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HC101: Body Org

Levels of Body Organization

Anaplasia reversion of cells to a more primitive or undifferentiated form
Anomaly a deviation from normal especially of a bodily part
adipose fat
cartilage strong flexible connective tissue
cell the functional unit of all living things
Chromosomes the genomes of DNA viruses (as bacteriophages) that take up basophilic stains and contain most or all of the genes of the organism
connective tissue supporting and protecting tissue
cytology the study of cells
Cytoplasm the organized complex of inorganic and organic substances external to the nuclear membrane of a cell and including the cytosol and membrane-bound organelles (as mitochondria or chloroplasts)
Dysplasia abnormal growth or development (as of organs or cells)
epithelial tissue composed of close packed cells that form a covering and line the body structures
Erythrocyte red blood cell
histology the study of tissue
Homeostasis the maintenance of relatively stable internal physiological conditions (as body temperature or the pH of blood) in higher animals under fluctuating environmental conditions
Hyperplasia an abnormal or unusual increase in the elements composing a part (as cells composing a tissue)
Hypertrophy excessive development of an organ or part
Hypoplasia a condition of arrested development in which an organ or part remains below the normal size or in an immature state
muscle fibers individual muscle cells
muscle tissue produces movement through contractions. There are three types
nervous tissue allows for conduction of electrical impulses
neurons nerve cells
Nucleus structure within a cell that contains DNA
organ collection of several different tissue types that work together to perform a special function
Physiology a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved
Stem Cells an unspecialized cell capable of perpetuating itself through cell division and having the potential to give rise to differentiated cells with specialized functions
system collection of several organs that work together to complete a function
tissue a group of cells that function together to perform a specific activity. There are four types
Triage the sorting of and allocation of treatment to patients and especially battle and disaster victims according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors
Created by: kredding
Popular Medical sets




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