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MOT 136

Ch 30 Test Review

True or False: When taking a patient's temperature, you must indicate in the chart the location that it was taken (o = orally, T = tympanic, A = axillary) False
If a bed ridden patient has chills and shivering What would you expect the body temperature to be? increased
True or False: The volume of the pulse refers to the length of time between each beat. False
Where is the tympanic location for taking a temperature? in the ear.
True or False: The risk of becomming hypertensive increases with the patient's age and weight. True
What is the significance of the the tympanic membrane? It shares the blood supply that reaches the hypothalamus, which is the brain's temperature regulator.
True or False: The pulse rate may vary with the respiratory rate in pediatric patients. True
What does the hypothalamus do? It is the brain's temperature regulator.
Why is the tympanic location the most accurate location for taking a person's temperature? Because it record the temperature of the blood that is closest to the hypothalamus and therefore reflects a true measure of the core body temperature.
The ___________ is considered to be the most accurate location for taking a persons temperature. tympanic temperature
The pulse should be counted for how long to get the most accurate count? 1 min
Define Rales abnormal or crackling breath sounds during inspiration.
True or False: Febrile refers to a decreased body temperature. False
True or False: It is unusual for an infant to develop febrile illnesses during the first 3 months of life. True
True or False: variation frm the patient's average body temperature range may be the first warning of an illness? True
True or False: The pulse rate may vary with the respiratory rate in pediatric patients. True
True or False: The volume of the pulse refers to the length of time between each beat False
True or False: Rales indicate airway obstruction with thick secretions False
True or False: Secondary hypertension may be caused by renal disease True
True or False: Atherosclerotic plaques can lead to hypertension True
True or False: The potential to development of hypertension increases with age and weight. True
True or False: Syncope can occur if a patient has orthostatic hypotension. True
True or False: A palpated blood pressure of 60/P indicates the diastolic reading is 60. False
True or False: Caffeine may temporarily increase a patient’s blood pressure. True
True or False: The rubber bladder in the blood pressure cuff does not have to be completely deflated between readings. False
True or False: A patient weight of 150 lb is equivalent to 330 kg. False
True or False: Patients with diabetes do not need to be weighed at every visit. False
What would be considered normal pulse for an average-sized 37-year-old patient in good health? 60 to 80
When taking the pulse, where should you position the artery to be measured in relation to the level of the heart? below or at the same level
If a patient receives a diagnosis of secondary hypertension, this mean what? that the hypertension is associated with another disease
How can you help patients feel comfortable about having their weight measured in the office? place the scale in a private area of the office
When a blood pressure cuff is deflated, the first tapping sound is the _______pressure. Systolic
Which of the following pulses is auscultated with a stethoscope? Apical
Which of the following pulses is palpated on the wrist? Radial
Which of the following pulses is palpated on either side of the eyes? Temporal
Which of the following pulses is palpated behind the knee? Popliteal
Which of the following pulses is palpated behind the ankle? Posteria Tebia
Which of the following pulses is palpated on top of the foot? Dorsalis Pedis
Which of the following pulses is palpated above the elbow? Brachial
If a patient is anxious, the medical assistant would expect the pulse to be? Increased
If a patient is a marathon runner, you expect the resting pulse to be? Decreased
When a blood pressure cuff is deflated, the last tapping sound is the _____ pressure. Diastolic
Aural temperatures are recommended when possible because? The tympanic membrane shares the blood supply of the hypothalamus, the ear canal is a protected cavity, there is reduced risk of spreading communicable diseases, all of the above
A patient who is _____ has an elevated body temperature. febrile
A patient with ____ has abnormal rumbling sounds on expiration that indicate airway obstruction with thick secretions or bronchospasms. rhonchi
A newborn with periods of ____ actually stops breathing momentarily. apnea
____________ hypertension develops without a known cause. Essential or primary
A patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has difficulty breathing or ______ . dyspnea
A patient with a blood pressure of less than 90/50 mm Hg has a diagnosis of ______ . hypotension
A patient with _______ has regular but slow respirations. bradypnea
_________ hypotension occurs when a patient has a sudden drop in blood pressure after rapidly changing positions from lying to standing. Orthostatic
A ______________ us an instrument that measures the volume of inhaled and exhaled air spirometer
The medical term for fainting is ___________? syncope
An individual with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who must sit up to breathe comfortably is said to have _____________. orthopnea
An elderly patient who has a pulse that is scarcely perceptible is said to have a _________ pulse. thready
The medical term for ear wax is ___________? cerumen
A patient with an elevated blood pressure that is associated with alcoholism has a diagnosis of ______________ hypertension. secondary
Discuss the OSHA guidelines for taking vital signs. 1. Wash your hands before and after each exam2. Always use protective disposable sheaths on all forms of thermometers 3. Immediately disinfect any equipment that has become contaminated during the procedure
Discuss the OSHA guidelines for taking vital signs. 4. Wear gloves if the potential exists for contracting any open areas or body fluids5. When caring for a patient with a known respiratory infectious disorder, such as TB, use protective clothing including a face shield or mask as indicated.
Discuss the OSHA guidelines for taking vital signs. 6. Dispose of all contaminated material, including thermometer covers, gloves, and disinfectant swabs, in the proper biohazard waste containers.
Created by: kbcanarr
Popular Medical sets




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