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Goljan Endocrine

Overactive endocrine syndrome most often adenomas; use suppression tests (most do not suppress)
Tumors that suppress prolactinoma (bromocriptine), pituitary Cushings (high dose dexamethasone)
Underactive endocrine syndrome autoimmune destruction MCC; stimulation tests
Hypopituitarism adults non-functioning adenoma MCC, Sheehan’s postpartum necrosis (stop lactation)
Hypopituitarism in children craniopharyngioma (Rathke’s pouch remnant) MCC; visual field defects
S/S ↓ FSH and LH amenorrhea, ↓ testosterone in male
Growth hormone functions muscle growth, gluconeogenesis; release of insulin growth factor (IGF)
IGF synthesized in liver; bone and cartilage growth
S/S ↓ GH/IGF in children growth retardation; ↓ height and weight
Sleep and arginine infusion stimulation tests for GH and IGF
S/S ↓ GH/IGF in adults hypoglycemia
S/S ↓ TSH secondary hypothyroidism; ↓ T4, ↓ TSH; muscle weakness, dry skin
S/S ↓ ACTH secondary hypocortisolism; ↓ cortisol, ↓ ACTH; fatigue; hypoglycemia
Metyrapone stimulation test for ACTH reserve
Metyrapone blocks adrenal 11-hydroxylase → ↑ ACTH and 11-deoxycortisol (proximal to block)
Metyrapone test ↓ ACTH and 11-deoxycortisol pituitary/hypothalamic dysfunction
Metyrapone test ↑ ACTH and 11-deoxycortisol Addison's disease
Diabetes insipidus loss ADH (central), refractory to ADH (nephrogenic); always diluting urine
Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) ↓ UOsm and ↑ POsm with water deprivation; vasopressin causes ↑ UOsm > 50%
Causes CDI pituitary stalk transection, hypothalamic lesion (site for ADH synthesis)
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) ↓ UOsm and ↑ POsm with water deprivation; vasopressin causes ↑ UOsm < 50%
Causes NDI lithium, demeclocycline, nephrocalcinosis, severe hypokalemia
Gigantism GH secreting pituitary adenoma before epiphyses have fused
Acromegaly GH secreting pituitary adenoma after epiphyses have fused
S/S acromegaly cardiomyopathy; large hands, feet, jaw; hyperglycemia
Prolactin inhibited by dopamine
Prolactinoma MC pituitary tumor; secondary amenorrhea and galactorrhea; prolactin inhibits GnRH
Rx surgery or bromocriptine (dopamine analog)
Other causes hyperprolactinemia primary hypothyroidism, drugs
Inappropriate ADH syndrome hyponatremia <120 mEq/L; ↑ UOsm (always concentrating urine)
Causes small cell carcinoma lung, CNS injury, chlorpropamide
Rx restrict water; demeclocycline in small cell carcinoma
Serum T4 ↑ or ↓ in free hormone or thyroid binding globulin (TBG)
↑ Serum T4 and normal TSH ↑ TBG; due to ↑ in estrogen
↑ Serum T4 and ↓ TSH thyrotoxicosis
↓ Serum T4 and normal TSH ↓ TBG; due to anabolic steroids
↓ Serum T4 and ↑ TSH primary hypothyroidism
↓ Serum T4 and ↓ TSH secondary hypothyroidism
TSH negative feedback with T4 and T3; best screening test
I131 uptake ↑ in Graves; ↓ in thyroiditis, patient taking excess thyroid, hypothyroidism
Cold nodule non-functioning nodule; no uptake I131
Hot nodule functioning nodule; ↑ uptake I131
Thyroglossal duct cyst midline cystic mass
Branchial cleft cyst cyst in anterolateral neck
Acute/subacute thyroiditis painful thyroid; early thyrotoxicosis; ↓ I131 uptake
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis MCC hypothyroidism; HLA Dr3/Dr5; inhibitory IgG TSH receptor antibody
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis ↑ anti microsomal and thyroglobulin antibodies
S/S muscle weakness, periorbital puffiness, ↓ reflexes, diastolic hypertension, constipation, dry skin
Lab ↓ T4, ↑ TSH
Cretinism maternal hypothyroidism before fetal thyroid developed, genetic disorder
S/S mental retardation; short stature and increased weight; coarse skin
Thyrotoxicosis any cause ↑ thyroid hormone activity; Graves disease, excess hormone, thyroiditis
Hyperthyroidism ↑ synthesis thyroid hormone; Graves disease and toxic nodular goiter
Graves disease autoantibody against TSH receptor (type II reaction); HLA Dr3
S/S unique to Graves exophthalmos, pretibial myxedema
S/S thyrotoxicosis tachycardia/atrial fibrillation, systolic hypertension, diarrhea, brisk reflexes
Lab thyrotoxicosis ↑ T4, ↓ TSH, ↑ glucose, ↑ calcium
I131 uptake ↑ Graves, toxic nodular goiter; ↓ thyroiditis, excess hormone, hypothyroidism
Rx Graves disease ß-blocker; drug to decrease hormone synthesis (propylthiouracil)
Toxic nodular goiter hyperthyroidism; develops out of a multinodular goiter; no exophthalmos
Goiter enlarged thyroid; iodine deficiency MCC; relative thyroid hormone deficiency
S/S rapid enlargement due to hemorrhage into cyst; Rx thyroxine
Solitary thyroid nodule woman most often benign (cyst)
Solitary thyroid nodule man or child often malignant
Papillary carcinoma thyroid MC thyroid cancer; radiation exposure; psammoma bodies
Follicular carcinoma thyroid invades blood vessels
Medullary carcinoma thyroid parafollicular cells; calcitonin; amyloid (calcitonin conversion)
MEN I syndrome 3 P's; pituitary tumor, parathyroid adenoma, pancreatic tumor (ZE or ß-islet cell tumor)
MEN IIa syndrome 2 P's; medullary carcinoma thyroid, pheochromocytoma, parathyroid adenoma
MEN IIb syndrome 1 P; medullary carcinoma thyroid, pheochromocytoma, mucosal neuromas
Alkalotic pH tetany with normal total calcium, ↓ ionized calcium and ↑ PTH
Hypoalbuminemia ↓ total calcium, normal ionized calcium and PTH
Tetany ↓ ionized calcium level; threshold potential comes closer to resting potential
S/S thumb adducts into palm, twitching after tapping of facial nerve
PTH maintains ionized Ca2+; ↑ Ca2+ renal reabsorption; ↓ phosphate/bicarbonate reabsorption in kidneys
Primary HPTH ↑ Ca2+, hypophosphatemia, ↑ PTH
Cause adenoma MCC, hyperplasia, cancer
S/S renal stone, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, hypertension, metastatic calcification
Secondary HPTH ↓ Ca2+, ↑ PTH; hypovitaminosis D from renal failure MCC
Malignancy-induced hypercalcemia ↑ Ca2+, ↓ PTH; all other non-parathyroid causes same results
Causes hypercalcemia osteolytic lesions, sarcoidosis, ↑ vitamin D, PTH-related peptide, myeloma
Tertiary HPTH hypercalcemia developing from secondary HPTH
Primary hypoparathyroidism ↓ Ca2+ and ↓ PTH
Causes previous thyroid surgery, autoimmune, DiGeorge syndrome
S/S tetany; calcification basal ganglia
Pseudohypoparathyroidism ↓ Ca2+ with normal to ↑ PTH; end-organ resistance to PTH
Other causes ↓ Ca2+ hypomagnesemia (↓ PTH), ↓ vitamin D, DiGeorge
↓ Ca2+ and ↓ PTH primary hypoparathyroidism
↓ Ca2+ and ↑ PTH secondary hyperparathyroidism
↑ Ca2+ and ↑ PTH primary hyperparathyroidism
↑ Ca2+ and ↓ PTH malignancy induced hypercalcemia; other causes hypercalcemia
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome meningococcemia with bilateral adrenal hemorrhage due to DIC
Addison’s disease autoimmune destruction adrenal cortex MCC, adrenogenital syndrome, metastasis
S/S hypotension (salt loss), hyperpigmentation (ACTH), hypoglycemia
Lab ↓ sodium, ↓ cortisol, ↑ potassium, ↑ ACTH
Adrenogenital syndrome AR; enzyme deficiency; hypocortisolism; hyperpigmentation from ↑ ACTH
21-Hydroxylase deficiency ↑ 17 KS, ↓ 17 OH, lose salt, hypotension; female pseudohermaphrodite
11-Hydroxylase deficiency ↑ 17 KS, ↑ 17 OH, retain salt, hypertension; female pseudohermaphrodite
17-Hydroxylase deficiency ↓ 17 KS, ↓ 17 OH, retain salt, hypertension; male pseudohermaphrodite
MCC Cushings long-term corticosteroid therapy
Tests Cushings syndrome low/high dose dexamethasone suppression; urine free cortisol (best test)
Normal dexamethasone suppression cortisol analogue; ↓ ACTH and ↑ cortisol
Pituitary Cushings MCC Cushing’s; ACTH secreting pituitary tumor
Lab low dose dexamethasone not suppress cortisol; high dose suppresses
Adrenal Cushings adrenal adenoma secreting cortisol; suppressed ACTH
Lab no suppression with low/high dose dexamethasone
Ectopic Cushings ACTH secreting small cell carcinoma of lung; high ACTH and cortisol levels
Lab no suppression with low/high dose dexamethasone
S/S Cushings purple stria, truncal obesity, hypertension, DM
Primary aldosteronism benign adenoma in zona glomerulosa
S/S hypertension and muscle weakness (hypokalemia), no pitting edema
Lab hypernatremia, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, ↑ urine K+ and Na+
Pheochromocytoma benign tumor in adrenal medulla in adults
Associations von Hippel Lindau, neurofibromatosis, MEN IIa and IIb
S/S labile hypertension, anxiety, sweating, headache
Lab ↑ 24 hr urine for VMA and metanephrines
Neuroblastoma malignant tumor adrenal medulla child; widespread metastasis; hypertension
ß-islet cell tumor (insulinoma) benign tumor; hypoglycemia, ↑ insulin and C-peptide
Patient taking excess insulin hypoglycemia, ↑ insulin, ↓ C-peptide
Glucagonoma malignant α-islet cell tumor; hyperglycemia and rash
Zollinger Ellison syndrome malignant islet cell tumor secreting gastrin; peptic ulcers
Somatostatinoma malignant δ islet cell tumor; DM, malabsorption, cholelithiasis, achlorhydria
VIPoma malignant islet cell tumor; diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorhydria
DM organ damage correlates with glycemic control
Type 1 young, thin person; no insulin; HLA DR3/4; insulitis; islet cell antibodies; ketoacidosis
Type 2 older person; obese; relative insulin deficiency (↓ insulin receptors, postreceptor problems)
Type 2 family history; fibrotic islet cells with amyloid; hyperosmolar nonketotic coma
↑ Non-enzymatic glycosylation glucose attaches to amino acids in basement membranes
Non-enzymatic glycosylation ↑ vessel permeability producing hyaline arteriolosclerosis
Osmotic damage glucose converted into sorbitol by aldose reductase
Osmotic damage lens (cataracts), Schwann cell (neuropathy), pericytes retinal vessels (microaneurysms)
Pathogenesis hyperglycemia ↑ gluconeogenesis (most important), glycogenolysis
Pathogenesis hyperlipidemia no insulin to stimulate capillary lipoprotein lipase; ↑ chylomicrons/VLDL
Pathogenesis ketoacidosis ↑ oxidation fatty acids with excess acetyl CoA; liver synthesis ketone bodies
Most commons due to DM neuropathy, blindness, CRF, hyperglycemia, non-traumatic amputation
Glycosylated HbA1c measure of long term glycemic control (8-12 weeks)
Gestational DM ↑ placental size, human placental lactogen
Complications macrosomia (↑ muscle/fat from insulin), RDS, newborn hypoglycemia (↑ insulin)
Hypoglycemia insulin/oral hypoglycemics MCC, liver disease; carnitine deficiency
Carnitine deficiency no ß-oxidation of fatty acids; all cells compete for glucose
Created by: megankirch
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