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Ap Govt. 9 & 10
reivew cards for KOHS Government Ap.
Question | Answer |
A member of Congress who wishes to maximize his or her news media attention is well advised to do what? | Attack the president |
A process that limits the short-term effect of radio and television on voters is one that psychologists call what? | Selective attention |
According to James Madison what were the latent causes of faction were rooted in? | The nature of Man |
According to Peter Braestrup, in reporting the 1968 Tet Offensive, the media did what? | Played a North Vietnamese defeat as a victory |
According to recent polls, Americans claim to get most of their news from what source(s)? | Television |
According to the text, the principal reason why political candidates cannot be sold like a deodorant is what? | People are not stupid |
According to the text, why might candidates for local office choose not to advertise on television? | The media markers don’t align with their districts |
Americans are more likely to join what type of interest groups than Europeans? | Civic and religious |
An important tool that organizations like the AFL-CIO and Americans for Constitutional Action use to influence politicians’ behavior is the publication of what? | Legislative ratings |
Compared with local journalists, reporters and editors for the national media are more what? | Liberal |
Compared with the early years of the republic, the power and autonomy of newspaper editors and reporters in the United States today is what? [in terms of strength | Greater |
Could a member of Congress start a political action committee (PAC)? | Yes, and many of them do |
What is the definition of an interest group. | An organization that seeks to influence public policy |
Definition of, and examples of, institutional versus membership interest groups. | Institutional groups represent other organizations and membership groups represent individual people |
Describe the scholarly evidence that political action committee (PAC) money buys votes in Congress. | Slim at best |
For a newspaper to be found guilty of libel, the accused party must do what? | Provide clear and convincing evidence that the printing was malicious |
How do members of the national media compare to the average citizen in terms of ideology? | More liberal |
How do the different sectors of the media in the United States compare in terms of competitiveness? | Electronic media more competitive than newspapers, and becoming more so |
Ideological interest groups attract people by appealing to what? | A set of principals which is held in common and often controversial |
In recent years the relationship between the media and government officials has become what? | More adversarial |
In recent years, the process of renewing broadcast licenses by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has become what? | More relaxed and easy |
In the era of the party press, readers consisted of what types of people? | Educated business and intellectual elites |
One method used by lobbyists to convince undecided legislators that public opinion on an issue is inclined toward their direction is what? | To conduct a poll |
One type of political cue a legislator might look at before taking a position on an issue would be what? | What interest groups she usually agrees with think about the issue |
Public-interest lobbies typically make better progress when the administration is what? | Hostile |
Reasons for the formation of interest groups, and examples of this. | Social diversity, governmental fragmentation, weakness of political parties |
The content of radio and television broadcasts is regulated in ways that newspapers and magazines are not. For example, broadcasters are required by law to do what? | Allow individuals the right to reply to an attack |
The phenomenon of newspapers being financed by political parties and politicians developed when? | In the earliest days of our republic |
The reason Americans participate in civic associations more frequently than do citizens of other countries is what? | Higher sense of efficacy and civic duty |
The text argues that the U.S. Constitution contributed to the problem of press leaks how? | Separated the branches of government |
The text describes as a love-hate relationship the interactions between what two groups? | Politicians and the media |
The text states that the media typically report presidential elections as horse races. This means that they what? | Focus on who is winning rather than the issues |
To a remarkable degree, media ownership in the United States is what? | Dispersed (in a lot of different hands, in other words) |
To be effective, purposive membership organizations count on what? | Keep issues in the spotlight |
To have its license renewed, a radio or television station must do what? | Send in a postcard |
Two local newspapers that have acquired national readerships are what | The New York Times and the Washington Post |
Until it was abolished in 1987, what rule obligated broadcasters to present contrasting sides of controversial public issues? | The fairness doctrine |
What are the characteristics of the broadcasting industry in the United States? | Decentralized, local, privately owned |
What are the reasons for the proliferation of interest groups in this country? | Weak political parties, government fragmentation, social diversity |
What are the reasons that people join groups? Be able to recognize an example of each. | Purposive, solidary, material |
What are the roles of the national media? Be able to recognize examples of each? | Gatekeeper, scorekeeper, watchdog |
What characterizes the new era of electronic journalism? | A diminishing importance of the three big networks and a rise in popularity of cable entertainment |
What factors led to the development of less partisan newspapers in the nineteenth century? | Paid advertising reduced the need for government subsidies |
What is a membership interest? | One that appeals to individuals rather than organizations |
What is a solidary group? | One that appeals to personal motivations such as companionship |
What is an example of a typical activity that an institutional interest might conduct on behalf of a client? | Lobbying for favorable government treatment of an industry or business |
What is an institutional interest? | One that represents other organizations rather than individuals |
What is an interest group? | An organization that seeks to influence public polity |
What is illustrated by the many interest groups that contacted four-month-old Daniel Aaron Schlozman? | Interest groups share mailing lists with one another |
What is one explanation for the adversarial relationship that has developed between government officials and the media since Watergate? | Competition in the media |
What is the Dirty Dozen? | The most anti-environment legislators in the House of Representatives |
What is the main reason why most people who are sympathetic to the goals of a mass-membership activity group do not join it? | They don’t think it will make a difference |
What is the reason Congress does not receive as much media coverage as the president? | Congressmen are more specialized |
What is the relationship between the issue positions of a social movement and its size? | More extreme = smaller |
What might tend to make a reporter treat a public official favorably? | The hope of cultivating a source |
What types of Americans are most likely to join interest groups? | Upper SES |
What was an innovative news establishment set up in 1948 to provide systematic dissemination of news to publications of different political persuasions? | Associated Press (AP) |
When did significant live coverage of House committee hearings begin? | 1974 Watergate Hearings |
When the New York Times sought to publish the Pentagon Papers and the federal government sued to prevent publication, what position did the Supreme Court take? | Allowed the publication |
Where does most of the national news that local papers publish come from? | Wire services |
Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution prevents the government from censoring the media? | 1st |
Why can interest groups easily gain access to government in the U.S., as opposed to Great Britain? | Political parties are weak |
Why did electronic journalism probably contribute to the decline in party loyalties? | Politicians appeal directly to the people |
Why have unions declined in membership? | Less public support |
Why is information such an important commodity to interest groups and legislators alike? | Because it is scarce and important |
Why was the Carter-Reagan debate in 1980 sponsored by the League of Women Voters (LWV)? | Because the LWV didn’t have to include those other than the two major candidates |