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CMA vocabulary

Blue Ridge Community College CMA Class

Heart Cardio
Hepta Liver
Renal Kidneys
Uria Urine
Blood Hem
Pnea Respirations
Penia Abnormal
Plasty Surgical repair
Tomy Cutting into
Megaly Enlargement
Pathy Disease
Cyte Cell
Cyn Blue
Erthyr Red
Leuk White
Melan Black
Coron Crown of head
Cephal Head
Aur Ear
Lacrim Tear
Anti Against
Mal Bad
Emesis Vomiting
Para Outside
Dynia Pain
Rraphy Suture
Rrhage Hemorage
Ptysis Spitting
Itis Inflammation
Kerat Horny tissue
Lingu Tongue
Hydro Water
Arthr Joint
STAT Short turn around time
stat To stop
Edema Swelling
Hemastat Stop bleeding
Stoma Mouth/opening
Ptosis Dropping
Peri Surrounding
Anterior Front of body
Superior Upward/top
Posterior Back
Cephalic Head
Medial Midline
Lateral Side away from middle
Priximal Near beginning
Distal Away or far from beginning
Cavities Cranial spinal thoracic pericardial abdominal pelvic
Tachycardia Rapid pulse
Bradycardia Slow pulse
Bradypnea Low respiratory rate
Tachypnea Fast respiratory rate
Apnea Absence of breathing
Eupnea Normal breathing
Sims Laying on left side with right hip and knee bent
Prone position Face down
Supine Back face up
Fowlers Heads 90• angle
Semi fowlers 45• angle
Trendleburg Lay flat feet elevated 30•
Dorsal Laying on back side knees bent
Chronic longtime/constantly recurring
Scoliosis spine has sideways curve
Lordosis back/spine arches too far inward
Kyphosis Forward rounding of the back
alopecia sudden hair loss
renal kidneys
card heart
hepta seven
hypoxia low oxygen levels, below normal
asphyxia absent exchange of oxygen and carbin dioxide on ventilary basis
lumen space in the interior of a hollow tubular structure (artery, intestine)
endo within
myo muscle
epi on/over
hypersecretion excessive secretion
hyposecretion insufficient secretion
NIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
diabetes mellitus body unable to produce insulin
hyperthyrodism Thyroid hormone increased
hypothyrodism thyroid hormone decreased
homeostasis stop bleeding or clotting
hormones chemical transmitters that regulates body fuctions
lysis destruction
lipolysis destruction of fat
polyuria excessive excretion of urine
polydipsia excessive thirst/ relatively prolonged
polyphagia excessive eating/gluttony
cerumen earwax
otitis media inflammation of the middle ear
myopia nearsightedness/light focus infront of retina
hypropia farsightedness/light focus behind the retina
presbyopia loss of elasticity in the lens
palpebrae eyelids
conjunctiva mucous membrane lines the underside of the eyelids
canthus eyelids meet at the corner
lacrimal tears stored, produced and removed
astigmatism irregularity in curvature of the cornea or lens
strabismus cross eyes
diplopia double vision
amblyopia lazy eye
Enchroma Color test Color Blindness chart
CNS Central Nervous System
Corpus Callosum Largest Nerve Tract
ANS Automatic Nervous System
SNS Somatic Nervous System
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
Quadriplegia Paralysis from shoulders down
Paraplegia Paralysis from waist down
Hemiplegia paralysis affects one side of the body
Meningitis infection of the meninges that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord
Tinea Capitis Fungal infection of the skin
Hemophilia ability to clot or severely reduce blood flow
Hemostasis stopping of bloodflow
hemopoiesis formation of blood cells
hemoptysis coughing up blood
dyspnea difficulty breathing
orthopnea trouble breathing unless certain position is maintained
apena absence of breathing
Eupena Normal breathing
metastasis spread of disease
nephrectomy removal of kidney
enteropexy fixation of segment to intestine or abdominal wall
dysuria painful urination
bronchodilator substance that dialates the bronchi
choledocholithasis gall stones
enuresis involuntary urination
Hematuria blood in urine
pyuria pus in urine
Nocturia Excess urination at night
Edema Swelling
Acute severe, critical
-poiesis formation
-scope instrument of examining
-scopy visual examination
trich/o hair
onycho/o nail
seb/o oily
bi- two
tri- three
quad- four
heart (What is it?) Four chambered muscular pump
pericardium outer lining covers the heart, large blood vessels attached to it.
myocardium middle layer, heart muscle, thickest layer
endocardium innermost lining, thin and smooth
epicardium outer layer
Superior Vena Cava brings blood back from head and upper chest
Inferior Vena Cava bring blood back from below the heart
Tricuspid Connects the right atrium to the right ventricle
Pulmonary Artery Carries blood to the lungs
Pulmonary Vien carries oxygenated blood from lungs to the left atrium of the heart
Bicuspid Valve/Mirtral Valve (same thing) blood leaves left atrium
Aorta blood enters from left ventricle (largest Artery)
SA Node Sinoatrial (Pacemaker of the heart)
AV Node Atrioventricular (Tricuspid valve)
Occlusion Blockage of coronary blood vessels
Ischemia Lack of blood flow to the heart
Infarction (MI) death of heart muscle (Myocardial Infarction)
Hypoxia lack of oxygen to the heart tissues/muscles
Arterries take blood away from the heart w/o2
Veins bring blood back to the heart
phagocyte attack and ingest invading organism
immunosuppressants medications that suppresses the immune system
innate immunity natural immunity
active immunity develops after birth
acquired immunity exposed to live pathogens/builds immunity to it.
Artificially immunity vaccine
passive immunity passed through breast milk
Helper Tcell encourage formation of Killer T Cell
Killer Tcell Cytotoxic-Kills Antigens on Helper TCells
Memory TCell recalls antigens that previously invaded
Autoimmune Disease Body attacks it's own healthy cells.
Kaposis's Sarcoma skin cancer that marked by re lesions
Metastasis Cancer moves to another area
Cancer group of many diseases that all have to do with abnormal cells
Tumors Many cancer cells clump together
Occogens genes controlling cell growth and multiplication
mastication chewing/ secretion of saliva
gingivave gums
peristalsis involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscle of the intestine
bile digestive juice that emulsifies fats
fibrinogen essential for blood clotting
Prothrombin protein present in blood plasma
Heparin Anticoagulant, inhibits blood coagulation
Polyphagia excessive hunger or increased appetite
Currhosis life threatening condition when scarring damages the liver
diverticulosis small pouches or sacs in he wall of the colon
diverticulitis inflammation or infection of the diverticula
Arrhythmia Abnormal heart rhythm
Atherosclerosis Plaque build up invessels
Created by: Kimlamb15
Popular Medical sets




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