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Endocrine (Goljan)
Endocrine - Goljan
Question | Answer |
Thyroid tumor which spreads mainly hematogenously | Follicular Carcinoma of the thyroid |
Thyroid : Scant colloid, papillary infolding of glands | Grave's disease |
Thyroid : Nodules with cells seperated by hyaline that stains congo red | Medullary Carcinoma of the thyroid |
Thyroid : Destruction of follicles, lymphocytic infiltrates, germinal follicle | Hashimoto's thyroiditis |
Thyroid : Granulomatous inflammation with giant cells | Subacute Granulomatous thyroiditis |
Thyroid : Fever, tender gland with painful cervical adenopathy | Acute thyroiditis |
Thyroid : Medullary carcinoma's tumor marker is? | Calcitonin |
List the causes of Primary Hyperparathyroidism | 1) Adenoma 2) Primary hyperplasia 3) Carcinoma |
Adrenal : What does Mycobacterium tuberculosis cause? | Chronic adrenal insufficiency (Addison's) |
Adrenal : What does Histoplasma capsulatum cause? | Chronic adrenal insufficiency (Addison's) |
Adrenal : What does Neisseria meningitidis cause? | Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome (Acute adrenocortical insufficiency) |
Adrenal : Bilateral adrenal hemorrhage | Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome (Acute adrenocortical insufficiency) |
Painful thyroid gland + i) preceded by upper respi infection? + ii) painful cervical adenopathy? | i) Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis ii) Acute thyroiditis |
Thyroid : Fibrous tissue replacing gland | Reidel's thyroiditis |
Name 3 disorders associated with MEN I syndrome | 1) Pituitary adenoma 2) hyper Parathyroidism 3) Pancreatic tumor |
Name 3 disorders associated with MEN IIa syndrome | 1) Medullary carcinoma 2) Hyper Parathyroidism 3) Pheochormocytoma |
Name 3 disorders associated with MEN IIb syndrome | 1) Medullary carcinoma 2) Mucosal neuromas (lips/tongue) 3) Pheochromocytoma |
Thyroid : Which thyroid tumor is associated with radiation exposure? | Papillary carcinoma of the thyoird |
Adrenal : What is secreted by an adrenal cortical adenoma with atrophy of the contralateral adrenal cortex? | Glucocorticoids |
Adrenal : What is secreted by an adrenal cortical adenoma without atrophy of the contralateral adrenal cortex? | Aldosterone, or nothing (non-functioning) |
Palpitations, anxiety, sweats, diastolic hypertension, headache | Pheochromocytoma |
Suspect pheochromocytoma, do what lab test? | 24-hour urine for VMA, metanephrin or HVA. |
Most common cause of precocious puberty | Midline hamartoma |
Sudden cessation of lactation after pregnancy | Sheehan's postpartum necrosis |
Name of ACTH stimulatory test. | Metyrapone test |
List GH stimulation test. | Arginine / histidine / sleep stimulation test |
Small cell carcinoma of lung associated with which endocrine disorder? | SIADH |
List causes of SIADH | 1) Small cell carcinoma of lung 2) CNS injury 3) Drugs 4) Lung infections |
Thyroid : Which disorder is a risk factor for primary B-cell malignant lymphoma of the thyroid? | Hashimoto's thyroiditis |
Increased T4, postpartum, thyroid gland enlarged and painless. | Subacute painless lymphocytic thyroiditis |
Child - mental retardation, short stature, increased weight | Cretinism |
Child - short stature, decreased weight | Pituitary dwarfism |
Elderly - Atrial fibrilation, muscle weakness, apathy, thyromegaly | Apathetic hypothyroidism |
What are the clinical differences between Plummer's disease and Graves'? | Plummer lack exopthalamus and pretibial myxedema |
Endocrine disorders associated with RET proto-oncogene | Medullary carcinoma of thyroid |
Rapidly aggressive thyroid cancer | Anaplastic thyroid cancer |
List causes of Primary hypo-parathyroidism (4) | 1) Thyroid surgery 2) Autoimune 3) DiGeorge syndrome 4) Hypomagnesemia |
Calcification of basal ganglia | 1) Primary hypo-parathyroidism 2) Pseudo-hypoparathyroidism |
List causes of Primary hyper-parathyroidism | 1) Adenoma 2) Primary hyperplasia 3) Carcinoma |
Endocrine : Muscle weakness, hemolysis | Hypophosphatemia |
Endocrine : Metastatic calcification, hypovitaminosis D | Hyperphosphatemia |
Adrenal : Hypertension + irsutism | 11-OH deficiency |
Adrenal : Hypotension + Hirsutism | 21-OH deficiency |
Adrenal : Hypertenstion + female hypogonadism + male pseudohermaphoditism | 17-OH deficiency |
List causes of Cushing's. (4) | 1) Iatrogenic 2) Pituitary Cushing 3) Adrenal Cushing 4) Ectopic Cushing - SCC lung |
High does dexamethasone can suppress .. | Pituitary Cushing |
Bilateral adrenalectomy causing enlargement of preexisting pituitary adenoma | Nelson's syndrome |
Hypertension, hypernatremia, hypokalemia, metabolic acidosis | Conn's syndrome |