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Nebraska Pharm Tech

Nebraska Pharmacy Technician Certification

BID Twice a Day
q Every
qd Every Day
pc After Meals
ac Before Meals
TID Three Times a Day
ad Right Ear
as Left Ear
au Both Ears
APAP acetaminophen
od Right Eye
d/c Discontinue (Discontinue the medication) or Discharge (Discharge from the hospital)
ut dict As Directed
Na Sodium
Cl Chloride
K Potassium
disp Dispense
Hx History
exp Expired/Expiration
PCN Penicillin
cc Cubic Centimeter
cap Capsule
fl Fluid
gr Grain
g Gram
gtt Drop
hs Bedtime (Hour of Sleep)
oint Ointment
ung Ointment
L Liter
mL Milliliter
PRN Whenever Necessary/As Needed
qs Quantity Sufficient
qty Quantity
Rx Prescription
mg Milligram
mcg Microgram
STAT Immediately
tab Tablet
VO Verbal Order
NS Normal Saline (0.9% NaCl)
tsp Teaspoonful
Tbsp Tablespoonful
PO By Mouth (Per Os)
NPO Nothing By Mouth
Δ Change
Less Than
> Greater Than
XR Extended Release
SR Sustained Release
EC Enteric Coated
LA Long Acting
oz Ounce
sl Sublingual (Under the Tongue)
SQ Subcutaneous
SC Subcutaneous
mg/kg Milligrams of Medication per Kilogram of Body Weight
mEq Milliequivalent
pt Patient
MSO4 Morphine Sulfate
disp Dispense
Mg Magnesium
D Dextrose
D5W 5% Dextrose and Water
os Left Eye
ou Both Eyes
ad lib As Desired
U Unit
TCA Tricyclic Antidepressant
TCT Tech-Check-Tech
SWI Sterile Water for Injection
SSRI Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
RTS Return to Stock or Return to Shelf
OTC Over the Counter
PA Prior Authorization
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
POS Point of Sale or Point of Service
NSAID Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
NS Normal Saline
NTG Nitroglycerin
PHI Protected Health Information
PI Package Insert
PDP Prescription Drug Plan
NKDA No Known Drug Allergies
NKA No Known Allergies
NDC National Drug Code
LR Lactated Ringers
MTM Medication Therapy Management
IBU ibuprofen
IV Intravenous
MOA Mechanism of Action
MAR Medication Administration Record
IM Intramuscular
MAOI Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor
FWA Fraud, Waste and Abuse
FDA Food and Drug Administration
EHR Electronic Health Record
EC Enteric Coated
e-script Electronic Prescription
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DEA Drug Enforcement Agency
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
DUR Drug Utilization Review
DMEPOS Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies
DAW Dispense as Written
CCB Calcium Channel Blocker
BUD Beyond Use Date
BSA Body Surface Area
BSC Biological Safety Cabinet
BTC Behind the Counter
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CE Continuing Education
ASA aspirin
Created by: nevillej
Popular Medical sets




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