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EDUC 203 Module 1
Ed Psych Research Basics
Term | Definition |
educational psychology | a field of research which seeks to find scientific answers to questions about the best way to educate people. |
descriptive research | research which relies mainly on external observation of a group or event |
experimental research | research which relies on constructed tests design to answer a specific question |
positive correlation | a relationship between two measured attributes where one measurement increases or decreases and a second measurement also increases or decreases at the same rate |
negative correlation | a relationship between two measured attributes where one measurement increases, and the other decreases, or vice versa. |
statistically significant | a standard of research where the results can be said to be "true" due to the fact that the data is unlikely to represent a random variation. In other words, there is strong evidence to make a prediction about future, similar experiments. |
case study | a type of descriptive research which focuses on one individual or organization, is highly detailed and broad, and is not experimental in any way |
random assignment | a hallmark of experimental research which ensures that study participants are assigned randomly to either the control group or the experimental group |
subjects | people or animals who participate in scientific experiments |
correlation is not causation | an axiom which reminds us that positive correlation is not sufficient evidence to assume that one attribute is the CAUSE of a second attribute |
control groups | groups of subjects in an experiment for whom no changes are made in the course of the research |
experimental groups | groups of subjects in an experiment who are subjected to purposeful changes in order to measure the response and to compare that to the control group |
fixed mindset | The belief that you have been born with a certain about of talent, intellect, or skill and cannot achieve more through hard work and practice. |
growth mindset | The belief that you have the ability to cultivate new talents, intellect and skills through practice, reflective thinking, and perseverance. |
ethnographic case study | a type of case study research which focuses on the dynamics of a group of interrelated subjects, such as a community, a club, a family, etc. |
associational research | also known as correlational research, this form of research seeks to find associations between two variables, such as causation or mitigation |
variable | A variable is defined as anything that has a quantity or quality that varies. The dependent variable is the variable a researcher is interested in. |
independent variable | In research, an independent variable is a variable (a condition or action) believed to affect (change) the dependent variable. "Amount of homework" may be an independent variable. |
dependent variable | The dependent variable is the condition or action that a researcher is interested in. "Test scores" may be a dependent variable. |
correlational research | also known as asociational research, this form of research seeks to find associations between two variables, such as causation or mitigation |