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Chapter 8
The Blood and Lymphatic System-Hematology and Immunology
Term | Definition |
1. anticoagulant-( AN-tee-coh-AG-yoo-lant) anti / coagul / ant againt/coagulation/agent | drug that prevents the coagulation of blood |
2. hemostatic-(HEE-moh-STAT-ik) hemo /static blood/standing | drug that stops the flow of blood |
3. thrombolytic-(THROM-boh-LIH-tik) thrombo/ lytic clot/ breakdown agent | drug that breaks down blood clots |
4. splenectomy-(spleh-NEK-toh-mee) splen/ectomy spleen/ removal | surgical removal of the spleen |
5. thymectomy-(thai-MEK-toh-mee) thym/ectomy thymus/removal | surgical removal of the thymus |
6. transfusion-(tranz-FYOO-zhun) trans/fusion across/poor | infusion into a patient of blood from another source |
7. tonsillitis-(TON-sir-AL-tis) tonsill/itis tonsil/inflammation | inflammation of the tonsil |
8. thymopathy-(thai-MAW-pah-thee) thymo/pathy thymus/disease | disease of the thymus |
9. uremia-(yoo-REE-ah) ur/ emia urine/blood condition | presence of urine in the blood |
10. anemia-(an-NEE-mee-ah an/ emia no/blood condition | reduced red blood cells |