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Ch 17 Trauma and MOI
Question | Answer |
What is the primary cause of death and disability in people ages 1-34 | truama |
What is the acute physological and structural change that occurs in a patients body when an external source of energy dissipates faster then the body's ability to sustain and dissipate it. | Trauma |
What kind of energy is from motion or energy stored in an object | Mechanical energy |
What type of energy is associated with motion | Kinetic energy |
What type of energy does one have when they are on top of a building | Potential anergy |
what kind of energy can be found from an explosion or even an acid | Chemical energy |
What kind of energy comes from high voltage | Electrical energy |
What type of energy can result from sudden changes in pressure. Often from diving or flying | Barometric energy |
The study of the physiology and mechanics of a living organism useing the tools of mechanical engineering | Biomechanics. |
What studies the relationships between speed, mass, and the direction of force | Kinetics |
If an organ that has a gas inside sustains alot of energy what happens | it will scatter more of the energy, meaning it is more likely to collapse and cause more injury |
What is the distance an object travels per unit time | Velocity |
The rate of change of velocity that an object is subjected to, wether speeding up or slowing down. | Acceleration |
The downward acceleration that is imparted on any object on earth by the effect of the earths mass | Gravity |
Does velocity or mass have a greater effect on kinetic energy | Velocity |
what states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change form. | The law of conservation of energy |
what does newtons first law of motion say | a body at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force |
What does newtons second law of motion say | the force that an object can exert is the product of it's mass times it's acceleration |
what is th g limit for a human | ~30g |
decelerating forces can induce what type of injuries to organs | shearing, avulsing, or rupturing |
The aorta, the largest velssel in the body, is the most common site for whattype of injury | decelerating |
Crush type injuries causeing fractures ribs can cause the fractured ribs to do what other type of injury. | internal injuries of the lungs and heart |
blunt cardiac injury can compress the heart muscle between bones in the chest causing what | arrythmias, and direct injury to the heart muscle |
the 5 phases of a MVA are what | 1st phase is deceleration of the vehicle, 2nd deceleration of the occupant, 3rd deceleration of internal organs, 4th secondary collisions, from objects inside vehicle, and 5th additional impacts |
When your patient of a mva is a pediatric what 2 injuries should you assume | Pulmonary or cardiac |
if a person takes a deep breath before a crash, they are at risk of what | a dangerous lung injury |
if a vehicle is struck from the side then what are the 2 passengers at risk of happening for injury | the 2 of them hitting each others head on each other. |
1 of 3 ejected people will sustain what | a cervical injury |
a restrained occupant of a vehicle has nearly a ______ % reduction in fatalities | 45 |
steering wheel or dashboard injuries sustained because seatbelts were not worn or worn improperly are associated with a ______% fetal death rate | 50 |
what is the waddell triad | a pattern of automobile pedestrian injuries in children or short stature people |
Adult falls from hieghts usually occur in the context of what | criminal activity, attempted suicide, or intoxication from alcohol or drugs |
what is the most important factor for the seriousness of a gunshot wound | the type of tissue through which the projectile passed |
the initial path of tissue distruction is caused by the projectile crushing the tissue during penetration, is referred to as | permanent cavity |
what referrs to the tissue displacement that occurs as the result of low displacement shock waves | Pathway expansion |
What is cavitation | cavity formation |
What is a major cause of tissue damage as the projectile sends off fragments that create their own seperate paths through tissue | Missile fragmentation |
Never assume what of a bullet injury | that the bullet followed a streight path between the entrance and exit wounds |
Primary blast injuries are from what | the blast wave itself |
secondary blast injuries are from | flying projectiles |
tertiary blast injuries are from what | impact with another object |
The leading edge of the blast wave is called | the blast front |
The phase of an explosion in whicvh there is a pressure front higher then atmospheric pressure | posative wave pulse |
the phase of an explosion where the pressure is less then atmospheric | negative wave pulse |
what does a shock wave do in under water explosions as compared to air expolsions | it travels at greater velocity |
what organs are most susceptibleto pressure changes | Air-containing organs like the middle ear, lungs and GI tract |
what are the most common cause of death from blast injuries | neurologic injuries and head trauma |