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Question | Answer |
What are the molecules that induce TNF and IL-1 | Teichoic acid (gram positive), Lipid A (Endotoxin) of the outer membrane of gram negative organisms |
Spores are made of | Dipicolinic acid, keratin-like coat |
Capsule | protects against phagocytosis and is made of glycoprotein |
Gram positive rods. Which one have spores? | My List of Bacteria are Close to Corn: Mycobacteria, Listeria, Bacilius, clostridium, cornybacterium. Spores (corynbacteriu, listeria) |
Mycoplasma contain ____, Mycobateria contain | Mycoplasma = sterols, no cell wall; Mycobateria = High lipid content, contains mycolic acid |
Gram stain limitations | "These Rascals May Microscopically Lack Color": Treponema (dk field, fluorescent Ab), Rickettsiae (gram - pleomorphic intracellular parasite, Mycobacteria (acid fast), Mycoplasma, Legionella (silver), Chlamydia (intracellular parasite, lacks muramic acid) |
Giemsa | Borrelia, plasmodium, trypanosomes, Chlamydia |
PAS | PASs the sugar (stains glycogen, mucopolysaccharides, used to diagnose Whipple's disease) |
Ziehl-Neelsen | Acid-fast bacteria |
India ink | Cryptococcus neoformans |
Silver stain | Legionella, fungi |
Chocolate agar with factors ____, and ____ | Factors V (NAD), X (hematin) = H. influenzae |
Thayer Martin | N. Gonorrhoeae |
Bordet-Gengou (potatoe) agar | B. pertussis |
Tellurite plate, Loffler's media | C. diptheriae |
Lowenstein-Jensen agar | M. tuberculosis |
Eaton's sugar | M. pneumoniae |
Eosin-methylene blue (EMB) (blue-black colonies with metallic sheen) | E. coli |
Pink colonies on MacConkey's agar | Lactose-fermenting enterics |
Charcoal yeast extract agar buffered with increased iron and cysteine | Legionella |
Sabouraud's agar | Fungi |
Obligate aerobes | "Nagging Pests Must Breathe". Nocardia, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Bacillus. |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is seen in | Burn wounds, nosocomial pneumonia, pneumonias in cystic fibrosis, |
Obligate anaerobes | "Anaerobes Can't Breathe Air" Actinomyces, Clostridium, Bacteriodes |
Anaerobes are nomrally present in ___ but abnormal any where else. Produce ___ and ___ in tissue. Foul smelling is due to ____ production | Normally present in the GI tract. Produce H2 and Co2 in tissue. Generally fould smelling (short-chain fatty acids). |
____ are antibiotics that are generally ineffective in treating anaerobes | Aminoglycosides are ineffective against anaerobes because these antibiotics require O2 to enter the bacterial cell |
Intracellular bugs come in two types: ___,____ | Obligate intracellular, facultative intracellular |
Obligate intracellular bugs include ____. They cannot produce ____ on their own. | Rickettsia, chlamydiae. (ATP) |
Facultative intracellular | "Some Nasty Bugs May Live FacultativeLY"Salmonella, Neisseria, Brucella, Mycobacterium, Listeria, Francisella, Legionella, Yersinia |
Encapsulated bacteria. | Bacteria that have positive quellung reaction. "Some Nasties have Kapsules" (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, haemophilus influenzae (B serotype), Klebisella pneumoniae. |
Urease positive bugs | "Particular Kinds Have Urease" (Proteus, Klebsiella, H. pyloria, Ureaplasma) |
Yellow pigment producing | S. aureus |
Blue-Green pigment | Pseudomona aeruoginosa |
Red pigment | Serratia marcescens (red maraschino cherries) |
Mneumonics:Gram stain limitations, Obligate aerobes, Obligate anaerobes, Obligate intracellular, facultative intracellular, urease positive bugs | These Rascals May Microscopically Lack Color, Nagging Pests Must Breathe, Anaerobes Can't Breathe Air, Stay inside when it is Really Cold, Some Nasty Bugs May Live FacultativeLY, Some Nasties Have Kapsules, Particular Kinds Have Kapsules |