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staph staphyloccous
stat immeditaly
std sexual transmited diease
std prec standard precautions
strep streptococcus
t temperature
Tb tuberculosis
T c DB turn cough and deep breaths
temp tempature
tia transient ischemic attack
tid three times a day
tlc tender loving care
tpn total partenail nurttion
tpr tempature pluse and resperations
twe tap water enema
tx treatment
u/a urinalysis
ugi upper gastroinsteal
unk unknown
uri upper resportary infection
UTI urnary tract infection
vag vaginal
vre vancomycin restiant enterococcus
vs vital signs
wbc white blodd cell count
w/c wheelchair
wnl within normal limts
wt weight
Created by: marisahall
Popular Medical sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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