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Drug profiles

adenosine, mag sulfate, epi, calcium, neo,

Epinephrine GENERIC NAME Epinephrine
Epinephrine BRAND NAME Adrenalin
Epinephrine CLASS Sympathomimetic
Epinephrine MECHANISM OF ACTION Increased BP, HR, and bronchodilates by binding with bothalpha and beta receptors
Epinephrine INDICATIONS Bronchospasms, Allergic and anaphylactic reactions, and Cardiac arrest.
Epinephrine CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypertension, hypothermia, pulmonary edema, myocardial ischemia, Hypovolemic shock.
Epinephrine ADVERSE REACTIONS Anxiety, nervousness, tremors, CP, arrhythmias, HTN, N/V, HA
Epinephrine NOTES ON ADMINISTRATION Pregnancy safety C. May increase myocardial oxygen demand.
Epinephrine INCOMPATABILITIES/DRUG INTERACTIONS Potentiates other sympathomimetics, deactivated by alkaline solutions (i.e. sodium bicarbonate) monamine oxidase inhibitors may potentiate effects.
Epinephrine DOSE/ROUTE, Adult, Mild allergic reactions and asthma 0.3-0.5 mg of 1;1000 SC.
Epinephrine Dose/Route, Adult Anaphylaxis 0.1mg of 1:10,000 iv/io over 5min.
Epinephrine Dose/Route, Ault Cardiac arrest IV/IO dose 1 mg of 1;10,000 every 3-5 minutes during resuscitation. Follow each dose with 20 mL flush and elevate arm for 10-20 secs.
Epinephrine Dose/Route.Pediatric Mild allergic reactions and asthma 0.01 mg/kg of 1;1,000 solution SC.
Epinephrine Dose/Route Pediatric Cardiac arrest IV/IO dose 0.01 mg/kg of 1;10,000 solution every 3-5 minutes during arrest.
Epinephrine ONSET OF ACTION Immediate.
Epinephrine PEAK EFFECTS Minutes.
Epinephrine DURATION OF ACTION Several minutes.
Epinephrine AZ DRUG BOX SUPPLY RANGE 1:1,000 = 30 mg Multidose Vial.1:10,000 = 5 mg.
Neo-synephrine BRAND NAME Neo-synephrine Nasal Spray 0.5%
Neo-synephrine CLASS Topical vasoconstrictor
Neo-synephrine MECHANISM OF ACTION Stimulates a receptors in the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa which causes their constriction and thereby decreases the risk of nasal bleeding.
Neo-synephrine INDICATIONS Facilitation of nasotracheal intubation
Neo-synephrine CONTRAINDICATIONS Known allergy to medication
Neo-synephrine ADVERSE REACTIONS Hypertension, palpitations, Tremors
Neo-synephrine DOSE/ROUTE,ADULTS 2-4 sprays in each nostril before attempting tube insertion
Neo-synephrine DOSE/ROUTE Peds None
Neo-synephrine ONSET OF ACTION Seconds
Neo-synephrine PEAK EFFECTS 30 minutes
Neo-synephrine DURATION OF ACTION 30minutes to 4 hours
Neo-synephrine AZ DRUG BOX SUPPLY RANGE 1 Bottle
Mag BRAND NAME Magnesium Sulfate
Mag CLASS Electrolyte
Mag MECHANISM OF ACTION It controls seizures by blocking peripheral neuromuscular transmission, and is also a peripheral vasodilator and an inhibitor of platelet function.
Mag INDICATIONS Torsades De Points, arrhythmias associated with hypomagnesemia, Eclampsia, and prophylactically in preeclampsia, and Status Astmaticus
Mag CONTRAINDICATIONS Heart blocks, GI obstruction, renal impairment.
Mag ADVERSE REACTIONS facial flushing, diaphoresis, hypotension, hypothermia, weakness, muscle paralysis, and cardiac, cns, and respiratory depression
Mag NOTES ON ADMINISTRATION Pregnancy category B. Recommended that this drug not be given in the 2 hours before delivery, if possible.
Mag INCOMPATABILITIES/DRUG INTERACTIONS May enhance the effects of other CNS depressants
Mag DOSE/ROUTE Adult, Seizure activity associated with pregnancy 1-4g IV/IO over 3 minutes. Maximum dose of 40g per day.
Mag DOSE/ROUTE Adult, Cardiac arrest due to hypomagnesemia or torsade de pointes 1-2g diluted in 10ml of D5W IV/IO over 5-20 minutes.
Mag DOSE/ROUTE Adult, Torsade de pointes with a pulse or AMI with Hypomagnesemia Loading dose of 1-2g mixed in 50-100 ml in D5W over 5-60 minutes IVZ.
Mag DOSE/ROUTE Pediatric, IV/IO infusion 25-50 mg/kg (max dose 2g) over 10-20 minutes. Faster for torsade de pointes.
Mag DOSE/ROUTE Pediatric, for asthma 25-50mg/kg over 10-20 minutes. Max dose 2g
Mag ONSET OF ACTION IV/IO immediate. IM 3-4 hours.
Mag DURATION OF ACTION 30 minutes IV/IO, 3-4 hours
Calcium Chloride GENERIC NAME none
Calcium Chloride BRAND NAME Calcium Chloride
Calcium Chloride CLASS Electrolyte
Calcium Chloride MECHANISM OF ACTION Increases cardiac contractile state (positive inotropic effect)
Calcium Chloride INDICATIONS 1. Hypoglycemia 2. Hyperkalemia 3. Magnesium sulfate overdose 4. Calcium channel blocker overdose
Calcium Chloride CONTRAINDICATIONS 1. Hypercalcemia 2. V-fib 3. Digitalis toxicity
Calcium Chloride ADVERSE REACTIONS 1. Bradycardia, 2. Asystole. 3. Hypotension 4.Peripheral Vasodilation. 5. Local necrosis. 6. Nausea and Vomiting.
Calcium Chloride NOTES ON ADMINISTRATION Pregnancy safety C.
Calcium Chloride INCOMPATABILITIES/DRUG INTERACTIONS May worsen arrhythmias secondary to digitalis toxicity. May antagonize the effects of verapamil.
Calcium Chloride DOSE/ROUTE Adult 500-1000mg (5-10 ml of a 10% solution) IV/IO May be repeated as needed.
Calcium Chloride DOSE/ROUTE Pediatric 20mg/kg slow IV/IO push. Maximum 1 gram dose. May be repeated in 10 minutes.
Calcium Chloride ONSET OF ACTION 3-5 minutes
Calcium Chloride PEAK EFFECTS 5-15 minutes.
Calcium Chloride DURATION OF ACTION 4 hours (dose dependent).
Calcium Chloride AZ DRUG BOX SUPPLY RANGE 1 Gram
Adenosine GENERIC NAME Adenosine
Adenosine BRAND NAME Adenocard
Adenosine CLASS Endogenous nucleotide
Adenosine MECHANISM OF ACTION Slows conduction of the electrical impulses at the AV node
Adenosine INDICATIONS Stable reentry SVT
Adenosine CONTRAINDICATIONS Sick sinus syndrome, second or third degree heart block, Poison or drug induced tachycardia.
Adenosine ADVERSE REACTIONS Sense of impending doom, flushing, chest pressure, throat tightness, Numbness, may cause a brief episode of Asystole after administration
Adenosine NOTES ON ADMINISTRATION Pregnancy category C. Short half life
Adenosine INCOMPATABILITIES/DRUG INTERACTIONS May cause Bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients, Tegretol may block the effects of adenosine.
Adenosine DOSE/ROUTEAdult 6mg over 1-3 seconds followed by a 20ml saline flush. If no response after 1-2 minutes repeat with a dose of 12mg over 1-3 seconds. If no change repeat 12mg over 1-3 sec. Total dose 30mg.
Adenosine DOSE/ROUTE Peds. 0.1-0.2 mg/kg rapid IV. Max single dose 12mg.
Adenosine ONSET OF ACTION seconds
Adenosine PEAK EFFECTS seconds
Adenosine DURATION OF ACTION 12 seconds
Created by: klindley
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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