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chapter 9

Blood, Lymph, and Immune system

Erythrocytes red blood cells, transport O2 to cells and remove CO2 from the cells
Leukocytes white cells that provide protection against invasion by pathogens and aid in the healing process
Platelets provide a mechanism for blood clotting
hem/o hemat/o blood
cyt/o cell
erythr/o red
leuk/o white
thromb/o blood clot
embol/o embolus (plug)
agglutin/o clumping, gluing
ser/o serum
kary/o nucle/o nucleus
sider/o iron
phag/o swallowing, eating
hemophobia fear of blood or bleeding
thrombolysis separation, destruction, loosening of a blood clot
macrocyte large blood cell
hemopoiesis formation, production of blood
hemostasis standing still of blood
hematoma tumor composed of blood
thromboid resembling a thrombus
siderpenia decrease or deficiency of iron
phagocyte cell that swallows or eats (injests)
thrombosis abnormal condition of a blood clot
Lymphatic system drain excess interstitial fluid from tissue spaces and return it to the blood. Maintains the cells that defend the body against disease
tonsill/o tonsil
cervic/o neck
thym/o thymus
splen/o spleen
lymphangi/o lymph vessel
thorac/o chest
inguin/o groin
lymphaden/o lymph gland (node)
aden/o gland
lymph/o lymph
angi/o vessel (usually blood or lymph)
sider/o iron
xen/o foreign, strange
lymphangi/o lymph vessel
phag/o swallowing, eating
thymoma tumor of the thymus gland
phagocyte cell that swallows or eats (ingests)
lymphopoiesis formation or production of lymph
agglutination process of clumping, gluing
immunology study of immunity
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
lymphopoiesis formation or production of lymph
lymphadenitis inflammation of a lymph gland (node)
macrocyte red) cell that is large
erythrocytopenia decrease or deficiency in red blood cells
leukocytopenia decrease or deficiency in white blood cells
Iron deficiency anemia Decrease in RBCs caused by insufficient iron in the diet
Pernicious anemia Caused by inadequate levels of vitamin B12, characteristic formation of large, abnormal RBCs
Sickle cell anemia Hereditary form of anemia in which RBCs take on an abnormal, crescent shape
Leukemia Crowding out of RBCs and platelets by WBCs, leading to anemia and bruising and bleeding problems
Lymphedema Abnormal accumulation of fluid within tissues, and is especially common in the arms and legs
Kaposi Sarcoma Malignancy of connective tissue that causes purple, red, or brown patches to form under the skin and mucous membranes
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is an autoimmune disease. Development of antibodies that attack the skin, joints, and other organs of the body. most common in women
Thrombocytopenia Deficiency in the number of circulating platelets
antibody (immunoglobulin) protein produced by B cells that protects against substances that are potentially harmful to the body
antigen substance recognized by the immune system that will elicit the production of antibodies
ascites accumulation of serous fluid in the thoracic or abdominopelvic cavity
ecchymosis bruise
petechiae small, pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin
titer blood test that measures the amount of antibodies in blood; commonly used as an indicator of immune status
Created by: sydneyespy
Popular Medical sets




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