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Which of the following organs are NOT part of the Upper Respiratory Tract a. Larynx b. Nasal Cavities c. Nose d. Pharynx e. Trachae f. Bronchi | the Bronchi is part of the lower Respiratory Tract. |
Which of the following organs make up the Lower Respiratory tract? a. Alveoli b. Pleural membranes c. Trachea d. Bronchioles e. Bronchi f. All of the choices listed g. Thoracic Muscles such as the diaphragm | All of the choices listed |
The functions of the nose includes: | a. To clean and humidify the air b. A cosmetic role in regards to the structure of the face c. The sense of smell |
The larynx has an important function to play. How many functions does the Larynx play? | 3 |
The largest of the cartilaginous structures in the larynx is called the what? | Adam's Apple |
The lungs are made up of lobes - how many lobes are present within the lungs? | 2 lobes in the left lung and 3 lobes in the right lung |
The Bronchial Tree is made up of a number of different components. What is the order that the components of the Bronchial tree undertakes? | Primary Bronchi, Secondary Bronchi, Tertiary Bronchi, Bronchioles, Terminal Bronchial and Alveoli |
There are three steps within respiratory function. These steps are: | Ventilation, Gas exchange of Carbon Dioxide for Oxygen, Transportation of gasses by the blood |
Ordinary room air is composed of a number of different gases. What is the composition of the different gases. | 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 0.04 % Carbon Dioxide |
The central chemoreceptors pick up the levels of what chemicals in the blood and stimulate the respiratory centre? | Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen |
The peripheral chemoreceptors pick up changes in the levels of what chemicals within the blood? | Oxygen and Hydrogen |
The Pharynx is also called the | "voice box" |
Role of the epiglottis | The epiglottis is another caritlaginous structure located at the top of the larynx. It acts as a flap that covers the trachea during eating to prevent food from entering the lungs. |
What is Boyle's Law? | Boyle's Law is the relationship between pressure and volume in regards to the ventilation component of the respiratory cycle. |
The main control centre for breathing in the Mendulla oblongata is called the | pneumotaxic centre. |
What is the Hering-Breuer reflex? | The Hering-Breuer reflex prevents the over inflation of the lungs. |
As a person ages, the lung capacity declines. By the age of 70 years, a persons vital lung capacity has decreased by | 25%. |
Dispahgia | Difficulty in swallowing |
Which is the largest respiratory organ? | Diaphragm is the largest |
What does 'carbon dioxide retainer' mean? | when too little CO2 is removed from the blood by the lungs. The resulting condition is called hypercapnia, specially people with COPD. Headaches, drowsiness, lethargy, confusion and if not diagnosed and treated can lead to coma and death. |
This structure is called the windpipe and is supported by rings of cartilage. | trachea |
These respiratory tuves are primarily composed of smooth muscle and determine the flow of air to the alveoli. | Bronchioles |
The relationship between the pressure and volume of gases is given by ________. | Boyle's law |
Alveoli | Tiny grape like air sacs surrounded by pulmonary capillaries. |
Asthma | Bronchioles hyper respond to allergens. They constrict and decrease the flow of O2 into the lungs |
Blood transports most CO2 in the form of | Bicarbonate ion HCO3 |
Boyles law | Air flow in response to pressure change |
Bronchioles | Conduct air between the bronchi & the alveoli. Composed primarily of bronchioles smooth muscles |
Broncho dilators | Improve airflow and relieve wheezing |
Controls breathing | Medulla oblongata |
Dead space | Air that remains in the large conducting passageways unavailable for gas exchange (nose, trachea, ect) 150ml |
Diaphragm | Chief muscle of respiration, dome shaped, separates thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity |
Diffusion | Transportation of gases in the blood |
Dyspnea | Difficult breathing |
Epiglottis | Upper most cartilage, covers the larynx when swallowing to prevent food from going into the lungs |
Eupnea | Normal breathing |
Exhalation | Is passive, which means no muscle contraction or energy is needed |
For lung expansion | You need a negative intra pleural pressure |
Hering Breuer reflex | Prevents over inflation of the lungs * Controls breathing patterns, sneezing, coughing and yawning |
Hypoxemia | Low O2 in the blood |
Hypoxia | Low O2 in the tissue |
Inhalation | Is an active process which means energy is used during muscle contraction |
Kussmal respirations | Increased rate and depth of respirations |
Larynx | Is lined with mucous membranes |
Lungs | Cone shaped organs located in the thoracic cavities |
O2 plays a minor role in breathing,_____ plays the major role | CO2 |
Olfactory receptors | Located in the nasal cavities and respond to chemicals in the air which is your sense of smell |
S/s of Asthma | Chest tightness & wheezing |
Surfactant | Lipo proteins secreted by special alveolar cells that decrease surface tension by interfering w/ electrical charges. Allows alveolar inflation |
Tachypnea | Rapid breathing |
There are 350 million ___ per lung. Which creates a large area for CO2 and O2 exchange | Alveoli. |
Thyroid cartilage | Aka Adam's apple is the largest &most anterior larynx cartilage |
Tidal volume | Volume of air that moves in and out in one cycle. 500ml |
Trachea | Aka Windpipe to conduct air to and from the lungs. 4-5" long, has tough C shaped rings |
Tracheostomy | By passes obstruction &allows air through the tube into the lungs |
Tx of Asthma | Broncho dilators |