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Newborn 1


What defines the newborn period First 28 days of life
Term infants are those that are born when? Between 38-42 weeks
What is the post-natal period? 28th day to end of 1st year
Most babies will lose __% of their birth weight in first 24 hours 8-10
Most babies will regain their birth weight by: 2 weeks
Normal vital signs for newborns HR-120-160, RR-30-60, BP 50-70 systolic; Record & plot Ht, Wt, HC
When does the anterior fontanelle usually close 4-24 months, average 1 year
When does the posterior fontanelle usually close 2-4 months
Newborns are obligate __ breathers Nose
Hearing is fully developed by: 1 month
Umbilical cord should have this ratio of arteries to veins 2:1
Eye prophylaxis to prevent GC Silver nitrate; Erythromycin ointment within 1 hour of birth for GC/CT
What is given 1mg IM within 4 hours of birth to prevent hemorrhagic newborn disease Vitamin K
What tests are done on the cord blood? Type, Coombs test, Newborn screening, Hct, glucose
Normal newborn HR 120-160
Normal newborn RR 30-60
Normal newborn BP 50-70 systolic
Birth weight decreases by what percent in the first 24 hours? 8-10
Prophylaxis against gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum = erythromycin ophthalmic ointment at time of delivery
Barlow sign clunk represents hip dislocatability in posterior-superior direction
Ortolani clunk represents relocation into joint
Primitive reflexes Moro, Babinski, palmar grasp, sucking, rooting, stepping, abdominal reflexes
What comprises the newborn evaluation in the nursery? Skin, auscultation of heart and lungs, palpate abdomen, HEENT, genitalia, hips, Neurologic (tone, reflexes, symmetry of movements)
What comprises initial care of the newborn? Bulb suction oropharynx, support body temp, eye ppx to prevent GC, hep B vaccine, glucose testing, newborn screen, hearing screen, cord blood eval, vitamin K, position (supine, or R side dependent arm extended)
By age 3 hours, glucose should be: 50-80 mg/dL
Four criteria required before discharge of a newborn in 24-36 hours Feeds and voids well. Yellow stools. <10% weight loss. Bili levels stable. Ensure f/u in 48-72 hrs
Skin feature in post term infant peeling skin
Neonatal vision is: 20/200
Created by: Abarnard
Popular Medical sets




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