chole bile, gallbladder
cyst bladder, bag, sac
itis inflammation, inflammation of
tachycardia rapid heart
tachy rapid, fast
cardia pertaining to the heart
neuralgia nerve pain
neur nerve, nervous system
algia pain
polycytemia excess of blood cells
poly many, much
cyt cell
emia blood
bradycardia slow heart
brady slow
cardia pertaining to heart
gastrectomy surgical removal of stomach
gastr stomach
ectomy surgical removal of
meningitis inflammation of membranes covering the brain and spinal chord
mening membranes covering the brain and spinal chord
itis inflammation, inflammation of
neopathy new disease
neo new
pathy disease, abnormal condition
dermatologist person who studies the skin
dermat pertaining to skin
ologist person who does/studies
proctoscope instrument for examining the rectum
procto rectum, rectal, anus
scope examining instrument
carcinoma cancerous tumor
carcin cancer, malignancy
oma tumor, a swelling
electroencephalograph instrument for recording electrical activity in the brain
electro electrical
encephalo brain
graph diagram, instrument for recording
osteomalacia softening of bone
osteo bone
malacia softening of a tissue
paraplegia paralysis of the lower half of the body
para lower half of the body, near, beside, beyond, abnormal,
plegia paralysis
pyuria pus in the urine
py pus
uria urine
acromegaly enlarged extremities
acro extremities (arms and legs)
megaly large, enlarged
gerontology study of the elderly
geront old age, elderly
ology study of, science of
dysphagia difficult swallowing
dys difficult, painful, bad
phagia to eat, consuming, swallow
hydrocele swelling or tumor of water
hydro water
cele swelling, tumor, cavity, hernia
Created by: maguilar3
Popular Science sets




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