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AP Test Set 12

Nominations, Campaigns, and Elections

Caucus Party regulars meet in small groups to ask questions, discuss qualifications regarding the candidate, and vote on whether to endorse a certain candidate. The Iowa caucus is almost as important as the New Hampshire primary because of its timing.
Convention Bump An increase reflected in presidential preference polls immediately following a party's nominating convention
Direct Primary Voters, including cross-over voters from other political parties, can express a preference for candidates.
Dual Primary Where presidential candidates are selected and a separate slate of delegates is also voted on. New Hampshire uses this type of primary.
Favorite Son The presidential candidate backed by the home state at the party's nominating convention.
Gender Gap A significant deviation between the way men and women vote.
High-tech Campaign A major characteristic of the modern presidential campaign. The use of paid political ads, 30- and 60-second spots, paid infomercials incorporating charts and graphs, and sophisticated polling techniques have all been used in recent campaigns.
Infomercials Paid political commercials usually lasting longer than the average 30- or 60-second paid political ad.
Keynote Address Key speech at the national nominating convention that outlines the themes of the campaign.
Matching Funds Limited federal funds given to presidential candidates that match private donations raised during the campaign.
Non-preferential Primary Where voters choose delegates who are not bound to vote for the winning primary candidate.
Party Caucus Also known as the party conference, it is a means for each party to develop a strategy or position on a particular issue.
Party Regulars Enrolled party members who are usually active in the organization of a political party and support party positions and nominated candidates.
Political Action Committees Known as PACs, they raise money from the special interest constituents and make contributions to political campaigns on behalf of the special interest group.
Presidential Primary Elections held in individual states to determine the preference of the voters and to allocate the number of delegates to the party's national convention.
Super Tuesday The Tuesday on which a number of primary votes take place, with a heavy concentration of Southern states voting.
Thirty-second Spots Paid political ads 30 seconds in duration.
Created by: stina9
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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