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EDUC 203 Module 1

Ed Psych Research Basics

educational psychology a field of research which seeks to find scientific answers to questions about the best way to educate people.
descriptive research research which relies mainly on external observation of a group or event
experimental research research which relies on constructed tests design to answer a specific question
positive correlation a relationship between two measured attributes where one measurement increases or decreases and a second measurement also increases or decreases at the same rate
negative correlation a relationship between two measured attributes where one measurement increases, and the other decreases, or vice versa.
statistically significant a standard of research where the results can be said to be "true" due to the fact that the data is unlikely to represent a random variation. In other words, there is strong evidence to make a prediction about future, similar experiments.
case study a type of descriptive research which focuses on one individual or organization, is highly detailed and broad, and is not experimental in any way
random assignment a hallmark of experimental research which ensures that study participants are assigned randomly to either the control group or the experimental group
subjects people or animals who participate in scientific experiments
correlation is not causation an axiom which reminds us that positive correlation is not sufficient evidence to assume that one attribute is the CAUSE of a second attribute
control groups groups of subjects in an experiment for whom no changes are made in the course of the research
experimental groups groups of subjects in an experiment who are subjected to purposeful changes in order to measure the response and to compare that to the control group
fixed mindset The belief that you have been born with a certain about of talent, intellect, or skill and cannot achieve more through hard work and practice.
growth mindset The belief that you have the ability to cultivate new talents, intellect and skills through practice, reflective thinking, and perseverance.
ethnographic case study a type of case study research which focuses on the dynamics of a group of interrelated subjects, such as a community, a club, a family, etc.
associational research also known as correlational research, this form of research seeks to find associations between two variables, such as causation or mitigation
variable A variable is defined as anything that has a quantity or quality that varies. The dependent variable is the variable a researcher is interested in.
independent variable In research, an independent variable is a variable (a condition or action) believed to affect (change) the dependent variable. "Amount of homework" may be an independent variable.
dependent variable The dependent variable is the condition or action that a researcher is interested in. "Test scores" may be a dependent variable.
correlational research also known as asociational research, this form of research seeks to find associations between two variables, such as causation or mitigation
Popular Psychology sets



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