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What is a Word Root?
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What is a Prefix?
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Medical Terminology

What is a Word Root? the subject of a medical term and the foundation on which it's built.
What is a Prefix? a word element that comes before a word root.
What is a Suffix? a word ending.
Cyan Blue
Erythr Red
Leuk White
Cyte Cell
Cyt Cell
Aer Air
My Muscle
Angi Vessel
Bili Bile
Cardi Heart
Thromb Clot
Lip Fat
Derm Skin
Dermat Skin
Gluc Sugar
Glyc Sugar
Path Disease
Arteri Artery
Nephr Kidney
Ren Kidney
Per Through
Extra Outside
Pre Before
A, An, Ar Without
Dys Difficult
Endo Within
Mal Poor,Bad
Aniso Unequal
Iso Equal
Brady Slow
Tachy Rapid
Epi On
Homo Same
Homeo Same
Inter Between
Intra Within
Megaly Enlargement
Algia Pain
Rrhage Burst forth
Oma Tumor
Penia Deficiency
Emia Blood Condition
Itis Inflammation
Dema Swelling
Ac, Al Pertaining To
Ectomy Removal, Excision
Logist Specialist
Logy Study of
Tomy Cutting, Incision
Stasis Stopping
Anti Against
Bi Two
Exo Outside
Hyper Too Much
Hypo Too Little
Micro Small
Supra Above
Mono One
Dorso Back
Osis Abnormal Condition
Ole, Ule Small
Ism Condition, State of
Vas Vessel
Ven Vein
Hem/Hemat Blood
Fibrin Fiber
Bucc Cheek
Cyst Bladder
Hepat Liver
Scler Hard
ABG Arterial Blood Gas
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
BMP Basic Metabolic Profile
BS Blood Sugar
BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen
Bx Biopsy
C&S Culture and Sensitivity
Ca Calcium
CBC Complete Blood Count
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Dx Diagnosis
ECG Electrocardiogram
ER Emergency Room
ESR/Westigren/Sed Rate Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Fe Iron
FUO Fever of Unknown Origin
HCT Hematocrit
HGB Hemoglobin
HH Hematocrit and Hemoglobin
Hx History
H2O Water
IV Intravenous
K+ Potassium
MI Myocardial Infarction
Na+ Sodium
Neg Negative
NPO Nothing By Mouth
O2 Oxygen
O&P Ova and Parasite
p.o Orally
Pos Positive
PP Postprandial (after meal)
PRN As Necessary
pt Patient
PT Prothrombin Time
PTT Partial Thromboplastin Time
QNS Quality Not Sufficient
RBC Red Blood Count
RR Recovery Room
STAT Immediately
Sx Symptoms
UA Urinalysis
WBC White Blood Count
Plural of A AE
Plural of EN INA
Plural of EX, IX ICES
Plural of IS ES
Singular of NGES NX
Singular of A ON, UM
Singular of I US
Created by: Bonavita_M
Popular Medical sets




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