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reivew cards for KOHS Government Ap.

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

show Attack the president  
A process that limits the short-term effect of radio and television on voters is one that psychologists call what?   show
According to James Madison what were the latent causes of faction were rooted in?   show
According to Peter Braestrup, in reporting the 1968 Tet Offensive, the media did what?   show
According to recent polls, Americans claim to get most of their news from what source(s)?   show
According to the text, the principal reason why political candidates cannot be sold like a deodorant is what?   show
show The media markers don’t align with their districts  
Americans are more likely to join what type of interest groups than Europeans?   show
An important tool that organizations like the AFL-CIO and Americans for Constitutional Action use to influence politicians’ behavior is the publication of what?   show
show Liberal  
show Greater  
show Yes, and many of them do  
show An organization that seeks to influence public policy  
Definition of, and examples of, institutional versus membership interest groups.   show
Describe the scholarly evidence that political action committee (PAC) money buys votes in Congress.   show
show Provide clear and convincing evidence that the printing was malicious  
How do members of the national media compare to the average citizen in terms of ideology?   show
show Electronic media more competitive than newspapers, and becoming more so  
show A set of principals which is held in common and often controversial  
show More adversarial  
show More relaxed and easy  
In the era of the party press, readers consisted of what types of people?   show
One method used by lobbyists to convince undecided legislators that public opinion on an issue is inclined toward their direction is what?   show
show What interest groups she usually agrees with think about the issue  
show Hostile  
show Social diversity, governmental fragmentation, weakness of political parties  
show Allow individuals the right to reply to an attack  
show In the earliest days of our republic  
The reason Americans participate in civic associations more frequently than do citizens of other countries is what?   show
The text argues that the U.S. Constitution contributed to the problem of press leaks how?   show
show Politicians and the media  
show Focus on who is winning rather than the issues  
show Dispersed (in a lot of different hands, in other words)  
To be effective, purposive membership organizations count on what?   show
To have its license renewed, a radio or television station must do what?   show
show The New York Times and the Washington Post  
Until it was abolished in 1987, what rule obligated broadcasters to present contrasting sides of controversial public issues?   show
show Decentralized, local, privately owned  
What are the reasons for the proliferation of interest groups in this country?   show
show Purposive, solidary, material  
What are the roles of the national media? Be able to recognize examples of each?   show
What characterizes the new era of electronic journalism?   show
show Paid advertising reduced the need for government subsidies  
show One that appeals to individuals rather than organizations  
show One that appeals to personal motivations such as companionship  
show Lobbying for favorable government treatment of an industry or business  
What is an institutional interest?   show
show An organization that seeks to influence public polity  
What is illustrated by the many interest groups that contacted four-month-old Daniel Aaron Schlozman?   show
What is one explanation for the adversarial relationship that has developed between government officials and the media since Watergate?   show
What is the Dirty Dozen?   show
What is the main reason why most people who are sympathetic to the goals of a mass-membership activity group do not join it?   show
What is the reason Congress does not receive as much media coverage as the president?   show
show More extreme = smaller  
show The hope of cultivating a source  
show Upper SES  
show Associated Press (AP)  
show 1974 Watergate Hearings  
show Allowed the publication  
Where does most of the national news that local papers publish come from?   show
show 1st  
show Political parties are weak  
Why did electronic journalism probably contribute to the decline in party loyalties?   show
Why have unions declined in membership?   show
Why is information such an important commodity to interest groups and legislators alike?   show
show Because the LWV didn’t have to include those other than the two major candidates  


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Created by: lilgagga
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets