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Drug Contra-Ind

Contra-Indications for EMS use

Albuterol-Proventil/Ventolin, Class- Sympathomimetic Bronchodilator Do not give to those with known hypersensitivity to drug
Atorphine Sulphate-Aptrophine, Class- Parasympatholytic Use with caution in patients with Glaucoma
Epinephrine 1:1,000-Adrenaline/Epinephrine/EPI Class- Sympathomimetic No absolute contraindications in cardiac arrest. Contraindicated in pt's with known hypersensitivty.
Epinephrine 1:10,000-Adrenaline/Epinephrine/EPI Class- Sympathomimetic No absolute contraindications in cardiac arrest. Contraindicated in pt's with known hypersensitivty.
Activated Charcoal-Actidose, Class- Absorbant Contraindicated for treatment of posioning by cyanide, mineral acids, caustic alkalis, organic solvents, iron, ethanol and methanol
Ipratromim Bromide-Atrovent, Class- Parasympatholytic Bronchodilator For pt's with know hypersensitivity to atropine. Cautious in use with pregnancy and nursing mothers
Adensosine-Adenocard, Class- Antidysrythmic Pre-existing 2nd and 3rd degree AV blocks.
Amiodarone-Cordarone, Class- Antidysrythmic Patients with a know hypersensitivity to the drug
Aspirin, Class- Analgesic Patients with a know hypersensitivity to the drug, children with flu-like symptoms
Calcium Chloride 10%-Calcium Chloride, Class- Electrolyte In V-Fib, hypercalcemia, and possible digitalis toxicity. Used with caution with pt's taking digitoxin.
Diazepam-Valuim, Class-Sedative; Hyptnotic; anticonvulsant; benzodiazapine; antianxiety Patients with a know hypersensitivity to the drug, shock, OB pt's, depressed vital signs
Dextrose 50%-D50W, Class- Carbohydrate No contraindications with pt's with hypoglycemia, use with caution in pt's with increasing ICP
Diphenhydramine-Benadryl, Class- Antihistamine Patients with a know hypersensitivity to anti-histamines
Dopamine-Intropin, Class- Sympathomimetic Pt's with pheochromocytoma, V-Fib and tachydysrhythmias
Furosemide-Lasix, Class- Loop Diuretic Patients with a know hypersensitivity to the drug, do not use with pt's with hypokalemia
Glucogon-Glucogen, Class- Hormone Patients with a know hypersensitivity to the drug
Lidocaine-Xylocaine, Class- Antidysrhythmic Patients with a know hypersensitivity to the drug
Magnesium Sulfate-Magnesium, Class- Electrolyte Contraindicated in heart blocks or myocardial damage. Dilute in D5W
Morphine Sulfate-Morphine, Class- Narcotic Analgesic Patients with a know hypersensitivity to the drug, accute abdomen injuries and undiagnosed head injuries
Naloxone-Narcan, Class- Narcotic Antagonist Patients with a know hypersensitivity to the drug
Nitroglycerine-Nitrostat/Nitrospray, Class- Nitrate Do not give to pt's using Cialis, Levitra, Viagra, in shock, know hypersensitivity
Nitrous Oxide-Nitronox, Class- General Anesthetic Who cannot understand verbal instructions, AMS
Nor-Epinephrine Bitartrate-Levophed, Class- Sympathomimetic Not given to pt's with hypovolemia
Ondansterone-Zofran, Class- Antiemetic No known contraindications
Promethazine-Phenergan, Class- Antiemetic Patients with a know hypersensitivity to the drug, nursing mothers
Sodium Bi-carbonate, Class- Electorlyte No known contraindications
Terbutaline-Brethine, Class- Bronchodilator No known contraindications
Thiamine-Vitamin B1, Class- Vitamin Should not be uesd as part of coma coctail
Lebatolol-Normodyne, Class- Beta Blocker Not given with high degree heart blocks
Verapimil-Isoptin, Class- Hormone, Vasopressor Contraindicated in WPS or sick sinus syndrome
Diltiazem-Cardizem, Class- Cardia Glycocide Shelf life at room tempature is one month
Etomidate-Amidate, Class- Hypnotic Known hypersensitivity, marked hypotension, severe asthma, severe cardiovascular disease
Fentanyl-Sublimaze, Class- Narcotic Analgesic In patients who have received MAO inhibitors within 14 days
Haliperidol-Haldol, Class- Antipsychotic In parkinson's disease, seizure disorders, coma, alcoholism, severe mental depression
Lorazepam-Ativan, Class- Sedative Known hypersensitivity, children younger than 12, pregnancy, and nursing mothers
Vecuronium-Norcuron, Class- Nondepoarizing Skelatal Muscle Relaxant Known hypersensitivity
Flumazenil-Romazicon, Class- Benzodiazepine Antagonist Should not be used as a diagnostic agent for benzodiazepine overdose
Digoxin-Lanoxin, Class- Cardiac Glycoside In digitalis hypersensitivity, V-Fib and Ventricular tachycardia unless due to CHF
Methylprednisolone-Solu-Medrol, Class- Steroid There are no contraindications in using Solu-Medrol for accute anaphlaxsis
Midazolam-Versed, Class- Sedative Intolerance to benzodiazepines, shock, coma, acute alcohol intoxication
Oxytosin-Pitocin, Class- Hormone Contraindicated prehospital prior to delivery of the baby and in patients with know hypersensitivity
Succinylcholine-Anectine, Class- Depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocker Penetrating eye injuries, narrow-angle glaucoma, known hypersensitivity
Vasopressin-Pitressin, Class- Hormone, Vasopressor Ischemic heart disease, PVC's, during first stage of labor
Created by: robillard.james
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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