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Question | Answer |
staph | staphyloccous |
stat | immeditaly |
std | sexual transmited diease |
std prec | standard precautions |
strep | streptococcus |
t | temperature |
Tb | tuberculosis |
T c DB | turn cough and deep breaths |
temp | tempature |
tia | transient ischemic attack |
tid | three times a day |
tlc | tender loving care |
tpn | total partenail nurttion |
tpr | tempature pluse and resperations |
twe | tap water enema |
tx | treatment |
u/a | urinalysis |
ugi | upper gastroinsteal |
unk | unknown |
uri | upper resportary infection |
UTI | urnary tract infection |
vag | vaginal |
vre | vancomycin restiant enterococcus |
vs | vital signs |
wbc | white blodd cell count |
w/c | wheelchair |
wnl | within normal limts |
wt | weight |